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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Ach! I got myself an external soundcard (creative 24bit), then went crazy buying speakers for each plug, and once I got my subwoofer I was so pleased with the sound coming from the two front, two back and sub. . Didn't notice that I was missing out on the centre speaker until I played a movie file and wondered why there were no voices. To get the centre I have to switch back to 4.1, but when I do this the sub turns off. It seems the only way out of this predicament is by selling the nice speakers and going for a 5.1 system entire. :mad: Oh well.
  2. Its just over an hour away from midnight where I live, and we're just about to head into town to see what's going on, so what better time to say "Happy New Year" to the BFT team and guys on the forum? A big 'cheers' for getting this game into spanking good form for 2009, looking forward to many more hours of digital destruction in the coming year! :D:D
  3. Apart from supporting MikeyD's request (along with more Red on Red scenarios), I'd like to ask a completely newbie question: how do you make same vs same scenarios? I had a go in the scenario editor, and I couldn't see how to choose Blue forces for the Red side (or Red forces for the Blue side)... I'm sure its very simple, but couldn't find info in the manual either. Thanks in advance.
  4. I have a 5.1 system but with no centre speaker. Can anyone tell me if the centre channel is used by CMSF?
  5. Hey, a big bump for this thread . Before the 1.11 patch: 215 maps After the 1.11 patch: 272 maps! Good job, and thanks a lot for the 57 extra maps! Is it possible to get a list of the other maps that were updated for 1.11? Thanks!
  6. Thanks Sgt Joch, Could you tell me how you managed to get your old marines module to work? I changed the name of my old cmsf 1.10.exe, moved it back to my 1.11 patched folder, but the PBEM saved games for marines didn't show up. If I move the 1.10 marines.exe back into the 1.11 folder it will overwrite the 1.11 exe (and they are different). If I change the name of the 1.10 marines exe then the game still won't recognize it. What am I doing wrong? Cheers
  7. No need to wait for the Brits module - not even a firm release date yet. When that comes out you'll just plug it into whatever patched version of CMSF you have. When our 1.10 PBEMs have finished we can just delete the old version of CMSF. All new PBEMs should be started in 1.11 to take advantage of all the goodies. In the meantime: On with battle!
  8. Can someone please let me know what size the patch file is? Can't find the info on bft. Cheers
  9. Now that 1.11 has come out I'm bumping this thread to see if anybody has tried just keeping 1.10 and a few BRZ files, rather than copy make a whole copy of the folder.
  10. Oh? I heard that the reason they didn't let the female sniper unit in was because when played PBEM her bust size increased by 1' every turn.
  11. Its an issue, for sure. How does the 'target light' command work in this case? Does range come into consideration?
  12. well yeah, for you... ... but I don't mind so long as my TOWs take out your T55s before they can take out my LAVs - after the 1.11 patch!
  13. ... and the module specific changes? You mentioned LAV armor ratings will change - is that up or down (meaning that they will no longer stop a T55 shell?)
  14. Fantastic! Looking forward to this, and looking forward to restarting all the SP games I've saved too. Still got a couple of PBEMs to go though, so 1.10 will hang around for a while longer on the system.
  15. ... and it would be nice if we could actually see anything on the screenie... I humbly beg you to post a a bigger file so we can see this magic at work. Using http://imageshack.us/ works. Pretty please...
  16. yes, I have a same problem in a PBEM. I haven't been able to hit his T55s with the TOWs and am glad to hear that it is a bug due to a missing TOW firer. If so, wow, interesting. This is a simulation of an inexperienced person firing TOW? I still can't believe that they would be that cackhanded...
  17. We don't get a day off to celebrate 1.11 coming out. Mores the shame.
  18. That would spoil the surprise. You do want a surprise, don't you?
  19. Thanks for the input! From that I guess its reasonable not to include it. The Saxon sure is one ugly s of a b, and from a visual point of view I would love it to be in the game. How on earth do you actually see anything from inside it? Are there cameras or periscopes or something?
  20. To move back to matters CMSF Brit: shame the Saxon isn't there. Are they used in the same way as the Marines MTVR?
  21. What's the beastie next to the jackel? Looks like a dozer blade - is it an engineering vehicle? And the surprise by BFT is that it works? Ok ok just trying to raise expectations to unreasonably high expectations. Can't wait for it to come out.
  22. Oh gee, when did it start and who was organizing it? Totally missed it. Although, probably just as well considering how bogged down with RL I am at the mo.'
  23. Could you be more specific about which folders need to be backed up in order for 1.10 to work after the 1.11 patch? Thanks!
  24. Don't worry, I don't abandon my PBEM opponents (even if you are currently crushing me!). I've just got a cr*pl**d piled up at work at the moment, and just when I thought it would die down, something else rears its ugly head. I should be through the worst of it by mid-December. One way or another we will finish the game!
  25. Ye gads! What is it with this thread? Is it some sort of in joke to leave it to others to complete your...
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