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Everything posted by Destraex1

  1. I think he is just trying to determine which German tank was the best bang for the buck in terms of how many tanks built and how effective it was in killing many enemy tanks. Its a bit like asking which tank was the workhorse of the german army. I would have to say the MkIV perhaps? But then late war some of the bigger cats had an absolute ball stopping russian offensives cold.
  2. you know the leaders name. Thats all that matters to hq!! Suck it up soldier!
  3. I like the graphics in CMSF and CMBN. For some reason their is a lot more immersion and detail than other games.
  4. u guys ever been investigated for fire bug syndrome?
  5. ahhhh. I notice now too that its really just a test for sherman and mkIV rather than a real scenario. Tis all goot.
  6. I agree paper tiger.... its rather like the modern equivalent of being an old 19c grenadier. You have an explosive bit of equipment that is rather short ranged and leaves you rather exposed to unfortunate accidents
  7. I agree with most points. maybe they do not show dead soldiers because then they have to keep track of current weapons and other performance like calculations. I mean a dead gunner is gonna lose his weapon to the loader pretty quickly and his ammo. But in general just a red cross over the icon and his last known status would be cool.
  8. iirc their is fire on burning vehicles, fire from explosions and weapons fire... but thats the extent of it smoke, dust and explosions work very well in the game. have a look in the background here
  9. I'm sure he means, in normandy during this period. You would have to check german records for tigers in the area as I'm sure a lot of american soldiers "spotted" un-confirmed tigers What I am sure of is that most of the german armour was facing the British.
  10. You guys are obviously not well versed in some other manufacturers dodgy practices. Silent Hunter V is a good example of the manual being different with different editions of the game. I ask because my only reason for pre-order in the past would have been a nice manwell. However now that I have a kindle a .pdf is actually better. go get your steel boxes boys....
  11. will the .pdf manual be the same length as the printed one that comes with the special edition?
  12. Moon that manual will be available in the standard edition as a .pdf? My kindle needs to know.
  13. Colour paper manual? Thats worth $20 alone EDIT: yep 200 page manual. I would have paid the extra but I now have a kindle
  14. Originally Posted by WillLight I doubt that's gonna happen, even for the contemporary base games (e.g normandy and bagration). Assuming they keep improving the engine between releases, making the newest release work with the old content will be an effort that will not really be rewarding financially to them as people will have already bought the earlier base games and (understandably) not be willing to pay too much to be able to combine the content... If it was possible id like to see them upgrading the other ones via patches so CM:BN would be on the same as the CM:Bagration. They have sort of done this already with CMSF and its modules. As far as I was aware you could make missions with all the sides across the modules..... thats essentially what I would want to continue with CMBN and subsequent addons. They keep updating the core engine and features for all modules while the modules themselves determine what forces\campaigns you have to play with.
  15. Well if you want Aussie ANZACS the mini series (with crocodile dundee) The Lighthorsemen movie - one of the best cavalry charges I have seen in a movie Breaker Morant movie Gallipoli Movie Kokoda - ww2 jungle action Attack Force Z - again ww2 jungle action- ok this is bad. Mel Gibson in a sort of Ramboesque comedy romp blood oath Australia - ok thats just a love story
  16. If your gonna do piece of cake I will do: Pathfinders the TV series. Lancaster crew colour TV series iirc
  17. how about the new ultramarines feature film.... WTF happened to this thread? lol
  18. I believe it was the publisher. The original name was storm of war. They even made the devs use "sturmovik" in front of it. Even though it has nothing to do with the Russian front this time around.
  19. whatever you do please make all the modules plug together. Sturmovik did that and boy by the end of it, it was the definitive combat flight simulator and perhaps will never be beaten.
  20. has anybody mentioned; band of brothers private ryan Dark blue world - although this is like the battle of britain rather than a normandy lead up. Brest fortress - just out i believe. Real panzerIII in it? Is every mans war any good? Ardennes action? Only the brave was ok. The last drop was good fun... not a great film though. Great movies; Tali-Ihantala 1944 das boot - i have the 5hr version in my hand sent by a mate but not had time to watch yet. U571 aswell was ok if a little incorrect. Always wanted to get my hands on the series silent service with bones from star trek in it. Stalingrad - german version.. what a great film!!! This is perfect if you want a german infantry perspective.
  21. I agree. I remember in close combat 5 the river meuse was one of my favorite mods.
  22. WoKelly. I have only skimmed this thread... so I am not exactly sure if its just rolling pre-planned barrages you want. But would it not be possible to suspend your dis-belief by assuming that pre-planned barrages had happened just ahead of you loading into the map. Broken buildings and damaged vehicles being placed on the map for effect? Steve is their any kind of marker that indicates pre-laid arty fire zones. That can be called in at any time?
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