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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Timskorn, could you post the code you used for D-Day. I wrote a transport code to the UK and for some reason my units - including HQs where being off loaded at St. Johns. My guess is that a Length of 1 might have had something to do with it, but I though that once a force was assembled it would turn to a 10 turn transport order. PS: I used a size of one to insure a constant stream of units to the UK.
  2. I agree on Japan, and here is the revised scripts for Turkey - note that the impact of the Turkish Chief of the General Staff has a larger impact than the attitudes of the politicians as the Turkish Constitution as written gives them the primary responsibility for protecting the Turkish state (and they have used this several times to remove the government). ; Axis Declare War on Spain resulting in an additional ; random 10-20% increase in Turkey activation towards Allies: { #NAME= Axis DoW On Spain (Turkey->Allies) #POPUP= Turkish Leaders In Ankara Alarmed By Axis Assault On Spain #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 43 #TRIGGER= 25 ;10-20% activation increase towards Allies #ACTIVATION= [10,20] [2] ; Spain declared war on by Axis #CONDITION= 38 [1] [1] } ; Axis Declare War on Spain resulting in an additional ; random 20-30% increase in Turkey activation towards Allies: { #NAME= Axis DoW On Spain (Turkey->Allies) #POPUP= General Mustafa Fevzi Çakmak Vows to Defend Turkish Independence #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 43 #TRIGGER= 25 ;20-30% activation increase towards Allies #ACTIVATION= [20,30] [2] ; Spain declared war on by Axis #CONDITION= 38 [1] [1] } I reduced the % change, to force the allies to spend resource to push them all the way towards joining the Allies. [ April 20, 2006, 07:52 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  3. I did not see a script for Turkey being affected by an Axis attack on Spain. But perhaps I was looking in the wrong place. Historically speaking, Turkey wanted to stay neutral during WWII and played off the Allies and Axis against each other. They hated the Russians (and though I understand why for Game Play reasons Turkey favors USSR, historically they would have been non-cooperative allies). They were also paranoid about maintaining the Turkish state in light of their recent conflict which saw - Turkey lost most of its provinces, Turks being ejected from Greece (and Greeks being ejected from Turkey). The Turkish Army command didn't much care if Germany attacked minor nations or Russia. They would have reacted to a German attack on Spain - by either moving towards the Axis or Away from them, whichever way they felt would have presevered the Turkish Republic, and during the war they vastly increased the size of their armed forces so as to deter an attack by any side and purchased weapons, at most favorable terms from both Germany and the UK! As for the event there is only a 25% x 25% that both occur - i.e. 6.25% and I may reduce the event to only one and/or reduce the percentage chance. The key in my view was to give an opportunity for the AI to counter an attack on Spain/Portugal. Also note, that the Transfer of USA ships from the Pacific only occurs 25% of the time if the Axis takes Gibraltar prior to Pearl Harbor and a peace treaty is signed with Japan. Thus I believe this to be historically valid. { #NAME= Peace With Japan #POPUP= Empire of Japan to Withdraw from China, USA Lifts Trade Embargo #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1941/12/07 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 3,25 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 6,23 ; Is Gibraltar Controlled by Axis? #CONDITION_POSITION= 55,29 [1,1] [0,9] [1] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [Arizona] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [California] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [Enterprise] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [saratoga] } Any futher critiques would be greatly appreciated and are most welcome. Perhaps I should reduce the chance for peace with Japan to 10%? Why - Japan was reluctant to agree to USA terms as it would mean a loss of face; however, the USA might have reduced its terms (i.e. accepting Japanese control over Manchuko) if it saw the Axis becoming stronger in Germany and wanting to ensure that there was peace in the Pacific. It would be most useful if events of all types could be linked to an AI level. [ April 20, 2006, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  4. Ideally you would have similar events where the second one activates only if the first one does not; however, I don't know if this is possible. I.e. Peace with Japan - 10% ------- If so then x, if not then 100% Pearl Harbor Attack, If Pearl Harbor Attack then ------- 10% Japanese Victory at Midway, if not then 100% USA Victory at Midway. Basically: 10% Peace with Japan and USA gets new Units in Atlantic 10% War with Japan and Japanese Victory at Midway 80% War with Japan and USA Victory at Midway Perhaps this will be supported in a future update of SC2.
  5. Cool. One item I did today is to refine 4 scripts to counter the Spanish Strategy - i.e. Conquer Spain and then send Italian Fleet through to Atlantic. Activation_1 Events (x2) 1. Turkish Alarm - 25% Turkey is alarmed - and switches 40% to 100% towards Allies 2. Turkey's Generals Pledge to Defend Turkey - 25% Turkey switchs 40% to 50% towards allies. Thus you could have a 100% to 150% swing towards the Allies for Turkey. Diplomatic Plan 3. Added UK Diplomatic Script so that if Turkey is >75% pro-allied UK will purchase Diplomatic Chits to influence Turkey. Unit Event 4. USA receives 4 fleets from Pacific Fleet if Gibraltar is Axis controlled. The key is that the events are unpredictable - Turkey will not always move towards allies or join allies, nor will transfer of Pacific Fleet to Atlantic always occur. Of course, now I have to write Turkish and Soviet Plans to take advantage of the Turks joining the Allies. I also added a Unit Script for a Turkey HQ unit to appear part of the time. #UNIT= 0 [10][0][Fevzi] Mustafa Fevzi was the commander of the Turkish Armed Forces during the WWII period. I rated the Fevzi HQ a 5. Of course, another option would be Mehmet Kazım Orbay, about 10 years younger and a 4 star General. [ April 20, 2006, 05:05 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. Excellent point - I would really like to tell the AI what type of units to use for specific plans. Too often, as is the case with the Siberian transfer the AI will send one tank unit to Moscow and another to Stalingrad. A most ineffective use of amor.
  7. Add both of the following scripts to your Activation_1 Scripts for a more interesting game: ; Axis Declare War on Spain resulting in an additional random 60-120% increase in Turkey activation towards Allies: { #NAME= Axis DoW On Spain (Turkey->Allies) #POPUP= Turkish Leaders In Ankara Alarmed By Axis Assault On Spain #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 43 #TRIGGER= 25 ;60-100% activation increase towards Allies #ACTIVATION= [60,100] [2] ; Spain declared war on by Axis #CONDITION= 38 [1] [1] } { #NAME= Axis DoW On Spain (Turkey->Allies #2) #POPUP= Armed Forces of Turkey Pledge To Defend Turkish Independence #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 43 #TRIGGER= 25 ;25-50% activation increase towards Allies #ACTIVATION= [40,50] [2] ; Spain declared war on by Axis #CONDITION= 38 [1] [1] } Total Possible: 100-150% Change in Activation! if both scripts are triggered! [ April 20, 2006, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  8. No you can't. But this has been requested. You can create new convoy routes in the editor, but each country can only have one. PS: I read the AAR on your sub-strategy and was quite impressed. Good original thinking, its whats expected from a Legend.
  9. Lars, excellent points. Perhaps; MPP= 35 [80,1][1,4] MPP= % [max dam %, turns][halt for min turns, max turn] Thus AI will send 35% of Production, unless Damage is >= 80% to the convoy route for 2 turns in which case this script will stop sending MPPs for 1 to 4 turns before it resumes sending MPPs via the convoy route. Any comments Hubert Cater? [ April 20, 2006, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. I have looked at the scripts and I don't see an AI plan for utilizing convoy routes. Ideally a convoy route plan would allow a script to control the sending or not of MPPs, control the amount sent (from 0% to 40%), and allow the AI to stop sending MPPs for a number of turns if the routes are taking heavy damage from Axis submarines. Example: { #NAME= UK Convoy to USSR #POPUP= #Type= #Flag= #Level= #Strategy= 0 (default 0, refers to Global Variable set in new Strategy plan which allows triggering of multiple plans to be linked) #Country_ID= (source of convoy route) #TRIGGER= #LENGTH= (this plan once activated will stay active for X turns unless canceled) #MPP= 40 [75, 2][1,3] MPP= % [max dam %, turns][halt for min turns, max turn] (Thus AI will send 40% of Production, unless Damage is >= 75% to the convoy route for 2 turns in which case this script will be halted for 1 to 3 turns before trying again, as the subs will have likely moved on.) #Friendly_Position= #Enemy_Position= (will allow UK to send more MPPs if Axis controls Moscow) #Variable_Condition= #Tactical_Condition= #Activate_Position= #Cancel_Position= #Date= } [ April 20, 2006, 10:45 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  11. You are most welcome. I am looking forward to seeing what HC will add in the 1st patch. Perhaps it will include a global variable that will make coordinating actions easier. Great news about the effort at Stalingrad. Its a big improvement over what SC2 has now. Generally my feeling is that once the Germans reach Stalingrad the AI should either fight there or pull back to the Urals and buildup for a counter push. Here is an event I added that is triggered 25% of the time if the Human Axis player takes Gibraltar. It makes the Battle for the Atlantic more balanced. ------------------------------------------------------- : Expert Level AI Events ;--------------------------------------------------- ; ; USA Transfers Pacific Fleet to Atlantic ; { #NAME= Peace With Japan #POPUP= Empire of Japan to Withdraw from China, USA Lifts Trade Embargo #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1941/12/07 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 3,25 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 6,23 ; Is Gibraltar Controlled by Axis? #CONDITION_POSITION= 55,29 [1,1] [0,9] [1] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [Arizona] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [California] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [Enterprise] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [saratoga] } ------------------------------ And to counter the Spain Exploit (as the Axis AI will never attack Spain) - try adding both of the following scripts to your Activation_1 Scripts for a more interesting game: ; Axis Declare War on Spain resulting in an additional random 60-120% increase in Turkey activation towards Allies: { #NAME= Axis DoW On Spain (Turkey->Allies) #POPUP= Turkish Leaders In Ankara Alarmed By Axis Assault On Spain #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 43 #TRIGGER= 25 ;60-100% activation increase towards Allies #ACTIVATION= [60,100] [2] ; Spain declared war on by Axis #CONDITION= 38 [1] [1] } { #NAME= Axis DoW On Spain (Turkey->Allies #2) #POPUP= Turkey's Generals Pledge To Defend Turkish Independence #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 43 #TRIGGER= 25 ;25-50% activation increase towards Allies #ACTIVATION= [25,50] [2] ; Spain declared war on by Axis #CONDITION= 38 [1] [1] } Total Possible: 100-150% Change in Activation! if both scripts are triggered! Of course a new Diplomacy AI plan has to be created that will activate if Turkey is >50% pro-allied. [ April 20, 2006, 11:42 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  12. Yes, I am working on scripts for the editor. In fact for Norway there are really two scripts for the Allies - 1) Take the northern town that is the source of the Convoy route if it is not guarded! and 2) liberate Norway once Germany DOW Russia and is occupied elsewhere!. I will try my hand at this on the weekend. The key is to have the Allies screen for Axis ships that may be laying in wait. As Blashy and yourself have said, its up to the users to tweak the AI if we want it to be all that it can be.
  13. Glad you like the editor. I am working on making the Allied Player stronger and will then switch to the Axis. For the Russian and USA production/research I created 3 scripts - one for use during 1939-40 that focuses on Intel, Production and Industrial Tech, and another for use in preparing to fight the war and the last for when they are at war. I have seen the same problem you did in the AI stealing units from important cities such as Stalingrad and operating them to Grozny. In once case it left only 2 HQs at Stalingrad and sent the tanks and corps from Stalingrad to Grozny in response to a long Armor unit. As for North Africa, I can pull the Italian Army out and the Alled Air Force attacks but no UK troops advance to take the base. Here is an Script That I will try my hand at - Send the French Fleet to Malta and the Allied Fleet to Malta to hopefully catch and destroy the Italian Fleet when it enters the war, and then quickly most of it back to the UK. PS: Here is a trick for coordinated actions Move the Canadian Unit in Ottowa to a Tile when you want both the USA and UK to perform D-Day. The script checks for a unit in that tile. If one is found, then both the USA and UK scripts are triggered. [ April 19, 2006, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. Issue 2: Archangel As a human player I often send a Finish corps to Archangel to stop any merchant shipping. Currently the AI responds by sending a HQ unit or a Corps and a HQ unit to Archangel when the Finish unit gets too close. If it sends HQ unit the HQ unit stays outside of the city and allows the Finnish corps to enter the city. I will add a script to have a corps garrison Archangel. The question is to 1) have the script activate from game start or 2) only when Finland enters the war. And then the question is when to cancel this plan - perhaps if the USSR occupies Helsinki and Finland has surrendered. Step 1 - See if there are any scripts that refer to this city. None Found.
  15. Since I have found it too easy to beat the Russian AI I have started to make a few script changes to reflect the difficulty of controlling a conquered country as large as Russia. 1. Post Surrender Partisans The objective here is to provide some distraction to the Axis player if he conquers Russia, if not then perhaps the partisans will liberate Russia and the fight can resume! 1.1 Increased Number of Partisan Units to 10 for Russia in Editor. I will have to test the impact of this on the Axis AI. I weonder if I will ahve to write a script for them to seek out and liberate one of the Russian capitals - so that Russia can reenter the game against an unprepared Axis player. 1.2 Added New Post Surrender Partisan Events ; Russian Miners Stop Work { #NAME= Russian Miners Strike #POPUP= Russian Miners On Strike #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 15 #PARTISAN_FLAG= 2 #ADD_UNIT= 0 #DISRUPTION_RANGE= 5 #MAP_POSITION= 111,17 #MAP_POSITION= 112,17 #MAP_POSITION= 136,2 } ; Russian Oil Workers Stop Work { #NAME= Russian Oil Workers Stop Work #POPUP= Russian Oil Workers Stop Work #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 15 #PARTISAN_FLAG= 2 #ADD_UNIT= 0 #DISRUPTION_RANGE= 5 #MAP_POSITION= 124,21 #MAP_POSITION= 132,22 #MAP_POSITION= 134,23 } 1.3 Added Post Surrender Partisans - 50% per turn for partisan units to appear on the map. This forces the Axis to maintain a large garrison in Russia after conquering it. ; Russians Resist German Occupation { #NAME= Russians Resist German Occupation #POPUP= Russians Resist German Occupation #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 50 #PARTISAN_FLAG= 2 #ADD_UNIT= 1 #DISRUPTION_RANGE= 5 #MAP_POSITION= 101,8 #MAP_POSITION= 101,9 #MAP_POSITION= 100,9 #MAP_POSITION= 102,10 #MAP_POSITION= 102,9 #MAP_POSITION= 103,8 #MAP_POSITION= 102,8 #MAP_POSITION= 104,8 #MAP_POSITION= 104,9 #MAP_POSITION= 105,8 #MAP_POSITION= 105,9 #MAP_POSITION= 102,14 #MAP_POSITION= 103,14 #MAP_POSITION= 102,15 #MAP_POSITION= 101,15 #MAP_POSITION= 101,14 #MAP_POSITION= 100,15 #MAP_POSITION= 99,15 #MAP_POSITION= 100,16 #MAP_POSITION= 99,14 #MAP_POSITION= 102,16 #MAP_POSITION= 103,15 #MAP_POSITION= 104,16 #MAP_POSITION= 104,15 #MAP_POSITION= 105,15 #MAP_POSITION= 107,9 #MAP_POSITION= 107,19 #MAP_POSITION= 107,12 #MAP_POSITION= 114,15 #MAP_POSITION= 112,10 #MAP_POSITION= 114,6 #MAP_POSITION= 116,10 #MAP_POSITION= 116,11 #MAP_POSITION= 119,18 #MAP_POSITION= 119,13 #MAP_POSITION= 119,8 #MAP_POSITION= 127,16 #MAP_POSITION= 128,9 #MAP_POSITION= 128,23 #MAP_POSITION= 129,21 #MAP_POSITION= 130,12 #MAP_POSITION= 132,22 #MAP_POSITION= 134,11 #MAP_POSITION= 132,22 #MAP_POSITION= 134,24 #MAP_POSITION= 135,5 #MAP_POSITION= 136,8 #MAP_POSITION= 111,1 #MAP_POSITION= 137,12 } [ April 19, 2006, 11:15 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  16. 41. Russia AI - Sends HQ unit - Konev to Forest Outsifde of Archangel when Finniah unit approaches. Finish unit advances into Archangel. AI should have sent corps not HQ to Archangel. 42. Russian AI - Stalingrad Defense - Axis forces approach Stalingrad after taking Moscow. When Grozny south of Satlingrad threatened operated entrenched Tank and (level 2) and corps from Stalingrad. Left 2 HQs in place to guard stalingrad. Bad Move. 43. Russian AI - did not switch to Sverdlovsk + Chelyabinsk Defense after Moscow and Stalingrad Fell. Russian Armor advanced (Motorized Level 2) and took both. [ April 20, 2006, 08:21 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  17. Intel & Convoy Route Idea #1 -If Axis has Intel Advantage over Allies it sees convoy routes. -If Allies has Intel Advantage over Axis then convoy routes remain hidden from Axis view. Example: Germany has Intel Advantage over UK and sees all Convoy Routes from Commonwealth Countries to UK and UK Routes to Russia. USA has Intel Advantage over Germany and its routes are not seen by Germany. Selectable Convoy Route Idea #2 Allies can change convoy routes every X turns/ X months from a dropdown box on the Convoy route sceen. Some convoy routes may incur a penalty to MPP transfer. Route 1: Northern Route (Default Route) - With the Ocean Current - 100% MPPs transferred Route 2: Southern Route - Against the Ocean Current - 80% MPPs transferred due to longer travel time - as ships are sailing against the current. (Ocean Current is Clockwise in the Atlantic Ocean) Route 3: Far Northern Route - 80% MPPs transferred due to longer route. During Winter months only 50% transferred when traveling this route due to bad weather. [ April 21, 2006, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  18. Correct. And that is why I created AI scripts for USA and Russia to research only Intel, Production and Industrial and not produce any other units during 1939 and 1940. In fact, I moved Industrial to the top of the list with Intel 2nd and Production 3rd in the 1939-1940 scripts.
  19. Click on the link above and you will have the popup event script file as it stands now. My goal is to have 12 events for each year. Currently: 1939 - 5 1940 - 12 1941 - 10 1942 - 5 1943 - 4 1944 - 3 1945 - 6 Total: 45, each with a 25% of showing up - avg. 11 per game. Goal: 80, each with a 20% of being triggered - avg. 16 per game. [ April 19, 2006, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. HC many thanks for the update. As for the first patch, here are 4 suggestions (consolidated from other posts) you may want to consider (or not) for items that would help with AI scripting and games vs the AI; 1. Global Plan Variable ---- Example: Russia decides on an Infantry Plan and thus will only select research and production AI scripts linked to this plan until the Infantry Plan is canceled. ---- Example: UK decides on Sea Lion defense and will only select diplomacy, production, research and planning AI scripts linked to this plan, until the Sea Lion Defense Plan is canceled. 2. AI Research Chits ---- Automatic Reclaim Chits when tech level is at max. ---- Not Invest Above a certain level in a Tech or once a tech has reached its maximum level. ---- Reclaim chits once AI reaches a script specified level in a tech level option ---- Reclaim research chits plan for last ditch defense. 3. AI Indicator Parameter - so that certain scripts and/or events will only execute for the AI. 4. AI Research, Diplomacy, MPP Bonus Events - So that the AI can be quickly improved have special events that give the AI and only the AI a bonus. There may be several events for each country ID but only the first one triggered will execute. Example for Allied AI: At Expert Level (4) - Allies Russian AI has 10% to get 4 chits in Industrial at Game Start. UK AI has 10% to get 5 diplomacy chits in Russia Russian AI has 50% to get 1000MPP bonus once Moscow or Stalingrad falls to Axis. At Expert Level (4) - Axis German AI has 10% to get 4 chits in Intel at game start. German AI has 10% to get 3 diplomacy chits in Spain at game start German AI has 50% to get 1000MPP bonus once Brest is taken by Allies. [ April 19, 2006, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. More Historical Popup Events for SC2: Popup Events - More Historical Events - 25% to Appear Source:Wikipedia Samples: ;------------------------------- { #NAME= 1942 - Princess Elizabeth Registers for War Service #POPUP= Princess Elizabeth Registers for War Service #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1942/02/25 } ;-------------------------------- { #NAME= 1942 - Mohandas Gandhi arrested in Bombay by British forces. #POPUP= Mohandas Gandhi arrested in Bombay by British forces #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1942/08/09 } ;----------------------------------------- { #NAME= 1939 - Al Capone Released from Alcatraz #POPUP= Al Capone Released from Alcatraz Prison #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1939/11/16 } ;------------------------------- { #NAME= 1939 - Velno Incident #POPUP= Germany Captures British Spies in Velno, Netherlands #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 5 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1939/11/09 } ;------------------------------ ; Food Rationing Begins in the UK ; { #NAME= 1940 - Food Rationing in the UK #POPUP= Food Rationing Starts in the UK #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1940/01/08 } { #NAME= 1940 - French Children Discover Lascaux Caves #POPUP= Four French Children and a Dog Discover Lascaux Caves #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID=2 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1940/09/12 } ;------------------------------- { #NAME= 1940 - DeGaulle Broadcast #POPUP= General DeGaulle: "France has lost a battle, but France has not lost the war." #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1940/06/18 } [ April 19, 2006, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. Possible Options: 1. Hard Limit 2. Soft Limit for Amphibious Units, Hard Limit for other units. 3. Hard Limit/Soft Limit tied to Infrastructure Tech. I.e. Each Level of Infrastructure Tech increases your Amphibious Hard/Soft Limit by one or two. Example: Germany starts with a Hard Limit for Amphibious Units of 4. At Infrastructure Tech 1 this increases to 5, At Infrastructure Tech 2 this increases to 6. 4. Action Points of Amphibious Units tied to Infrastructure Tech. Each level in Infrastructure Tech increases AP of Amphibious units. 5. Keep system as is for futher playtesting. 6. Invasion Mode for Air Units - Air units in this mode automatically attack amphibious units that move in range. This attacks may be intercepted by enemy air. Air Units assigned to this mode do not escort and do not intercept attacking Air Units. [ April 19, 2006, 08:18 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. 40. UK Needs Variable Plans - its too predictable 40.1 Send UK & French Navy to Med to Sink Italian Navy 40.2 Early Russian Entry - i.e. Diplomacy chits in Russia 40.3 Counter Spanish Activation 40.4 Counter Sea Lion Strategy - AI should track how many times the Human Player uses a Sea Lion and other key strategies and adjust its strategy accordingly. Example: AI tracks 5 key human strategies for 20 games: Sealion, Egypt First, Influence Spain, Influence Turkey, Early Russian DOW. Example: Sealion - 8 of 10 games - Human is 80% likely to execute Sealion, then Allied AI is 80% likely to execute Sea-Lion Defense Strategy. 40.5 Influence Russia to Enter War Early 40.6 Influence USA to Enter War Early
  24. I would like to see a surrender option added to the quit screen. This would allow a player to surrender and view the map, technology table and research chits of the opposing side without having to play the game through to its conclusion. An AI testing mode would be most helpful. In AI testing mode FOW is off for the human player but on for the AI. The script writer can see how the AI executes planning scripts and view the AI's research and diplomacy chits, research levels, production schedule and troop movements.
  25. 36. Vs. Allied AI Allied AI left Edinburgh and Manchester unguarded while it responded to Axis taking of London. Thus Axis landed at Edinburgh, Corps then landed at Manchester. 37. Vs. Russia AI When Causcaus is threatened AI sends highest level HQ to southern most Russian City where it gets cut off and destoryed. AI should keep highest ranking HQ where the main concentration of Russian forces are. 38. Russian AI Research Plan Ideally Russia will select a general strategy to guide its game and not follow a random research and production strategy. Example: Plan 1 - Production Tech Emphasis Focus on Industrial, Production and Intel to Start, then switch to Infantry and Anti-Tank. No researching of Air Techs. 39. A post mentioned that if Russia DOW first then the Russian AI throws its units away on attacking the German line. Perhaps sometimes, in this case the Soviet units should hold back from attacking, withdraw from the border and build up a stronger army. [ April 19, 2006, 07:34 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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