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Everything posted by Destraex1

  1. Good question. Perhaps the manual is BETA and they want to ensure people do not take it as finished product.
  2. To me the MG42 is not distinct. You would not really recognise it as a GI on the ground if it was being fired at you. I'm finding it hard to tell the different weapons sounds from each other. Which is not so in other ww2 games I play. I know that some games (sturmovik) have pretty plain sounds because the recording is so complex when it comes to doppler effects etc in the sound engines.Don't know exactly how that make sense though. As you say though. Modders may even have something out before release.
  3. I am having trouble believing the mg42 sound especially. Sounds are very tinny. Loving the demo thx btw...... soooo nice.
  4. close combat 1 - the original microsoft one. this still has some of the best sound effects - EVER! Fields of glory - napoleonic
  5. yeah i remember that scene. love that movie
  6. killroy is a fictional character like a garden gnome. He turns up everywhere. he is like toilet graffiti. cool people draw him on walls. Challenged people later made this "insert your name" was here.
  7. http://www.ospreypublishing.com/store/King-Tiger-vs-IS-2_9781849084048 I have found a heretical version of the gnostic tank scrolls. It calls the King Tractor technically superior!!
  8. lol. yes that documentary is also on my most hated movie list.
  9. prolly right. They needed to redo the 1st one aswell then.
  10. At that resolution I cannot tell the difference. 360 is the only option? C'mon. you know you want to put a high def vid up
  11. there are so many of them out their. Different ways to power cars effectively. My point is that each one invented and patented is another one shelved making it harder to actually produce a new way that may actually have a chance of not being shelved. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ubY25mClGQ...feature=related
  12. its actually a feature in COH - yes I know its a gamey RTS. Their is an armoured car on the allied side that has a white phos ability that does exactly that.
  13. acknowledge your points.... will not reply further so as not to derail thread as you say.
  14. found first mistake in it. page 182. spw 250/10 has 2 x damage panes instead of showing the defence pane.
  15. the ipad hurts my eyes due to its backlight. Also cannot be read in good natural light. Kindle just gets better the more natural light u have. Amazingly clear. kindle fits in my pocket. Will be good for toilet, park, bus, train, TV etc reading. What a modern world we live in.
  16. I will wait until the .pdf version is out.... then it goes to the kindle. Reading it like this is too much work. EDIT: skimmed it and it seems like a very nice piece of work. Love the encyclopedia, descriptions and pics at the end. Love the silhouettes. Thats what I call great toilet reading. All I could have hoped for.
  17. akira are those pics touched up? they look better than anything I have seen in video AARs before.
  18. your screenshot is actually readable. nice. My native for playing this game in 1680 x 1050 for my lappy and 1900 x 1200 for my PC. So needless to say the text is generally unreadable. see all that black at the edges. Now imagine a standard 15.4in laptop screen and how big the text is? Maybe I can use windows accessability features to help me read it?
  19. Ghostrider. I don't really believe all german soldiers are as the article says. The reason I said "it seems" was really a bit of tongue in cheek for yet another media spin depicting German soldiers to "on average" be evil based on what seems to be bias information released many years after the fact. If you think about it, why would they say they bugged cells where they thought information would be had and then try to say they have the thoughts of average soldiers. I mean if I was to use time efficiently and had limited resources I would bug officers cells not average soldiers cells. The article also does not differentiate between SS and standard german army soldiers. There are frankly a lot of holes in the article. Apart from people wanting to sell books it would seem on the back of sensationalism. However I did find it interesting that they drew an average from this data. Especially when soldiers talk amongst themselves often in ways that do not reflect their actual opinions, rather their "heroic" show off mode.
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