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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. Many thanks, HC. To have the USA and Russia focus on research I will set their production to zero for a period, before activating the production scripts with the data parameter.
  2. Ideally, you could set a script priority so that you could decide which script would run first based on the status of that country. Example: USSR still neutral and war readiness less than 50%, you probably want the research script to run first, if USSR war readiness is above 50% you probably want the production script to run first. Example: Priority= 1[4][50] - Priority is 1 if Russian (4) war readiness is greater or equal to (50) Priority= 2[4][0] - Priority is 2 is Russian (4) war readiness is greater than (0) The priority assign is that of the first line encountered whose conditions are met. In the above example the priority would be 1 if Russian war readiness is >= 50. Just another idea.
  3. Samples: Thus a player might be referred to the Constitional Czar table below: Full Table of Events can be found at: Totaler Krieg Web Site
  4. Question - I want to write a script so that the French invest one chit in Diplomacy to influence Iraq to activate convoys to the UK. The French will only do this if there is enough MPPs. So which script spends the MPPs first - Diplomatic, Production, or Research? ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ALLIED SCRIPTS - France ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; { #NAME= France Presses Iraq (1939 - ) ; Popup so I can see if the script is activated. #POPUP= Frances Presses Iraq #FLAG= 1 ; Repeating check until the trigger is statisfied #TYPE= 1 #COUNTRY_ID= 2 #TRIGGER= 100 #LEVEL= 0 ; Country Code for Iraq is 24 #DIPLOMATIC_ID= 24 #DATE= 1939/09/03 ; Set friendly positions: ; 1st Line - London #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 64,15 ; Set variable conditions: ; 1st Line - France politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 2 [2] [100] [0] ; Set tactical conditions: ; 1st Line - Washington D.C. not tactically threatened (dummy condition) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 2,23 [3] ; Set dummy activate position (no units at position 0,0) #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0] }
  5. Updated Historical Events File for WWII Campaigns The above is an expanded events file for WWII campaigns. Each new event has a 25% to occur. Sample events include: { #NAME= 1939 - Al Capone Released from Alcatraz #POPUP= Al Capone Released from Alcatraz Prison #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1939/11/16 } { #NAME= 1940 - DeGaulle Broadcast #POPUP= General DeGaulle: "France has lost a battle, but France has not lost the war." #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1940/06/18 } ;------------------------------ ;August 21st - Leon Trotsky died in Mexico, murdered with an ice-pick ; { #NAME= 1940 - Leon Trotsky Murdered #POPUP= Leon Trotsky Murdered in Mexico #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1940/01/21 } ; Joe DiMaggio's Record Setting Hitting Streak { #NAME= 1941 - Joe DiMaggio's Hitting Streak Ends After 56 Straight Games #POPUP= CLEVELAND (API) Joltin' Joe DiMaggio's Hitting Streak Ends After 56 Straight Games #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1941/07/17 } { #NAME= 1942 - Princess Elizabeth Registers for War Service #POPUP= Princess Elizabeth Registers for War Service #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1942/02/25 } [ April 25, 2006, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  6. In the Pacific the USA launched several long range amphibious invasions. Troops were taken to the invasion site in large transport ships. Upon reaching the site they boarded boarded landing craft carried, by these same transport ships, for the island assault.
  7. Great idea Desert Dave, and yes I was thinking of setting up a site for scripts, and eventually allowing users to vote on each one. Ideally, as TK says I would like to see an AI make a General Strategic Choice at the Start of the Game and then follow through with that choice with related Research, Diplomacy, Production and Planning scripts. As for now, I am just experimenting with what the scripts can do and learning about unintended consequences - i.e. sent Corps to France from Tunis and French AI moved HQ to rear line of Maginot line, saw USA HQ, 2 USA Corps and USA armor attack out of Egypt towards Tobruk while UK units did not advance in support of this attack. In both cases I needed to change the existing scripts. PS: Also discovered that Level check does not work.
  8. Here is a script I wrote, to help out the Allied AI if Germany reaches Stalingrad in 1942. If triggered (25%) McArthur arrives with the US Marines in Cairo. It was a most unwelcome surprise to my advancing Italian Army. I playtested it and the US Marines move on Tobruk, unassisted by their fellow British units! I will have to add a command line canceling the UK garrison script if the US Marines arrive, and may add a line to give the Marines an air fleet. I will also extend the range out to 2 or 3 tiles, for if the Germans are this close the AI is in trouble. ; ; USA Lands Forces in Egypt ; { #NAME= Egyptian Invasion #POPUP= American Forces Land in Egypt ; default event #FLAG= 1 ; A single check for this event. #TYPE= 0 ; Country is USA #COUNTRY_ID= 3 ; 25% for event to be triggered #TRIGGER= 25 #DATE= 1942/06/01 ; US Marines appear around Cairo, on the Red Sea #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 112,35 ; If Axis Unit is within 1 tile of Stalingrad #CONDITION_POSITION= 127,16 [1,1] [1,9] [1] ; The Following Units Appear ; Note: If McArthur is not in the HQ list the game assigns him a ranking of 3 #UNIT= 0 [10] [1] [McArthur] ; The 5th Marine Corps has 4 Bars of Experience #UNIT= 1 [10] [4] [5th Marine] #UNIT= 1 [10] [0] [6th Marine] #UNIT= 6 [10] [0] [4th Armor] [ April 24, 2006, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  9. I like it too, as Blashy said; "simple." If city is not defended then no scorched earth and no partisans appear on it. One more item to add to HC's long list of potential enhancements.
  10. If you are going to put Russian units on the German border they should be able to Entrench, or Russia should have the option to attack Germany once Russian War Readiness is above 50%. Example: Russia DOW Germany = USA War Readiness Declines 50% to 75%. Or more Russian units on border faster Russian war readiness increases, less the slower. PS: The current system is better than the one in SC1.
  11. True, but diplomatic chits in Russian activation after Sealion can have a dramatic effect.
  12. From the AI NOTES Thread: This information could also be used in Research and Production Scripts. Example: If the Axis have <2 Naval Ships and the Allies > 6, why should the Allies build more ships. If the Axis have > 12 ships and the Allies < 6 the Allies probably needs to build more. Summary: ; For Greater Than Intel_Report_G= Country_ID [unit type reference value][unit count from the Reports screen] ; For Less Than Intel_Report_L= Country_ID [unit type reference value][unit count from the Reports screen] Example: Intel_Report_G= 1[2][4] ; US has Air Fleets of 4 or more ; LAND= 1 ; AIR= 2 ; SEA= 3 Of Course, there should be scripts for the AI to respond to the spotted Tech Level of Enemy units. [ April 24, 2006, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. Perhaps an Iranian oil field that is only activated if Russia conquers IRAN would suffice. One more reason for the Axis to venture into the Middle East. [ April 24, 2006, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  14. PS: Iran has no Corps. After taking Iraq, a single corps can easily take it. During WWII more suppliesto Russia went through Persia/Iran than through Archangel.
  15. Perhaps, you could always place a production center in Canada, via the Editor. Then the UK could build units in Canada if the capital of the UK is in Egypt or London. But then you might have to rename Canada, and the Canadians might not take kindly to that.
  16. Roads in the Falklands? Only in the town. The rest of the Island is peat moss.
  17. True, but Egypt is closer to India, Australia and South Africa. Futhermore, the winters are not so cold.
  18. 1. UK AI should invest in Counter Diplomacy with Spain if Axis pursues this course. "In the meantime Germany invested in diplomacy: Spain 53% September 1939 followed by 63% in November 1939. UK invested every mpp into counter diplo after turn 1, so 5 turns later they also had 5 chits." The key is that the AI script needs to modified so that once a Spanish policy is decided the AI will invest all chits in Spain up to 5, and keep it there and DO THIS BEFORE INVESTING IN RESEARCH OR PRODUCTION. The AI should also consider investing in Spain to keep the Axis minors from Joining the Axis, as Terif noted. 2. UK AI needs to put at least one chit into ASW and/or gun laying radar. 3. From Condor/Terif AAR: "In July Germany conquers Norway. Allies occupy Bergen, Trondheim + mine. In the meantime also Sweden got some hopes and is now leaning +19% towards Allies - so ore transports to Germany are cancelled. Brest still allied." The key here is that one diplomacy chit in Sweden can stop the Ore Convoys to Germany if Sweden is less than 20% pro German. Also, the UK AI should be prepared, as the British were for an invasion of Norway to seize the northern city and stop the convoy route to Germany. 4. The UK AI also needs a strong Sea Lion Defense Strategy. 5. UK should consider sending the Corps in Malta to Egypt or the UK and then operating a Bomber from the UK to Malta where it can do more damage. 6. In my experience the biggest problems the AI will face is 1) responding to an Axis Attack on Spain, 2) Responding to an Axis move against Egypt and 3) responding to a Sea Lion. 7. If the Axis does not move against Egypt the AI should definitely move to take Syria, Iraq and Iran. 8. In many games the Axis will attempt an end run amphibious invasion of Syria or the Suez, only a strong Naval Presence can stop it. But if the Navy is strong in the Med then it is weak in the Atlantic. -------------------- IF Axis Launch Sucessful Sea Lion then UK needs Post Sea Lion strategy 1. Send Naval Forces to Med to Sink Italian Fleet 2. Defend Egypt 3. Take Syria 4. Take Iraq 5. Take Iran 6. Send USA reinforcements to Egypt [ April 24, 2006, 09:16 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. In playing the game over the past two weeks, perhaps the simplest Ai to improve will be the French. 1st, as shown in the AAR's France should consider purchasing Diplomatic Chit in Iraq - to start convoys to the UK or purchase a Diplomatic Chit in Sweden to stop the Convoys to Germany 2nd, the AI should consider sending the corps in Tunis and Beirut to France, as Terif does or both should be sent to Egypt, in the hope that they will become Free French. 3rd, as for the French Navy it should either hunt down the subs or mass in the Central Med, prepared to attack the Italian Navy. 4th, The Maginot Line armies should withdraw to Paris from the Maginot line after the Benelux have surrendered and the line has been flanked. 5th, It's too bad you can't tell the French Armor to garrison Paris, instead of letting the AI garrison it with a HQ or Corps. 6th, The AI should consider evacuating the BEK to Manchester if it has reached Brest, instead of letting the Axis destroy it. [ April 23, 2006, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. I agree, Canadian MPPs should definitely go to the USA if UK surrenders or goes to Alexandria.
  21. Great observation, and idea for AI script improvement. If UK Capital in Egypt then UK should conquer or influence Iraq.
  22. There is no script for the BEK leaving Brest, and it appears that it must be scripted. The AI does not launch an offensive from Alexandria. I wrote a script for the Allied AI to do so if the Axis leaves Tobruk unguarded. Currently if Tobruk is left unguarded the Allies AI bombards it with Air and naval vessals while the Italian Fleet is in the Atlantic. It never sends a land unit forward to take it. [ April 23, 2006, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  23. I agree, the problem is that each minor nation can can have only one convoy route. ; Also only one convoy can exist from a minor #COUNTRY_ID to #TRANSFER_ID. Perhaps HC will consider allowing each minor nation to have secondary route that is only activated if the primary route is deactivated.
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