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Everything posted by Destraex1

  1. Yeah i remember reading the brits still had a long way to go with that. Cannot remember the reason it was forgiven... the ruski's decided to pay nothing lol
  2. You have to be carefull on some forums. A lot of forums do not like having the same question asked time and again. They see it as a wound opened again and again with salt rubbed in. However a lot of forums also have borked search functions!!! Google being better at finding things on forums than the forum software itself... This forum is probably one of the few I have seen that does not have a borked search function. So it is expected that you use it. However in some instances you have to trawl 300 posts down to get an answer. Things that are FAQs will generally have a sticky post at the top.... in this forum they may even do one for negative feedback.... although again other forum mods would not have the, ahem, cough, sense.
  3. i'm changing my user name to gerryCMBN.. is that ok?
  4. Just finished the german campaign. Cannot say I did that well. Onwards to the American Campaigns now... Scrrenshots or it did not happen
  5. if thats true its very sad. i supposed the mg42 is the .30 cal is the .50?
  6. What is clear from that video is that tanks should not be fighting at ranges of 50m in built up areas, with no infantry support. Nice video though. Pershing looks smaller than I had imagined.
  7. I was also a BETA tester for EYSA. I basically wanted the CMBN we have today from EYSA. It almost got there too. It missed out on things like los issues and being able to move in buildings properly. The main problem with the game however was frame rate.... that was the real killer. Remember too that they attempted to do what CMBN does today in 2011 in 2003 with similar graphics and tracking of every bullet.
  8. It still seems to me that the evidence suggests the Sherman was certainly inferior to both German and Russian tanks. I remember reading about Russian Shermans being destroyed by the column during Bagration. iirc it was the 505 Tigers that did that. The Russians certainly did not like the sherman from what I have read. It certainly sounds like the Sherman would have been a much larger liability if the Germans got similar numbers of their current medium tank the panther out with the fuel and other logistics to support training etc. As it was the Sherman was made a good tank by the sheer size of the support thrown behind it to ensure that it has massive operational numbers in the field. I don't like the idea of crewing a Sherman that could be killed by almost everything the Germans had. Certainly in CMBN where we are dealing with early Shermans often without the 76mm, death traps would be an apt term for them. Almost anything was a deadly threat to them. As for the 155mm direct fire incident mentioned in Death Traps. I guess if it did happen it must have been a one of a kind.
  9. @ springelkamp, That may be true. however we are talking about the sherman being a death trap primarily. I also think it a little short sighted on the US commands part to say tanks should not fight tanks when they know from experience in other theatres it often happened. I cannot say it was the wrong decision to ship shermans rather than pershings or t26s from an logistics POV. But from an moral and morale POV it was not a good look. Something that would certainly be frowned upon today in the current theatre of operations.
  10. wow very nice. windows 8 looks like it may be the platform for this sort of thing.
  11. Here is the quote from "Death Traps" about the combat losses. I do not know what the Germans losses were like. I was out by a few hundred percent sorry. But the point still stands. That being that the US in one division lost a lot of tanks. They were certainly not likely to survive for long even when the US army had huge superiority in equipment, numbers and logistics. You could indeed say they were death traps as it is likely that every tanker that originally went in got his ride shot from under him. "the 3d armored division entered combat with 232 m4 sherman tanks. During the European Campaign, the division had some 648 sherman tanks completely destroyed in combat and we had another 700 knocked out, repaired and put back into operation. this was a loss rate of 580 percent. In addition to this staggering battle loss rate of 580 percent in our main battle tanks, we also experienced extremely heavy wear and tear due to the everyday operation of the equipment." The references to the m12 in what seems to be a direct fire incidence: "The fighting became so intense that CCA finally brought up some of the 155mm GPFs on M12 chassis from the 991st field artillery." "At that point, a German tank came through an opening in a hedgerow and encountered and m12 with its 155mm GPF zeroed in on the gap. The 155 let go and struck the tank at the base of the turret, completely decapitating it. the turret and gun were blown off, and the tank stopped in its tracks.
  12. death trap is a nick name not a literal appraisal. Its an apt one if the figures are true... what was it 800% of original force losses in normandy, not including repaired ones.
  13. I was more referring to the fact that the Americans had to adapt to the fact that the Sherman was likely to get shot out from under you in a gun fight. Some people seem to be denying this by saying that the Sherman tank was not likely to have that happen and there fore death trap was not an apt name for that particular book. Seems to me to be simple fact that against the germans the early shermans were death traps. Tommy Cookers, ronson lighters. As for the 155mm stunt, I understand that that is a not equipped for aT combat. But covering hedgrow gaps against tanks it could have handled if zeroed and it got the first shot off. It would have been a one shot solution to stopping an attack. A last ditch effort like suggested in the book death traps.
  14. Are we saying that the Sherman was a better tank than the german tanks they were facing and therefore the American tankers had no need for the 155 stunt?
  15. Just reading a book called "death traps" about American Armour maintenance crew trying to keep the poor shermans in combat. One section has an answer to the germans being the 155mm motorised arty batterys being used like anti-tank cannons. Another answer being the giant shells hitting the thin top armour of the panther decks. Apparently a 155mm blew a panther turret clean out of the tank. Does CMBN have the 155mm in this context?
  16. if this was implimented I would want warrior mode to disable it
  17. for me TOW was much more sterile than CMBN by far. The terrain was always flat and invariably had well prepared defensive positions. It was like siege warfare on a plain. The detail on the soldier models was certainly not better than CMBN.... the support for more advanced effects however was. Each mission in TOW was pretty much rail roaded and therefore sterile to me. I have pretty much finished all of the TOW2 campaigns BTW. I did enjoy them, especially the desert one. Also where are the community campaigns and missions.... the longevity?
  18. graphics in cmbn are acceptable to me. I had not hoped for more. I am appreciating the engine and detail more. For me graphics have got to the stage where anything more is better but not necessary in a game.
  19. yep. I am a real timer. At least until I lose my powers of concentration.
  20. looks good. But they really need new models with proper parkas to make these look good
  21. I would say their min firing range would not be in range if they were in map
  22. field manuals are vastly different to tactics employed and capabilities of troops. That much is well known during the napoleonic wars where it was well known that complex drills in the manual would not be meet the calibre of men that actually reached the front lines with "emergency" training and I am sure the same is true during ww2 also. However as I understand it the Americans had a lot of time to train... how many years they must have known they would eventually join the war.... I am sure somebody will correct me who has the actual figures....
  23. I'm looking for a mod with authentic ww2 weapons sounds. So will wait.
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