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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. I know what you mean, but that's what moving your guys at 'normal' pace means. They are not ready for combat at the drop of a hat, and probably more inclined to panic when fired upon. But yeah, sometimes the collection of men move in strange ways. Like when I hunted my 13 marines forward and they came under fire they all dived to the ground in a neat little circle, arranged neatly toe to head. With so many things going on that these little oddities will occur, no matter how many times they are tweaked I guess.
  2. Yet another time 'bump' until I get an official answer about how to tone down the covered arcs from BFT.
  3. Sure will, just as soon as I find time to dig through my gmail. Busy days recently!
  4. Shameless bump on own thread so that BFT can answer the question if it is possible in some way to tone down the covered arc highlighter tone to something more subdued.
  5. I think who sights who depends to a large degree on which tank is moving. In CMSF the moving tank is penalized heavily. Also I found that the smoke the M1s pop allows them to fire through it, but the T90s cannot. All they see is a flash of the M1s cannon before the shell smashes into their armor. Finally, the armor of the M1 FEP is superior to the T90 at range. While they can both shrug off hits, T90s are likely to sustain damage and die more quickly. My impressions after PBEMing Bad Moon Rising from the Russian side
  6. Your post is an interesting contrast to Grumbling Grognard's post. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=84287 Are you sure you guys aren't working together?
  7. Indeed! Reading his post it seems like he went in with a negative attitude, had a quick glance that seemed to confirm his preconceived notions and gave up. He then fires a parting shot and disappears into the gloom. If he was really interested he would have tried harder. Too bad for him. He's missing out on a lot more than we are by his lack of presence.
  8. Hey, Pinetree, if you can mod the bases, is it possible also to mod the colour that you get for the covered arc? It would be great to tone down the highlighter yellow.
  9. Oh say it aint so! Can BFT please confirm that we are stick with the horrid pulsating yickyness of yellow for the rest of our CMSF days?
  10. Don't know how many think the same way as me, but I find the covered arcs really bugging. Can someone please please please make a mod that is less 'glowy'. A nice subdued colour that blends in more would be ideal. You will be my hero.
  11. Absolutely. Target arc + hunt, and they still can't get parity vs a stationary tank. Yes, the terrain of "Bad Moon Rising" is flat, and yes it has some contours, but it seems not enough to hide the Syrians. Also, it seems that Abrams can see through the smoke they pop, but T90s cannot. I'm seeing a lot of flashes from within the billowing clouds but not the tank behind the flash. And then my T90s die:mad: You also have to figure in that I'm playing a cunning Norwegian, not the AI.
  12. The problem with trying to get flanking shots is that CMSF penalizes moving tanks over stationary. While you are moving you will see the other tank later and die quicker, it seems. Is this accurate or not? I would have thought 'hunting' a tank forward would give it an equal chance to spot a stationary tank, but what do I know? I'm having a hard time keeping my T90s alive vs Abrams in 'Bad Moon Rising' PBEM - its sooo open its hard to get a flanking shot.
  13. Ah, I'm playing the same scenario and that's what I get. I had assumed that it was not a bug but was having second thoughts after reading this thread.
  14. Am very happy to hear that things are going swimmingly well. Just hope that you don't get too rich too quickly and go and burn it all on fast women and slow tracked vehicles... especially when you've still got many modules, titles and whatever to make.
  15. Could you post a picture or a link please? I'd like to know what it looks like.
  16. Yes, but under "special forces" the only choice is "light infantry". How on earth do BMP-3s qualify as 'light'? Am I missing something? Edit to add: no, but if you choose 'tiny' you might not get bmp-3s.
  17. Just to update this thread - thanks for the update of the Hasrabit campaign, PT! It means I get to start all over again. Damn:D damn:D damn:D
  18. I haven't used bmp-3s yet so will definitely give this a go.
  19. Just about all mods will be fine. Mods only affect the outward appearance, not the underlying behaviour of the units in the game.
  20. Actually it seems like the second mission of the out-of-the-download Marines campaign is a lot like this! I think you would have to put huge sized labels explaining the point of the whole campaign, otherwise you will get a lot of "huh? This is boring" kind of remarks. Personally, I'm all in favor of it though!
  21. wooo, yeah that is quite a different. Please test the t72 question in the same way and let us know:D
  22. Ah! That would explain it. I just assumed Republican Guard, since they get all the nice equipment.
  23. Thanks for resurrecting this thread, Asso, though you will need to discuss 1.10 to be relevant, since changes were made to the QB system in the latest patch. My experience with the first QB I fired up was positive. Choose excellent Syrian Armor mix on a tiny map vs US Heavy and ended up with 4 Abrams vs 3 T90 + 3 FOW with no artillery. Had great fun, game ended in a draw. I tried to make a QB choose Syrians with the BMP-3 and had to keep on ctrl+Q-ing about 5 times without luck. What do you have to do to make these appear?
  24. Yes, I miss the 180* arc too. It seems strange that there is no capability to automatically create one because the code does not allow you to make any covered arc between 181* and 360*. In CMX2 its either 0-180* or 360. Please someone post a message with the hotkey for 180 degree arcs!
  25. Not a prob! I thought it was funny. If you hang around this thread someone might challenge you to a game (hint hint). Sorry, but I'm not into writing AARs for now, not enough time. Just got a whole crapload dumped on me and now have barely enough time to keep my regular PBEMs going. Hey, you're a Dave, Fat Dave is a Dave, why don't you Daves play each other in an Army vs Marines QB or scenario and do an AAR? That would make everybody satisfied, no? And make the world a happier place? (oh yeah, I'm a Dave too)
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