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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Excellent points. There should be diplomatic penalties; USA moves transports or naval units far from shore then USA or Russian war readiness declines! (Why? Russia expects that the arrival of USA Naval forces in Europe means that the USA will soon declare war on Germany. Americans protest overseas deployment of their naval forces in a war zone.) Of course to effect this the Activation script will have to be enhanced for country specific units activation. and/or Naval units should be allowed to pass through Naval Units of Neutral Nations without stopping. and/or Build Limit for Neutral Nation Transports is one ( a variable set in the editor) until they are at war. [ April 18, 2006, 06:42 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. ----------------------------------------- AI Suggestions: High Level Strategic High Level: 1. Reclaim Research Chits Automatic once Max Level is reached. 2. Reclaim Chits Plan for reclaiming research chits in extremis - i.e. Warsaw is threatened, Venice is threatened, if script defined max chit level is reached. 3. Master Plan variable that links related plans 4. Plans triggered by number and type of units spotted/destroyed/surviving - i.e. by the information on the reports screen + known unit arrivals from game start. Example: If Allied fleet too strong, do not build subs. If Allied Fleet weak, build lots of subs. 5. Production Rules Rules with more parameters - ie HQ - 25% [Ratio to Air/Land i.e. 20] - Thus a 25% to build if less than 20% of Land and Air units are HQ units, otherwise Zero. Example: HQ= 80 [20](80% to build HQ if less than 20% of units are HQ units, otherwise zero) Air Fleet= 50 [25] (50% to build air fleet if less than 25% of units are air units, otherwise zero) 6. Diplomacy Plan should allow for purchase of more than one chit at a time. 7. Plan Priority Variable should be considered so that AI determines which plan type (or plan) to run first, second and third. Example: At game start USA should probably run Research Plan First, then Production Plan. At end game USA should probably run Production Plan first, Research Plan second, Diplomacy Plan Last. [ April 17, 2006, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. 27. Game - vs Axis AI. Russians cut off large numbers of Axis Forces NE of Riga and in the Balkans (again). Essentially motorized Russian corps were used to cut off and isolate Axis Forces. They swept behind Warsaw and created a line from the Baltic south to the Adriatic. Slow moving Armies and Tanks moved in to finish them off. Problem was that in Response to UK invasion of Greece and Russian Advance towards Romania AI operated many units to Balkans, including 3 HQ units. And NW of Riga 3 HQ and numerous Corps and Armies were cut off. Solution: AI should enforce the 1:6 HQ Rule for Germans and should withdraw forces towards Warsaw/Berlin, not towards Bulgaria or Riga. Somehow the AI should know when it is about to be surrounded and operate units out. The trick is how to do this so it does not operate out prematurely in response to Human fients. 28. Game vs Axis AI - German Navy did not engage and sink Finish Fleet when it was in the Baltic Sea. It sent one ship to attack, when that was damaged it pulled back instead of sending other warships to attack and sink Finish fleet. 29. Italy needs a Defense of Rome Plan. 30. Germany needs Defense of Berlin and Munich Plan. I mean, once Russians approach Warsaw forces should be withdrawn for the final fight. As it was only 1 Axis Air unit defended Munich, 1 Corps defended Berlin. 31. Reclaim Research Chits continues to be a problem - At game end German AI had 5 chits in Infantry when it was maxed out and 3 chits in anti tank when it was maxed out. 32. Italy did not invest any chits in research for 2 games straight. 33. Left UK,Canada and USA totally empty of all forces. AI did not invade even though USA was at war. At the least it should have taken London. 34. Axis AI is DOWing Russia too soon, all the time. This leaves it with too few units to guard France and attack Russia. 35. Axis AI also appears to be building too many German HQ units. It should stick to the 1:6 rule for German HQ units. 35. Axis Sub movements are too predictable. One always moves towards Portugal/Gibraltar. I have learned to just wait for it to come to me instead of searching for it.
  4. 22. Game - The Axis AI Leningrad Attack is really a game breaker if the Russians have one unit in Leningrad and another to the north of it. They just keep reinforcing each other and the Axis AI ties up 2 or 3 HQ units and five to seven Axis units trying to break then down. Either Attack them right by using Air Power to prevent them from Reinforcing or move on and leave a blocking force of corps behind, and the AI should not asisgn more than 1 HQ to support the units attacking Leningrad. 23. Game - Axis AI DOW on Russia, I have not seen it wait until Russia prepares for war yet. Perhaps it should sometimes. 24. Game - Axis AI advanced slowly in Russia not taking 2 open mines that were left undefended for many turns. 25. AI French Defense from Terif AAR - transport 2 overseas French Corps to France to aid in its defense. 26. AI French Defense - France should probably not spend money on research or diplomacy in the 1939 scenario. [ April 17, 2006, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. I agree, the opportunity to change sides if the AI calculates it is losing would be a great addition. Another item that I miss in SC2 is the point score that SC1 had and other games such as Civ3 and Gal Civ offer. That gives you a good way of evaluating your performance, especially if it saves the score so you can see your top 10 scores and the scenario linked to that score. Of course, you should get extra points if you decide to accept the AI's offer and change sides mid-game.
  6. Perhaps one day, the game will offer a diplomatic options screen where you select your nation's diplomatic response prior to the related event occuring and not have the game do it for your: Icelandic Independence - Accept / Reject ----- Accept and German Corps is relocated ----- Reject and Germany suffers a diplomatic penalty with Norway (10% to 25%), Sweden (10% to 25%), Ireland (50% to 100%) and USA (1% to 15%). Polish Partition - Accept / Reject ----- Accept and Soviet Union Annexes Eastern Poland ----- Reject and Germany Annexes whole of Poland while Russian Readiness Increases (10% to 25%) Vichy France - Accept / Reject ----- Accept and Vichy France is Created ----- Reject and French Overseas Departments become Free French along with any French units based there. Activates new convoy route to UK from Free French Territories. [ April 17, 2006, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  7. What will be the scale of your proposed game? Have you read the book by Max Hastings on this war?
  8. Currently Sc2 offers AI handicap of Plunder and Experience in 0.5 increments! Based on my short experience with the game I suggest that two more AI handicap options be added with new Event Scripts. (as this would not involve changing the user interface and players could easily activate or deactivate them). a. Diplomacy Bonus - where the AI would receive up to a total of X chits in one or more randomly selected country(ies). b. Tech Bonus - where the AI receives X chits in a single randomly selected tech area. You could have multiple Diplomacy and Tech Scripts for each country ID, but only the first one triggered would execute. This would allow for randomness in the bonus given to the AI. Example: Diplomacy_Bonus Event AI= 1 (for AI is Axis) Level = 5 (for Expert AI Level) Type= 1 (default event) Flag= 0 (only occurs once) Country_ID= 5 (for Germany) Trigger= 50 (50% of the Time the Expert AI receives a Dipolomacy Chits Bonus) Chits= 3 (number of bonus diplomacy chits) Target= % [Country_ID][Max Chits] (% chance this target is selected, country ID and maximum diplomacy bonus chits that would be applied to this neutral country.) Target= % [Country_ID][Max Chits] Date= 1939/09/30 This hypothetical event would give the German AI at Expert Level a bonus of 3 diplomacy chits in the country(ies) listed in the Target lines where each line in this section has a percentage chance to be selected. If 2 units are used in the first target then only 1 unit is avaialbe for subsequent targets. I could see at Expert Level the Allied UK AI receiving 3 Diplomacy Bonus chits and putting them into Spain or Turkey, the most likely targets of any Human Diplomatic Actions. Conversely at Expert Level I could see the Axis Germany Bonus chits going into Spain or Turkey or the numerous Minor Nation Allies (Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria) or even the USA! My suggestion for the German AI Diplomacy Chits Bonus would be: AI = 2 (Beginner) ----------- No Diplomacy Chits Bonus AI = 3 (Intermediate) ----------- 50% 2 Chits (5 in 10 games) -----------100% 0 Chit (5 in 10 games) AI = 4 (Expert) ------------20% 5 Chits (2 in 10 games) ------------50% 3 Chits (5 in 10 games) -----------100% 2 Chits (3 in 10 games) [ April 17, 2006, 12:12 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. This will be a list of suggestions for improving the AI gleaned from my experience and other posts on this forum. 1. AI does DOW Denmark, Benelux and France well. But it does not appears to attack other other nations other than Yugoslavia. 2. Game: vs Axis AI - HQ Problem. In one game I landed an Allied Force in Greece, conquered Greece and moved north. Axis AI operated 3 HQ units, Army Unit, Tank Unit and Parachute Unit from Russian front to stop advance. At most it should have operated in only 1 HQ Unit. 3. Game: vs Axis AI - Lone Corps takes Berlin. In this game I sent a lone motorized corps (level 2) through Enemy lines and into Germany. Corps reached and unguarded Berlin and took it. AI should watch the map of the bottom of the screen that shows the limit of Allied Advances 4. Game: vs Axis AI - Russian forces cut off about seven units NW of Riga. For many, many turns these seven had been trying to take Lenningrad. The AI needs to know when to give up an attack and move on, leaving only a blocking force in place. AI also needs to know when to pull back units. 5. Game: vs Axis AI - AI needs a better defense of France. It left only 3 units to defend France, no reinforcements sent. No reserve available. 6. The Known Allied D-Day Issue 7. Game: Allied AI should sometimes decide to use the Bomber Defense of Egypt, as mentioned by hellraiser - ie Bomb Ports so units can't be transported to North Africa. - Bomb City so units can't be operated to North Africe. This also applies when launching D-Day. Bombing Cities in the Area will keep the Germans from Operating Units in. 8. Reclaim Tech Chits - AI needs instructions on when to reclaim tech chits. I.e. When reached maximum research level in an area (this should be automatic) or at other times. Example - When Berlin is threatened, or to reclaim Russian rocket chit at start of game as Hellraiser suggests. 9. AI will never use Diplomacy as much as a Human and if it does it will not know to take Gibraltar or move Spanish fleet into the Atlantic. 10. Allied AI will not take unoccupied Norwegian Towns from Human. 11. Allied AI will not take unoccupied Brest until 1943. 12. Allied AI will not move to secure North Africa or once North Africa is secured move to take Iraq and Iran (Iran is totally unguarded! no units guard its capital). 13. Would like to see Allied AI operate Bomber to Malta occassionaly or send French Navy to Med to support British Navy in Sinking Italian Fleet once Italy enters the War. 14. AI apparantly does not retreat ships or units from Egypt through the route around the Horn of Africa or send reinforcements to Africa via this route. 15. Naval Warfare needes to be improved - as mentioned in other posts - as AI though much better than SC1 in this area - sends ships to attack piecemeal (i.e. 2 at a time) and not in large task forces. Sometimes withdrawing 2 from battle and sending 1 into battle in the same turn when it should either attack with all 3 or withdraw all 3. More to come. 16. Game: Axis vs Allied AI. Sent lone Romanian armor into southern Causcause mountain area. AI committed 5 units to stopping him - including HQ operated from Front, 1 Armor and 3 Corps. The Romanian Corps sat on a Mine and the AI corps kept attacking him one at a time, attacking, pulling back and waiting a turn, then attacking again suffering damage but giving no damage to the Axis unit. AI should have had all units surround and attack the Romanian Armor unit, instead of guarding the surrounding mine and two cities. (this was in the SE corner of Russia). In general, AI appears to overreact to units that are behind its front lines. This overreaction weakens the main front. 17. AI purchase decisions are too random. AI should decide on a strategy and then select the plans; planning, production, diplomacy and research, that implement this strategy. Example: Plan - Heavy Industry for Russia - Research Production and Industrial - No research for Rockets, Bombers, Air, etc. Example: Plan - Corps Flood for Russia - Produce Lots of Corps, Research Infantry to Level 3 Example: Axis Plan - Spanish Conversion - When France falls purchase 5 chits in Diplomacy: Spain for Germany, and 3 Chits in Diplomacy: Spain for Italy. - Italy Researchs Ground Laying Radar 2 chits - When Spain joins Axis then take Gibraltar with Spanish units - When Gibraltar is taken send Italian Fleet into Atlantic to sink Royal Navy. - Defend North Africa Plan Example: Axis Plan - Turkish Alliance & Russian Invasion - When France falls purchase 5 chits in Diplomacy: Turkey for Germany and 3 Chits in Diplomacy: Turkey for Spain - Germany Researchs Motorization - Germany sends 2 units to Turkey once it joins to lead advance into Caucaus Mountain Region Example: Axis Plan - Turkish Delight & Iraqi Conquest - When France falls purchase 5 chits in Diplomacy: Turkey for Germany and 3 Chits in Diplomacy: Turkey for Spain - Germany sends 2 units to Turkey once it joins to support conquest of Iraq. 18. AI needs counter and to do this also. Counter: Position Ship to Guard Suez. 19. North Africa - AI needs defend and conquer strategies for North Africa for both sides - allies and Axis. 20. Axis Malta Attack Plan from Terif: 21. Mediterranean Theature - Axis AI Basically the Axis AI needs to decide what to do in this theature. Currently it does nothing. Example: Plan 1 - Defend Current Holdings Plan 2 - Take Malta Plan 3 - Take Vichy North Africa Plan 4 - Take Egypt Plan 5 - Cairo Surprise - one amphibious unit takes suez and another follows in the same turn to take Cairo. Plan 6 - Withdraw from NA to Europe Thus it may decide to do: Plan 1 or Plan 2 and Plan 1 or Plan 4 or Plan 2 then Plan 4 or plan 5 followed by plan 4 [ April 17, 2006, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. Here is a Unit Event Script to be activated when playing the Allied AI. With this script if the Axis controls Gibraltar on Dec 7, 1941 there is a 25% that the USA Pacific Fleet is transferred to the Atlantic. Its a bonus to the AI, but an unpredictable one. NOTE: If you want this event to always be activated then change flag to 1, otherwise you must select it in the script menu at game start. { #NAME= Peace With Japan #POPUP= Empire of Japan to Withdraw from China, USA Lifts Trade Embargo #FLAG= 0 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1941/12/07 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 3,25 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 6,23 ; Is Gibraltar Controlled by Axis? #CONDITION_POSITION= 55,29 [1,1] [0,9] [1] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [Arizona] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [California] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [Enterprise] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [saratoga] } I have not figured out how to have the Pearl Harbor Popup not trigger if this event is triggered. It would be better if the unit event could be limited to an AI Level (ie so it could only occur at Expert Level) and would only occur if the Allied Player is AI controlled (without having to manually activate or deactivate the script). Of course, this is a temporary handicap until the Allied Naval AI is tweaked to deal with the Italian fleet arriving in the Atlantic. [ April 16, 2006, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. Yes, the industrial techs are important and are needed by both the Alleis and Axis to increase their production. What I find most useful to do is to rebuild destroyed units (those with the asterik next to them in the build list) as they cost much less (Thanks for that Tip Blashy, it saved the day for the Russians!) It appears that the first techs you should research as Axis is Intel, Industrial and Production - Intel because it helps your research, Industrial because it gives you more MPPs and production because it reduces the cost of your units. For Russians I would say Intel, Industrial, and Infantry. Any thoughts? Is intelligence truely needed? or should it be ignored?
  12. HC, regarding first patch. I would appreciate it if you would consider adding a global variable script to the AI scripts - i.e. something that can be used to trigger mutually supporting diplomacy, planning, production and research scripts - that utilizes the standard activation and cancelation commands. Question - which AI script runs first - Planning, Production, Diplomacy or Research? Can this order be changed or can scripts be assigned a priority?
  13. I expanded on the list of historical popup events included in Sc2 to include such items as Al Capone's release from prison, the expulsion of the Soviet Union from the League of Nations and the start of food rationing in the United Kingdom. Each popup has a 25% of being triggered, thus each one will appear once in every four games on average. Enhanced List of Popup Events for Sc2 I will be enhancing this list over time and noting the date of the current update. For those leary of too many popups, I have set the trigger at 25% to show about 3 to 4 popups per game year. As my list grows I will reduce the trigger percentage; to 20% for example, to ensure that the popups remain events to be relished and are few and far between. [ April 16, 2006, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. Many thanks for the update. Looking forward to the documentation. As you said the scripting can become quite involved and I am testing several ideas now and trying to understand better how amphibious invasions work - i.e. UK takes Trodheim if Norway is surrendered. So far I spent some time on new research scripts - creating one for each year - and diplomacy scripts - i.e. UK purchases Diplomacy chits vs Spain - as this seems to be a favorite Axis strategy. It would be helpful if you could play the game as a developer vs AI and see what scripts are triggering and what the AI is purchasing, has purchased - ie diplomatic chits, research chits, production. [ April 16, 2006, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. Possible AI Bug - RE: USA AI - TRANSPORTS AI controlled transports do not move during the turn they created. Humans move transports during the turn they are created. Scripting Tip - Use popups for Planning Scripts so you can see which scripts are being executed during the test bed phase. Possible AI Bug - RE: USA AI - Transports Transports ordered to the port of Manchester are offloading at Saint John's in Canada. Any idea why? I have a whole island full of US units now and 1 Canadian Air Unit. [ April 15, 2006, 03:14 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. In this thread I will post notes on my effort at improving the AI scripts for the USA. First - To test these scripts I play with FOW off so that I can see what the AI is doing - what tech levels it has achieved and what it is purchasing. 1st USA Research Script a. Created USA Research script for 1939-1940 that pours all MPPs into researching Industrial Tech and Intelligence and Production. I will experiment with changing the order of the tech research areas - I assume the techs listed first will execute first. So my first tech will be Intel, 2nd Industrial and 3rd Production with a maxiumum of 5 chits in each one. Am I correct? :confused: b. At same time created Purchase and diplomacy scripts for USA in 1939-1940 to keep spending in these two areas at zero, so that all MPPs go into research. [ April 15, 2006, 03:38 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. The problem is that you don't know when Vichy Syria will be set up and that the script editor looks for a country that exists at game start, not one which is created later.
  18. Concord Dan, To improve the USA AI try this; a. First Give it several Research Scripts, remembering that the first valid one is the one that triggers so put the one with the latest date condition (ie 1942 above 1939) at the top of the list. Example: a1. 1939 Research Script - 100% Industrial [5], 40% Intelligence [5], 20% Production [5], all others zero - this will maximize USA production. a2. At the same time have it invest ZERO in producing units and ZERO in Diplomacy so that all MPPs go to research until Jan 1941 a3. NOTE: AI needs a RECLAIM CHITS COMMAND. a2. Create a 1941 Research Script that focuses on Infantry and drops Intelligence and Industrial research to zero as the 1939 investments should have gotten the AI up to level 3 to 5 in each of these areas. Then General concept is that the USA AI needs a seperate research script for each phase of the war. Phase 1 (1939-1940): Increase Production - focus on Industrial, Production and Intelligence Phase 2: (1941-) Focus on Combat abilities. [ April 15, 2006, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. From my reading, this plan executes immediately and as you said only executes once. To improve try changing Type to 2 so that it continually executes and reduce size of plan so it executes with fewer units. As for the invasion script, it only fires as of a specific date - so the Axis knows when the Allies will invade France.
  20. Interesting post, though I don't find the Amphibious units to be a problem. Why? a. Vulnerability to Long Range Air b. If your opponent controls the seas you have a problem. c. Decreasing readiness. d. Most of All - unless you take a city - your units will be out of supply the following turn. e. Amphibious Transports cost more MPPs. (if you want to reduce these why not just double the cost) f. Forces Axis to guard his cities, given the shortage of units that presents him with interesting choices. The ability of amphibious units to make quick raids forces the Axis to garrison vulnerable cities or maintain a screen of naval units nearby. In Sc1 I could leave Brest unguarded, watched only by an bomber with LR air, knowing that I would have time to move or operate a unit in. Now I must guard this city with a unit all the time and devote a number of units to garrison duty when playing HVH. The problem is that the Allied AI does not know how to use this to threaten cities left unguarded by the Axis nor does it know how or which cities to guard. Nor does the Axis AI know how to counter an amphibious invasion or which cities need to be guarded. AI TIP: Have Allied AI Amphibious Assualt Brest and that northern City in Norway if not guarded by Axis. Before making adjustments we need to get more experience with the game in HvAI and HvH format and improve the AI. If this continues to be a problem then make the adjustment, but currently; and this may change, I agree with Blashy that the system is well balanced as is for HvH play, especially if the Axis has a reserve waiting out of sight to deal with them. PS: The USA made a number of rather long range amphbious invasions in the Pacific.
  21. I agree the AI is more aggressive than it was in SC1, especially in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. HC's forthcoming updates will make it even better. Now, I am just learning the system and seeing what the AI does and doesn't do, and trying my hand at a few simple scripts. One weakness I see is that the AI largely ignores Tech and Diplomacy, often to its detriment. [ April 15, 2006, 02:13 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. Can one make a script so that 5% of the time Syrian terrirory is transfered to Turkey (as Syria was a former Province of Turkey)when France surrenders and 95% of the time it becomes Vichy Syria. I tried it and both scripts - the one to create Vichy Syria (which exists in the game) and the script for Turkey to annex Syria execute leaving me with a nation that is neutral - not part of Turky and not Vichy. My thought was that the Vichy Syria script would not execute if Syria was already transferred to Turkey but that assumption was wrong. I also tried the annexation scripts, however they don't work for annexing land from a major power or annexing land from a country that does not yet exist (Vichy France / Syria). Any suggestions?
  23. Good suggestins and analysis Concord Dan and Lars. No reason to purchase HQ if ratio is > 1:X I would also consider adding a script that controls the order of script activation - i.e. Units/Diplomacy/Research. You may want to invest it all in Diplomacy or Research first, especially, after France surrenders.
  24. In SC2 the Allied AI never counters an Axis investment in diplomacy chits with Spain. It should be noted that this can be done via the script editor and based on whether Spanish activation % has exceeded a specified value, thus indicating to the Allied AI that the Axis is investing diplomatic resources against Spain. It might be something to consider for the standard game. Also, after the USA enters the war, and on the turn Prior to D-Day, one might want to consider attacking and conquering Ireland or Liberating Norway to hurt Axis morale and reduce their readiness.
  25. Thanks Blashy, I had not thought about creating different campaigns. Great idea.
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