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Nelson 1812

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Everything posted by Nelson 1812

  1. GaJ......... H2HH...got to be the best tool with CMx2 engine
  2. ....m, AI verse the Brits, bit big though... Brits would be you...
  3. Think your find that if a scenario has only terrain objectives you will get scores of 100-0. Try playing a quick battle version (I on is CMBN MG ... 2.11), and I think your find casualties are shown as part of the score. So you do get points for casualties.
  4. Doug need a tester for an AI ... you up for it?
  5. Best site for downloading CMMODS Other clubs... Band of Brothers. Best gaming... active club tournaments... (Member of all three clubs!)
  6. Think you may be wrong here... check out the scenario editor, mission, unit objectives. Neat as it allows you to set 8 different values. In some of my builds have set values on the officer core... then some on the Armour. On a current build have increased the values so the allies score double points over the axis (AI vs Brits... Axis Assault). Hope this helps. (Sorry me and panzermike agree... time in typing... I lost.)
  7. Had problems on my Villers Bocage map... Sure it worked OK, but now they will not travel down these routes. See video below... reversed, then tried to move forward.
  8. Noticed that tanks cannot go down a paved1 road when building placed on both sides of road... is this a bug? Tanks can go down a gravel road with buildings on the side. Rather confused here... thought a paved road would be the correct selection of road for traditional streets.
  9. It would be nice to have an index of scenario's... somewhere, CMMODs works well, in that area. Difficult to find most things here. I would suggest that most CM2 games take players longer to player (and test) and most do not have the luxury of computers at work, or being retired. Taking that into account many will be playing old scenarios. What I think may hurt the game is the confusion on modules and patches that may well put people off CM gaming ... hoping this 2.11 will enable all players on different models to battle against each other. Well at least with version 2.0 or above... It will be a sad day when we all need a CM degree just to play the game (Just joking).
  10. I am referring to the game file's. IE happy days 001 etc
  11. If you did change the file name, you would have to re-edit H2HH with the new file name and ensure your opponent did too, on re-sending.
  12. Perhaps rename your file... found on occasions a long file name causes problems. Also less gaps... not to mention, commas etc. Have windows 7 updated here, no problems..............so far! GaJ is your best bet.
  13. There is a 2.10.0 out there now... perhaps that will help? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h5upen3badaydta/pQlhVACgc_
  14. Remember in one tournament there was a similar problem. Can you still move the vehicle? If so try a new location.
  15. Have just started a multi-player over at BOBS: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/topic/14389/CMBN-Multiplayer http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/topic/17107/Viller-Bocage-Allies-Update-by-Ina-Pickle
  16. Think it may have been a first for me too! Cannot comment on this really, have not come across this as a problem, except for the above surrender that surprised me. Although if in close proximity to an infantry unit surrender must be the most likely outcome... except if your on the Russian front.
  17. Have you tried CMMODS site? http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/
  18. Thanks, glad you like it. May still need some work in places... wanted to get a version out before I changed over to MG... Few more trees around Rue Joanne Bacon gardens... some hedge lines to the north of the town can do with more openings I think.
  19. Think the best way to catch a tiger is by its tail, next best thing is to take its eyes out. If you want some practice, VB1 point 213 Allied vs AI Version gives you about five or six in 35 min. While building VB games have been surprised at how quick a Tiger can lose... its loss of firepower, loss of optics or its 88, in addition under heavy attack they will bail. Think one reason why so many tigers were lost at Viller-Bocage (Seven in one day) and the same for gamers is over confidence in the Tigers.
  20. Holland City Small Meet 072...orange dot Told him not to shout "Quick out and be saved... they must think we Jehovah witnesses."
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