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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Thanks, but alas, my books are full. I'd love to do more but daren't if I ever want to get any work done. I'd love to play you later, if poss though. Perhaps someone else would like to get a PBEM battle underway with Sgt Joch?
  2. The damn site won't let you write a review unless you pay money! Shame.
  3. Good one MikeyD! That's the first blue on blue scenario I've seen. Look forward to PBEMing it in a little while.
  4. I guess part of the value of buying the CD of the Marines is the manual that comes with it. If a printer friendly Marines manual pdf was included some might feel hard done by (?) or less inclined to buy the physical package. Oh well, I'll be happy with my newly printed out CMSF manual. This is where living in Korea is a real advantage. Copy shops are happy to print out at low cost.
  5. Oh man, I really hoped that this one would get fixed. Its a bit of an immersion breaker when you find the BMP that started with 5 AT-5s ends up with 27!
  6. Thanks for your post Comrade Fat Daveski, I've already got myself a couple of opponents brave enough to put their ego and sanity on the line before my all-conquering forces, so I'm okay for now. Such trifles as you mention can be frustrating, but affect both players equally in the long run (and, just out of interest, I thought most such issues had been cleared up in the latest patch - what evidence do you have that they are still present? [Edit to add: just seen the thread about the ammo bug still being present, disappointing, but not a fatal bug. Most of my bmps don't last long enough to use up their missiles anyway!)]. In any case, PBEMing is too much fun to put aside 'until the game is perfect'. The game never will be 'perfect' and such players are just using this as an excuse not to risk 'losing'. Such people place too much weight on the end result and I'd rather not play them anyway. I like PBEMing because it forces a gradual development of the game and I can interact with my opponent every move. Even if I lose I still have a good time, as long as a good-natured banter can be maintained. Woops, my attention wandered there. Apologies for the rant. Any other players up for a PBEM blast should do as Scipo suggests and sign up at his "united wargamers" site. A great place for meeting opponents in all sorts of games.
  7. PBEMs have been fun for while now - some hiccups and annoyances, but still fun. Only one way to find out how 1.10 has improved things.
  8. I"ve had one response, but room for more. Guys, you've got to ween yourself off the AI. Play like Real Men should, against Real Men! (or Women, of course).
  9. Hi Moon, Sorry if its been asked before, but will there be a printer-friendly pdf of the marines manual? Particularly of interest to your download only customers! Cheers
  10. Thanks Marco, I should have read the post more carefully. Didn't see the dl instructions right under the pictures. Edit to add: I didn't rediscover this thread, I merely used Marco's link that he posted in his answer in the other thread.
  11. Thanks for linking to this, where do I download it?
  12. Come on guys, enough of this SP ego masterbation. You can beat the AI, and its cool trying out the new toys. But can it be described as 'fun'? Well, maybe it is 'quite' fun, but what's the big deal about humiliating your 'puter? Pah! Why keep the satisfaction to yourself when you can revel in the satisfaction of thrashing a live, and apparently breathing, human? Over a period of weeks or even months? That's where this game really comes alive. Get some real satisfaction, play a human. I'm willing to take on any side in any scenario or QB, so long as its 'Marines'. I haven't looked at any of them yet so you can be sure that I'll be playing without prior knowledge. Send me an e-mail via my profile. See you on the battlefield!
  13. Great stuff! Will this be the first user made Marines scenario?
  14. Before installing Marines I renamed the CMSF exe file to "CM Shock Force old.exe" and it opened a 1.08 PBEM file. Great! Then, just on the spur of the moment started up cmsf 1.10 and had a go at opening a 1.08 PBEM file. Seemed to be working fine. Looks like we don't have to ditch all our PBEMs at least. Shame, because I'd been winding down in anticipation that the new patch would make old files unplayable as they had done in the past. Still, I'll keep my old CMSF exe file for a while, just in case something goes FUBAR. So, anybody up for a Marines battle?
  15. Thanks John, E-mail sent via your profile. You'll have to reply to confirm/give me your e-m. Cheers
  16. QB SP WEGO Combined heavy armor mixed (tiny) results in a platoon of 4 Abrams (not sure what else the AI gets) vs a platoon of 3 T90. First engagement: my T90 gets the jump at 470 & 490m from 3/4 and the side aspect respectively. Result: four APFSDS rounds = two burning Abrams hulks. Looks like we get a decent armor matchup here! This could make Red vs Blue playable again. :D:D
  17. As posted in a thread I started before I saw this one: A UAZ dismount bug
  18. Love the target arc! Mod for 'turning down' the vile yellow anyone?
  19. Okay, once dismounted from the UAZ, the soldiers have the characteristics of soldiers and not vehicles. They get tired if you have them on 'Fast' and move at human speed. This is despite the movement command in the orders phase being restricted as per vehicles (for ex not being able to enter buildings).
  20. Hi there, Had a quick look at some scenarios before firing up a QB in single player WEGO(didn't want to wait to try out a T90). Took heavy combined forces RG vs Heavy Combined at the 'excellent' setting and ended up with what I wanted: T90s vs Abrams. The RG 'combined' seemed a bit odd though: I ended up with 3 FOs with UAZs but with no artillery capability. Perfect for spotting, which is essentially what I wanted. Is it possible to get artillery in an ME? Not sure, but perhaps that is the reason. Good job with QB selections. Not perfect (I still want more control over selection) but an improvement, so far! Anyhow, there are definitely issues with dismounting from the UAZ: I had difficulty selecting the FOs once they were in their jeeps, and when I choose 'dismount' I found that their movement was restricted in the same way as if they were still in the jeep! Fortunately this only lasts for one move, after that they give up the idea that they have four wheels and act as Real men again. I didn't see if they move as fast as a jeep, will have to try it again and keep an eye on them. Also, it seems that you can only press dismount once per turn. Very bad for indecisive commanders like me who tend to change their mind several times a turn while planning. This should be easily replicable, but I can throw over a save game if nec. Cheers
  21. We haven't talked about these ones: Maybe they'll be in the Space Lobsters module.
  22. If you're eating nuts it can only mean one thing: the end of the reign of the Refresh Monkeys! The Refresh Monkeys are dead! Long live their successors: Long Live the Refresh Squirrels!!!!
  23. So! ....on the last day of the week! Ok Ok, they said this month, and there's a few days of this month next week. It'll be then, I'm sure.
  24. Would the javelin and hellfire versions still need to be loaded by hand though? It sure looks like it. I suppose if you need to use those weapons the threat would be some distance off, and it wouldn't be as dodgy as when the danger is closer in. However, I'v noticed that BMPs are in danger of losing a member whenever they try to reload their missiles in the scenario that I've been PBEMing recently.
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