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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Good point, perhaps adding new convoy routes from Iraq and Canada to Cairo, if the UK's captial relocates there. That would give the UK extra MPPs if the convoy routes are activated.
  2. There is strategy, do you expend resources on diplomatic pressure; which may or may not be successful, or not.
  3. Question - Why doesn't the BEK in Brest attempt to return to England? It stays in place and allows the Axis to eliminate it.
  4. French AI Strategies { #NAME= France - Algerian Troops Recalled To Paris #POPUP= French Foreign Legion Recalled to France #FLAG= 1 ; Checked for Once #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 2 ; 50% to Occur #TRIGGER= 50 ; Level = 0 as other level checks don't work #LEVEL= 0 #PLAN_ID= 3 ; One Corps #SIZE= 1 #LENGTH= 0 ; Marseilles - Must be a port for a Transport Order #GOAL_POSITION= 71,23 #DATE= 1939/09/03 #STEAL= 0 ; Set friendly positions: ; Tunis ; Marseilles #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 77,31 #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 71,23 ; Set variable conditions: ; 1st Line - France politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 2 [2] [100] [0] ; Set tactical conditions: ; 1st Line - Tunis not tactically threatened (dummy condition) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 77,31 [3] ; Set dummy activate position (no units at position 0,0) #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0] Summary: Units 1. Tunis Corps - Send to France, Egypt or UK 2. Syrian Corps - Send to France, Suez Title, Cairo or Amman 3. French Air Fleet - Disband? 4. French Navy - Send all Navy Ships to Central Med to engage Italian Fleet - Send all Navy Ships on Sub Hunt in Atlantic Diplomacy 1. Iraq to start convoy routes to UK or 2. Sweden to stop convoy routes to Germany or 3. Do nothing [ April 23, 2006, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. Spanish Counter From the AAR's it appears that Spain is the Key for the Axis and that Terif has a good counter to this; 1. UK uses Diplomacy on Spain! 2. UK reinforces Spain! 3. Allies Launch D-Day in Spain not France! Of course to stop Allied Transports from landing in Spain the Axis has to bomb the Norther Port!
  6. would be nice if the USSR would get once in a while the ability to go to war against minor countries even while not at war with the axis. Nice idea - USSR can DOW Romania, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Baltic States, Finland. Of course, they are conseqences to each decision. DOW Iraq or Iran then Turkey becomes more pro-Axis! Attack Finland too early and Baltic States may join Axis!
  7. I always thought that it was: 3 rolls - 25% for Germany, 15% for Italy and 25% for the United Kingdom; home of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
  8. I don't see the convoy routes not showing on the map as a game flaw, its a design decision. As with every decision some will agree and others will disagree. But overall, I like it. The one enhancement I would add is the ability to change convoy routes every six months, and not have your opponent see where the new route is unless they have an advantage in Intel. It might be to the north or it might be to the south, or perhaps it didn't change at all as the USA decided to stop sending MPPS for a turn or two to trick the Axis. This would require updating the Convoy scripts with a new parameter to identify the route - i.e. 0,1,2 (0 is the default route, 1 & 2 are the alternate routes) - adding a choice list box to the convoy map screen that can be changed every six months - and allowing the Axis player to see the true convoy route (not the default route) on the convoy map if he has Intel Advantage.
  9. Ike, in my view he was the football coach who decided who the quaterback was for the game, and changed them as needed. I would like to see the opportunity for a HQ to be appointed Theater Commander; i.e. Modes > Theater HQ, and give extra support to attached HQ units based on their Theater Command Rating. Patton would rank lower as a theater commander and Ike would rank higher. Example Rankings for Each Mode: Patton: Combat HQ= 8, Theater HQ= 6 Eishenhower: Combat HQ= 6, Theater HQ= 8
  10. My guess is that a human would overutilize it too if his opponent kept his armies on the coast.
  11. Found source of Bug - Level Parameter does not work at levels higher than 0. Changed Level to 0.
  12. The script I wrote to send the Algiers Corps to France Worked when Level was set equal to zero (0), but not when Level was set equal to 2. Any ideas why? ;--------------------------------------- ; France Recalls Reinforcements to France ; Test 1 - Changed Level from 2 to 0, added 2nd Friendly Position as being port destination - Worked! ; Test 2 - Changed Level from 0 to 2, to test Level Script - Script Did Not Work ; Test 3 - Changed Level from 2 to 0, script Worked! { #NAME= France - Algerian Troops Recalled To Paris #POPUP= Foreign Legion Recalled to Defend France #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 2 #TRIGGER= 100 #LEVEL= 0 #PLAN_ID= 3 #SIZE= 1 #LENGTH= 0 ; Algeria #GOAL_POSITION= 71,23 #DATE= 1939/09/03 #STEAL= 0 ; Set friendly positions: ; Tunis ; Marseilles #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 77,31 #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 71,23 ; Set variable conditions: ; 1st Line - France politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 2 [2] [100] [0] ; Set tactical conditions: ; 1st Line - Tunis not tactically threatened (dummy condition) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 77,31 [3] ; Set dummy activate position (no units at position 0,0) #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0] }
  13. I will post the script, gettting this unit to move across land is. PS: I set the trigger to 100 and set a popup. I saw the popup executed 5 times each turn but the unit did not move. ; Garrison script { #NAME= France Garrison - Beirut to Suez ; Popup so I can see when it activates #POPUP= Beirut to Suez #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 2 #TRIGGER= 100 #LEVEL= 2 ; PLAN_ID=0 is a Garrison plan #PLAN_ID= 0 #SIZE= 0 #LENGTH= 1 ; Goal is Suez Canal to block amphibious invasion and perhaps become Free French 20% chance ; If Suez is occupied then go to Amman, Jordan #GOAL_POSITION= 113,32 #GOAL_POSITION= 119,32 #DATE= 1939/09/03 #STEAL= 0 ; Set friendly positions: ; 1st Line - Beirut #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 118,29 ; Set variable conditions: ; 1st Line - France politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 2 [2] [100] [0] ; Set tactical conditions: ; 1st Line - Beirut not tactically threatened (dummy condition) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 118,29 [3] ; Set dummy activate position (no units at position 0,0) #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0] } [ April 21, 2006, 09:51 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. I am trying to get the French corps in Syria to move to Amman (so it will have a 20% to become Free French when France surrenders) and have tried both Offensive and Garrison scripts. Any ideas why it will not move. I have eliminated the existing garrison script for it. My goal is three scripts for the Syrian Corps 1. 25% Move to Amman, if not then 2. 50% Move to Suez Tile, if not then 3. Transport to France (Length=0, so it immediately boards a transport if still in Beruit)
  15. Coup in Turkey - unlikely the military was in firm control and firmly supported by the populace. Coup in Vichy Algeria unlikely, they were pro-French until after WWII. Coup in Iraq - it was crushed by the British who landed at Basra - no loops going to the Arabian Sea I see, not historical at all. Coup in Vichy Syria - unlikely, more likely was Turkish Annexation of Vichy Syria after seeing Vichy France give up military control of French Indochina to Japan in 1941 - unable to recreate in Sc2 as minors can't annex territory (I tried and it does not work). Some Turkish politicians wanted to, others did not. Those who did not won the arguement.
  16. In my view, Intel is only powerful if your oponent does not research it. If both research intel then its useless. My guess is that a player will often have an intel advantage for just a few turns and then it will go away. I do agree that gunlaying radar is often ignored by both sides. Probably because you can only get two levels in it. NEW TECH IDEA: Shore Batteries, i.e. like Anti-Aircraft but only good against bombarding naval ships. Coastal Cities and ports could be enhanced with Anti-Air and Shore Batteries. Shore batteries would cost the same as Anti-Air. If a city is conquered its shore batteries are destroyed. Shore Batteries Research - Cost 75 MPP, Max Level 2, Reduces Damage from Naval Bombardment
  17. Better if +2 UK advantage gave you a 20% of seeing each U-boat location, +3 gave you 40% and +4 60%. Thus you may see U-Boat 1's locations, but not U-Boat 2's which is close by. Simarily for the Axis, they should be able to see the location of RN ships. To Clarify: Intel +2 Advantage = Chance to see location of each enemy ship is 20% per ship Intel +3 Advantage = Chance to see location is 40% per ship. (40% for ship 1, 40% for ship 2) I would probably reduce this to Intel +2 Advantage = 10%, Intel +3 Advantage = 20%, etc. to see a ship. So that it happens less often. [ April 21, 2006, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. Or as was suggested - Each Intel Level reveals an additional segment of the convoy route or 20% of the route for each level of intel. Intel 1 - Reveals the starting segment of the route. (Start to Waypoint 1) Intel 2 - Reveals route from start to waypoint 2. Intel 3 - Reveals segments from start to waypoint 3. Intel 4 - Reveals segments from start to waypoint 4. Intel 5 - Reveals convoy route from start to destination.
  19. True one script is nice, but if Turkey is already pro-Axis by 40% you may want to switch it to become an Active Allied Nation. This requires a move of 40% + 100% as no activation script can have a value of greater than 100%. (I tried, and got an error message)
  20. Suggestion: 1. Building an A Bomb takes: 12 Months - long lead time. 2. Build Limit is 1 - so you can only have 1 unit at a time. 3. Requires Level 5 in a Specified Tech. Lower levels of that Tech give you nothing beyond popups says - Level 1:Uranium Enrichment Achieved, Level 2: First Nuclear Reaction,... Level 5: Atomic Bomb Test Successful 4. A-Bomb Costs 1500MPP. So while you are saving for this you can't build or research anything else for about 5 to 8 turns. 5. Researching this option requires control of the mine in Canada or the mine in Norway (Source of Heavy Water). If you lose access to heavy water you can't purchase any more chits in this tech. Futhermore, each chit costs 200MPP. 5 Chits = 1000MPP + Bomb 1500MPP = Total Cost of 2500MPP.
  21. Events > Partisans #1. This script reflects the sabotage and work stoppages that German occupiers would face after conquering Russia. These scripts don't create any new units, but they do add a bit of flavor to the German occupation of post surrender Russia. ; Russian Miners Stop Work { #NAME= Russian Miners Strike #POPUP= Russian Coal Miners On Strike #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 15 #PARTISAN_FLAG= 2 #ADD_UNIT= 0 #DISRUPTION_RANGE= 5 #MAP_POSITION= 111,17 #MAP_POSITION= 112,17 #MAP_POSITION= 136,2 } ; Russian Oil Workers Stop Work { #NAME= Russian Oil Workers Stop Work #POPUP= Russian Oil Workers Stop Work #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 15 #PARTISAN_FLAG= 2 #ADD_UNIT= 0 #DISRUPTION_RANGE= 5 #MAP_POSITION= 124,21 #MAP_POSITION= 132,22 #MAP_POSITION= 134,23 } Events Partisans #2. Added Post Surrender Partisans - 50% per turn for partisan units to appear on the map. This forces the Axis to maintain a large garrison in Russia after conquering it. Changed the other Russian partisan script to only trigger prior to surrender. This script adds several more locations where partisans can appear. ; Russians Resist German Occupation { #NAME= Russians Resist German Occupation #POPUP= Russian Partisans Resist German Occupation #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 50 #PARTISAN_FLAG= 2 #ADD_UNIT= 1 #DISRUPTION_RANGE= 5 #MAP_POSITION= 101,8 #MAP_POSITION= 101,9 #MAP_POSITION= 100,9 #MAP_POSITION= 102,10 #MAP_POSITION= 102,9 #MAP_POSITION= 103,8 #MAP_POSITION= 102,8 #MAP_POSITION= 104,8 #MAP_POSITION= 104,9 #MAP_POSITION= 105,8 #MAP_POSITION= 105,9 #MAP_POSITION= 102,14 #MAP_POSITION= 103,14 #MAP_POSITION= 102,15 #MAP_POSITION= 101,15 #MAP_POSITION= 101,14 #MAP_POSITION= 100,15 #MAP_POSITION= 99,15 #MAP_POSITION= 100,16 #MAP_POSITION= 99,14 #MAP_POSITION= 102,16 #MAP_POSITION= 103,15 #MAP_POSITION= 104,16 #MAP_POSITION= 104,15 #MAP_POSITION= 105,15 #MAP_POSITION= 107,9 #MAP_POSITION= 107,19 #MAP_POSITION= 107,12 #MAP_POSITION= 114,15 #MAP_POSITION= 112,10 #MAP_POSITION= 114,6 #MAP_POSITION= 116,10 #MAP_POSITION= 116,11 #MAP_POSITION= 119,18 #MAP_POSITION= 119,13 #MAP_POSITION= 119,8 #MAP_POSITION= 127,16 #MAP_POSITION= 128,9 #MAP_POSITION= 128,23 #MAP_POSITION= 129,21 #MAP_POSITION= 130,12 #MAP_POSITION= 132,22 #MAP_POSITION= 134,11 #MAP_POSITION= 132,22 #MAP_POSITION= 134,24 #MAP_POSITION= 135,5 #MAP_POSITION= 136,8 #MAP_POSITION= 111,1 #MAP_POSITION= 137,12 } [ April 20, 2006, 09:05 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. Many thanks. I may have a way to trick the AI to send a HQ unit. I will let you know if it works as I want to test it first (its a cheat and involves giving the AI a free Str 1 HQ but it should work - i.e. Give AI a Unit HQ Str 1 on Position XX,YY. It reinforces it to 10 and then you send it to Brest on Turn X. HC - Adding a parameter to limit a plan to include specific unit types would be most useful.
  23. Events > Activation_1. This script makes taking Spain less predictable as it could cause Turkey to favor the allies. It should be noted that there are two scripts for this event. One reflects the impact of politicians and the other the views of the Turkish military. General Mustafa Fevzi Çakmak (also referred to as General Fevzi) was Chief of the General Staff during this time period. The change may be small, or in some cases 6.25% - 1 in 20) may be about 40% to 50%. ; Axis Declare War on Spain resulting in an additional random 10-20% increase in Turkey activation towards Allies: { #NAME= Axis DoW On Spain (Turkey->Allies) #POPUP= Turkish Leaders In Ankara Alarmed By Axis Assault On Spain #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 43 #TRIGGER= 25 ;10-20% activation increase towards Allies #ACTIVATION= [10,20] [2] ; Spain declared war on by Axis #CONDITION= 38 [1] [1] } ; Axis Declare War on Spain resulting in an additional random 20-30% increase in Turkey activation towards Allies: { #NAME= Axis DoW On Spain (Turkey->Allies) #POPUP= General Mustafa Fevzi Çakmak Vows to Defend Turkish Independence #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 43 #TRIGGER= 25 ;20-30% activation increase towards Allies #ACTIVATION= [20,30] [2] ; Spain declared war on by Axis #CONDITION= 38 [1] [1] }
  24. Events > Units - Makes the Axis conquest of Gibraltar and sending the Italian Fleet to the Atlantic strategy less predictable - it rarely happens so when it does the Axis is surprised, really surprised. :eek: 5% USA Sends Pacific Fleet to Atlantic if Gibraltar Falls to Germany { #NAME= Peace With Japan #POPUP= Empire of Japan to Withdraw from China, USA Lifts Trade Embargo #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 #TRIGGER= 5 #DATE= 1941/12/07 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 3,25 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 6,23 ; Is Gibraltar Controlled by Axis? #CONDITION_POSITION= 55,29 [1,1] [0,9] [1] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [Arizona] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [California] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [Enterprise] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [saratoga] } [ April 20, 2006, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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