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Everything posted by Destraex1

  1. Just wondering if: a) If I buy the download bundle it is a seperate key and can be gifted to a friend? If the original module is compatible with the addon for multiplay games? They may have been answered many times here before. So apologies for not having the time to dedicate to trawling.
  2. I have also quit PBEM so that I do not annoy anybody further. I am so glad this game has realistic time mode. I am going to have to stick to that. If I had nothing else to do but boot the computer every morning and hang around for a few turns every night then it would still be annoying P.S. Still tempted to try the head to head helper though.
  3. Hi Guys, I just annoyed a poor player from this forums because I simply did not have the time to allocate to PBEM games that are 60 second turns. Its just too much administration for such a small window of gameplay. Is there a setting I can use to change turns up to five minutes or so. This way battles will be over in 12 turns instead of 60. Thats 60 emails a game for each person (120 emails) if the game timer runs for an hour. For every 60 seconds of play you spend probably 10 minutes taking the turn, another 5 minutes mucking around with emails and then days to wait for a reply depending on the player. I am fairly busy and time is scarce. When I thought of PBEM I though, great a god send. An easy way to be efficient with time. No waiting for other people. Boy was I wrong. I find that it is better to set aside an hour to play a game to conclusion than to waste countless hours administering 1 minute turns. Am I missing a setting? Is their a five or even 10 minute setting? I know this would mean sacrificing some flexability, but at least the game would be finished before christmas.
  4. +1 -1 for normandy not being cliche by now. I am happy with normandy but would rather play Russia, Italy, Africa or early Poland/France/Norway.
  5. Thankyou muchly: "If you wish to install the game on a computer which has no internet connection, you must perform what is called a “Manual License Request”. After launching the game: a) click on the “Manual Activation” button write down or memorize the Authorization Request Code presented to you c) on a computer that is connected to the internet, go to http:// www.battlefront.com/activate d) enter your License Key and the Authorization Request Code in the appropriate place e) write down or memorize the Authorization Code f) go back to the computer where the game is installed. Launch the game again and click on “Manual Activation”. Ignore the Request code and click on the Next button. Enter the Authorization Code from step e above Off-line licensing is also a good workaround for online computers which experience problems with a firewall, router or proxy settings and cannot establish an internet connection to the activation servers."
  6. I have a mate who is now without internet. It seems steam will not let him play his games off line either.... I thought CMBN might give him a good game that can be played without the need for internet. However I am concerned about the initial activation process.... I can purchase and download for him... is it a file I will be sent to activate it on his offline computer?
  7. I prefer online games a lot of the time simply because humans are more intelligent than any AI. But yeah you do not get a really good experience with people sometimes.
  8. ahhh of course. Have not played that since BF2 died. I hated BF2 in its original form but back then it was really the "closest" thing around that was actually populated.
  9. Real time is my primary as well although I am am enjoying WEGO PBEM it is a very very slow slog with 60 second turns. I have the same problem as you. The mouse control is often just too slow, clunky and innacurate to allow me to get around. I think if the engine used all CPU cores things would be considerably smoother and easier to control. (I need to get a new computer.. mines an aging q6600 8gig 64bit win7 machine) I imaging learning hot keys would help a lot. Of course you can also pause the game at any time to give orders.
  10. I can agree with that assessment LJFHutch. But there are clans out their that do things correctly without being to hard with entry and training requirments. Like in real life good friends are hard to find. I actually find more fault with the players than the game designers. Players simply don't care if they die doing rambo. Funnelling people into the right tactics is a really horrible thing to "have to do". Its like running police on every game to make sure people are not being silly. I have been in and seen RO2 assaults that were properly managed. It is an awesome sight and just steam rolls the enemy hands down. The key is not to play with a bunch of randoms. Even if your not in a clan if you play the same server you will get to know the guys. An incentive to play correctly should not be needed when if people play properly they really do take all comers. The other way to do things is to make each person a squad commander and give him 10 AI to control like you could in operation flashpoint. The AI will not go gung ho unless given the command so for the most part attacks take time to position and carry out. In RO2 everybody is their own commander due to lack of proper military discipline. Its a game and people just want to have fun turkey shooting. I do find in RO2 things happen a lot more co-operatively than any FPS I have played except the flashpoint\ARMA series. The flashpoint ARMA series takes too long to play for a casual game. The RO2 game has good wholesome quick battle scenarios. But yeah CMBN comes out near the top of what I describe here except its not FPS. You control the squads and they do not go gung ho on you like individualistic human FPS soldiers.
  11. there is one german mission where all you get is three puma scout cars.... cannot remember the name sorry.
  12. Exactly. I fall into the category you speak of. I do not think I would be playing CMBN without something nice to look at ... a reward if you will. But yeah most games go too far to nerf realism as a compromise to all of the internet wanna be heroes out there. In RO2's case its all the RO1 vets that want rifles in particular to miss most of the time at only a 100 or 200m because it makes firefights longer and allows time for tactics. The real problem is the way people play computer games. They are all heroes with no fear of consequences... when you do give them consequences as you say they just don't want to play. It must be all rewards and no penalties for gamers to stay. There is a mode in ro2 where once your dead you stay dead until your team captures the next objective. Nobody plays that mode but everybody whinges about wanting weapons to be less realistic. the other problem for RO2 is that the game only supports 32 playes vs 32 players. Thats just a platoon a side. Not really large enough numbers to survive long enough to use real tactics without constant respawns. RO2 fixed this somewhat by having a gameplay mode that only respawned in waves. So every body spawned and worked together. Another feature was a timer to encourage the attacking team to actually take objectives instead of sniping as individuals. Its a constant love hate relationship. The fans think its too realistic but want more realism. For instance the next tanks are the t70 and pzIII. Realistic yes? These after the t34 and mkIV were the most common tanks at the time of stalingrad. The fan base is whinging about balance now.... you can never please them. Rifles work like they do at a real range, they can hit stuff. No we don't want that because we cannot have firefights for five minutes while we flank..... I understand but I do not want a rifle that was zeroed by a blind man because of it. What you want instead is to firefight at range which is not going to happen in the stalingrad city where ranges are close or to use more suppressing fire to keep heads down instead of going in the the fully fledged assault like heroes... of course you will out strip your own flankers. etc etc most players would rather die than being bored for a few minutes being suppressed. They will charge out of cover and take insane risks rather than be static. Thus the community wants the game nerfed so you run like your life does "not" depend on it and your weapon is a BB gun to put it nicely. But yeah RO2 has many similarities to the CMx2 development and the original fan base being lost some what or having trouble learning new "tricks". Another similarity is that the loudest "few" are the nay sayers while a strong community forms from the primarily silent majority when the smoke of game release clears.
  13. Actually on their forums most agree that ro2 is too realistic for them. They want to artificially slow the pace down by nerfing the weapons away from realism.
  14. You can change ammunition types and when a crew member dies their is an actual in tank animation of your when you attempt to change positions to man the dead mans chair.
  15. Do you want an FPS experience or a RTS style game? Iron Front is coming out soon for ARMA2 and is a paid addon. I cannot immagine tank combat is modelled that well in it either. But for now RO2 has some pretty immersive tank combat. I am not saying it is the most realistic, but some of the features in tank it models are the best I have seen. It is of course a much faster paced game than ARMA. But I have never really found ARMA vehicle combat to be very immersive or realistic. Steel Beasts Pro PE is the pinnacle however if you want armoured combat. It is what a lot of armies use for training and includes things like recovery vehicles. Steel Beasts is your panzer elite of today. It is light years ahead of anything else I know of. Has crunchies in it too which are done reasonably well for a tank sim. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4muMz6usAFg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy8qdN6erMs&feature=related Of course as you say their is also russian interface in a lot of games.... a new tank game that has russian interface is there is steel fury and tiger vs t34.... but again russian interface. There is a new russian interface game too which looked good by graviteam called Steel Armor:Blaze of War If you want close combat 3D with the best features of the earlier combat mission games then this is the right game for you. RO2 mKIV - of course RO2 is a multiplayer centric game. So sounds like you may not be at home here.
  16. I think you will find your finger is on the pulse if you say that a 2011 computer has trouble with it because of its single core antics. I find that is one of my only real complaints with the game along with the map graphics. The game just crawls along most of the time due to the combination of clunky camera and poor CPU performance. Cannot complain really because it is a sh!t hot game and one of a kind . I will be getting the addon!! As for operation star I own kharkov and have player the demo of star. But the interface is made of fail. The camera moves too slowly and is not accurate along with not being able to zoom out far enough to see the over all picture. Units are meant to be represented on a 1:1 ration but I simply do not see the numbers represented in CMBN. It is nice though to have a strat map leading into games along with the tactical maps allowing very well spaced deployment and concentration tactics. CMBN can represent the concentration in a scenario but not the decision to do so and gain local superiority on a tactical map, the CMBN maps are simply too small in most cases or when they are big are too confusing and clunky. Infantry combat is where CMBN shines compared to operation star. Operation Stars infantry combat feels much more like a random dice affair and never looks like men are taking cover other than going prone. CMBN is insane when it comes to doing infantry combat well and guess what? Thats what WW2 was about... still. IMHO the terrain graphics and effects are light years ahead in operation star, but the unit models and vehicle models are much nicer in CMBN. The unit and vehicle textures however are much better in operation star.
  17. I agree. A sound for each weapon would be super duper. This is also my pet peeve about IL2 Sturmovik. Every damned aircraft engine and weapon sounded the same. It was genral generic ville. Same goes for the uniforms.
  18. I would just like to add that if this game had a strategic layer things like this would not be a problem because it would be understood that the supply of artillery was coming from the strat map and would not usually be so over powering. Especailly since said strat map would allow us to cut the enemy supply and supporting arty to bits!!!
  19. I myself would only be able to reply once a day. A slow game does not bother. I will prolly drop both of you an email once I get my act together thx gents.
  20. I am keen to try a PBEM and do not know anybody else that has the game. Anybody keen?
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