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Everything posted by Destraex1

  1. very nice. those men are important then. Reading death traps atm.... boy did those guys have access to some resources to replace stuff
  2. would be cool if surrendering units caused your attackers to lose men to guard duty
  3. Are casualties actually calculated and carried to the next scenario in a campaign? I noticed while looking at the map that each squad has kills recorded for battle and then campaign to date. So this logically means units are kept track of. But is the next scenario with that unit actually accounting for casualties and equipment losses? As I remember it CMSF did. However I purchased them all but did not get around to playing it much. Meaning I did not really apart from noticing that poor performance meant a different mission was selected by the game next battle, whether units auto replenished. I notice in CMBN it is telling me in the German campaign to keep casualties low as their will be no replenishment for a while. But when I jump into the scenario my HTs are chock full of infantry.
  4. link to sound mod for CMBN full pls?
  5. Did you try ending the task\checking if it was still active? Through task manager? Could anything be stopping it from unloading like a firewall\virus scanner? Disable these to try. Perhaps go clear\delete the saved game as it may be corrupt? C:\Users\your name\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\Game Files\Saved Games Are you an administrator? Does the game have admin rights?
  6. damn. double post sorry. internets is playing up
  7. You need to add a few more things to your formula a) Disposable income - % of and sacrifice to get it. = the feeling of guilt and what could have been after getting a game. Like a movie can you enjoy it socially? Will my friends be getting it thus allowing some fun conversations and comparison = game worth more $ c) Moddability and community - this is very important to the "fun" factor for me. d) Learning - does the game teach anything new? This adds significantly to fun factor for me. Detail and realism that can be realised over years of gameplay. A good game offers this... e) Support - a buggy game is no fun at all I would compare games less to movies and more to books, bicycles, soccer balls, remote control aircraft and other such hobby costs. 7hrs is not what I expect from a game. I expect much much more. I expect my game to last for years and choose accordingly. Some books give me joy for decades for $20. The author spends years researching them and they only sell slowly off the shelf being specialised reference in my case a lot of the time. I am actually really really hoping that Battlefront make $$$$ out of this game. Its a real Gem and meets almost all of my categories except for "enjoying it socially". A lot of my friends would have purchased simply for me to carry them along and teach them in coop games.
  8. You need to add a few more things to your formula a) Disposable income - % of and sacrifice to get it. = the feeling of guilt and what could have been after getting a game. Like a movie can you enjoy it socially? Will my friends be getting it thus allowing some fun conversations and comparison = game worth more $ c) Moddability and community - this is very important to the "fun" factor for me. d) Learning - does the game teach anything new? This adds significantly to fun factor for me. Detail and realism that can be realised over years of gameplay. A good game offers this... e) Support - a buggy game is no fun at all I would compare games less to movies and more to books, bicycles, soccer balls, remote control aircraft and other such hobby costs. 7hrs is not what I expect from a game. I expect much much more. I expect my game to last for years and choose accordingly. Some books give me joy for decades for $20. The author spends years researching them and they only sell slowly off the shelf being specialised reference in my case a lot of the time. I am actually really really hoping that Battlefront make $$$$ out of this game. Its a real Gem and meets almost all of my categories except for "enjoying it socially". A lot of my friends would have purchased simply for me to carry them along and teach them in coop games.
  9. actually I had heard somewhere that the germans experimented with speed and the allies used wake up tablets. no doze?
  10. the manwell already warns you of this. Why should narrow bocage be a piece of cake for heavy armour? Manwell says rushing through heavy terrain will get u stuck/bogged and even damage movement ability.
  11. the kit i think is a random variation. individual soldiers could not be kitted out exactly apart from weapons. In other words as far as I know the soldiers all use the same model with minor random variations. I don't think an MP40 man can specifically have mp40 pouches.
  12. no the PC and MAC files are completely different downloads. You only get access to the MAC file if you buy the MAC license. The MAC version of the game was costed seperately and required extra development effort.
  13. I love that finnish movie with the stug's in it.
  14. Do not worry. MAC will just work. It fixes itself. See I told you. Just wait it comes back
  15. not had this issue. I too use the option that only clears the closest tree tops.
  16. move the men and cancel the orders when you get them where you want Usually not needed though. The order types usually take care of what they do in contact. And I have not found any problems positioning the troops in cover that would be detrimental to gameplay.
  17. Zoom in you maggots. Do you wanna live forever? Or at least until Il find somebody better
  18. Also can your opponent see the silly names? When he IDs you or in the endgame round up?
  19. Do the names appear in game? Or just in the org chart.
  20. i have win7 64bit q6600 and works fine. 4600 nvidia
  21. I like to play all the angles. Zoomed to see critical battles and assess how badly or well things go. Zoomed out to path correctly.
  22. once they fix the menu resolutions they will get to it
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