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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. ... and we just love it when the good folk at BFT are complaining about us complaining, because it means major work on things 'game' have been done, and they finally have time to return the incoming fire, right?
  2. On the other hand, relative to the life of a mayfly we are still one or more lifetimes away from the Marines module. Much better to think on a galactic scale.
  3. You mean turret center of the vehicle being spotted? So if my BMP can't see the middle of an enemy vehicle, it will be out of LOS? It makes sense now why I could hit them without seeing them. This would be one of those shortcuts that make the calculations doable by a home PC, I guess.
  4. You expect past history to predict future actions with this lot? You gotta be kidding....
  5. It is unconfirmed if this will work, but it might be worth trying it out: 1. Before you install the patch, rename the exe file of CMSF so that it is something like this: "CM Shock Force v108.exe" 2. Install patch 3. Old pbems open with your renamed exe file, new games with the patched exe. I don't know if BFT would be able to confirm or deny it this is a valid work around or not...
  6. :eek: ummm... you're kidding...? Right? Is this possible? Does this also happen on US vehicles, or is it only on BMPs? Documentary evidence? And if it is possible, its too scary to contemplate if this level of detail is simulated in the damage model... No no, you're pulling my leg.... aren't you?
  7. Unfortunately not. The BMP in front came through the explosion quite unscathed. Later on it suffered some casualties from area fire from the same source (those two BMP on the hill in the background, in case it wasn't obvious). I should also add that non-LOS area firing that leads to a catastrophic explosion happens twice in this one minute of action. I almost feel sorry for my opponent.
  8. Nice one! In general getting area fire to snap to the place you want is... imprecise. A similar idea would be to have the 'action spot' grid be visible in the vicinity of the point where the area fire line ends. Then you could simply attach it to the area closest to where you want to fire. This would remove some of the 'realism' aspect, but lets face it, having 'action spots' is an artefact in the first place.
  9. It was quite frustrating maneuvering my BMPs into LOS during this PBEM game. From eyeballing it the position should have been a turret down position on my worthy opponents vehicles, and when checked LOS with 'target' it showed clear right where the enemy BMPs should have been. So what the hell, lets try area fire and see what happens next move. Sure enough, a few strikes resulted, right on the edge of his mud guard, as you can see in this screen shot. Apparently this was enough to trigger one of those nuclear explosions (the haze you see in the upper part of the screen is the start of it). What were they doing, stowing their RPGs in the wheel well? There are a couple of interesting points about this. 1) It must be a LOS quirk that I can area fire upon APCs that I cannot see. 2) A catastrophic explosion results from a strike in a seemingly non-essential part of the BMP (I know the catastrophic explosions have been toned down in the next patch, the issue here is what triggers them). I'm sure these points have been noticed before, right? And have been fixed in the next patch? If anybody's interested the PBEM moves are available.
  10. Oh boy! Did you hear the noise from the POV of the tank? Little whistle then boom! I want it in CMSF! Somebody pleeease make a sound mod!
  11. Agreed. Having an indication of the equipment that makes up the unit is important. If I want to pick up a platoon of T-72 turms-t then I should be able to find which unit they belong to and choose them. At present it is a lottery. This would solve the problem you have when you try to test different equipment vs each other, but leaves open the problem of balance when you want to PBEM. Perhaps the only possible way is by gentleman's agreement? Putting a value on modern equipment is difficult, but with experience some rules could be worked out for fairish matchups, as was done for CMX1.
  12. So no changes at all planned to the current CMSF QB system? That is disappointing. The current one is an exercise in frustration. There are times when all you really want is a tank vs tank slug fest, with a sprinkling of a few other units, but end up with a herd of bmps. I can understand the need to spend resources where they are most needed, but surely something could be done to facilitate the QB system to allow greater flexibility...?:confused:
  13. Is it possible? The vehicle was stationare, so I suppose it is. And no, there was absolutely no sign of it at the start of the next move. It just evaporated. Possible bug?
  14. Thanks for the reply Ironbar. Actually I just found almost what I was looking for here http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15197832/#storyContinued I would have preferred an article about Special forces, but this will do the job!
  15. You should also consider that many of us started WeGo with the CMX1 series, and have become set in our ways. WeGo rulz!
  16. Thanks MeatEtr, that helps to a certain extent. Its focus is the regular armed forces though, and not about recruitment into the elite units, which is what I'm looking for. So, if anybody can find such an article I'd be extremely grateful.
  17. Hi there, I'm trying to track down an article about something I remember reading a couple of years or so ago about the average physical fitness of those applying to Special Forces. I remember them saying that they had to lower the physical requirements for entry and rely more heavily on training them up to the necessary standard. They found that the average level of fitness in the population of applicants had fallen due to more sedentry activities of applicants these days (video games instead of sport etc). I've searched high and low on the internet, but can't find anything supporting my memory. Can anyone help?
  18. Thanks! Ok, they were all German and not Russian at all. What was the advantage of having two guns though? The only thing I can think of would be how it would work on a similar principle to the double barrelled shotgun. Edit to add: the second picture you posted looks to be the same one as in Flaming Knives post.
  19. Thanks! A quick search reveals this: But this still looks different to the version posted by Flaming Knives. Can anyone give further information about it?
  20. Interesting! Looks like it is sitting next to a leopard I: is it in a western museum? I just assumed that the first picture was Russian. Do you have any further info on it?
  21. Oh yeah, and this will be fixed in the next patch as well. Been playing a red vs red PBEM and although I've had the better of the fight 80% of my casualties have been from catastrophic BMP2 explosions - to such an extent my opponent has just about equalled the score. I've had casualties on the other sides of buildings from such explosions. One of them wiped out 2 whole squads in one go. Ouch!
  22. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=83375' Already noted in BMP-2s, and should be fixed in the next patch.
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