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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. "Has there been consideration to a naval infrastructure tech? Perhaps such a tech would make upgraded ports more efficient in repairing naval units." Interesting idea - you could use the current infrastructure tech - and allow it to improve ports (aka anti-air). Ports thus upgraded would reduce the cost of repair for naval units. Of course, such upgrades would be more expensive than anti-air guns. Perhaps 100MPP per Naval Port Improvement Level. Each level of which reduces the cost of naval repairs at that port by 10% per tech level. Maximum 5 levels of Naval Infrastructure per port, if you have level 5 infrastructure tech.
  2. Allowing air units to automatically attack/intercept amphibious transports that stop next to a coastal tile would weaken any invasion force that attacked without air escorts.
  3. I start the name of each my scripts with a code such as FR01, UK01, UK02. This makes it easy to find them using the Search tool in notepad.
  4. 11. Diplomacy Bonus for AI Script to Give AI a bonus number of diplomacy chits in a specified country, this may vary according to AI level. #Level=3 (Intemediate AI) #Diplomacy_Bonus= 20[5][1][3] (20% German AI receives 1 bonus chit in USA #Diplomacy_Bonus= 10[5][1][4] (10% German AI receives 1 bonus chit in USSR 12. Tech Bonus for AI Script to Give AI a bonus number of tech chits in a specified tech area, this may vary according to AI level. [ May 02, 2006, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. I wrote an Offensive Script for UK to attack Iraq, and it declared war on Iraq but did not immediately invade the country that turn or the following turn. Most humans DOW just before they are about to cross the border to minimize the opportunity for the opposing force to become entrenched.
  6. I wonder if the ability to build shore batteries in cities, in addition to anti-aircraft emplacements was considered. Shore batteries would increase a defending units defense against bombardment by naval units. The level of shore batteries you can build would be limited by your tech level in rockets.
  7. If you make destroyers too plentiful you eliminate the ability of German subs to hide in the Atlantic.
  8. Looking good. I like it. I really like it. Great work. In my mod, if UK takes Iraq I have them followup by taking Iran (Offensive Size= 1) as no units guard its capital and then Vichy Syria IF TURKISH WAR READINESS < 70. The biggest problem I have now in Scripting Egypt is sending reinforcements in, this will probably have to wait until the 1st patch ships supporting Naval Loop waypoints supported.
  9. He still had about six cities, and I was not aware that he had an armor unit and several corps troops around that city south of Archangel next to the Forest and that other city east of Moscow (in addition to Lenningrad which I bypassed) So I operated German units West expecting Russia to surrender (not expecting the 3 turn delay) and not realizing that he had a strike force close to Moscow. Luckily, Russia surrendered after he liberated Moscow, but we both felt that Russia should not have done so in this rare case. [ May 01, 2006, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. In a game just finished the first three Russian capitals were lost, I operated most German units west to face D-Day and left Axis units in Russia, then my Russian opponent liberated Moscow and the cities around it as Russia did not surrender right away. Russia did not surrender for 3 turns, yet Russia surrendered after Moscow was liberated and occupied by Soviet troops.
  11. This is great, as it also allows Allies Transportsd to avoid a German blockade of the Atlantic by heading straight North and then East and then South to the UK, instead of sending 3 to 4 transports into a waiting string of Axis subs and ships sitting in the Atlantic. This happened in a recent game vs. the AI. The first transport ran into a sub, then the second traveled about 3 tiles south and ran into a second sub and then the third tried, A few titles to the north. All ran into subs and were sunk the following turn. This happened, again and again. I will use a script based on Halifax to check for Human controlled units (3 or more) in range and if so then use the alternate routes - either north or south.
  12. HC, many thanks for the clarification. Perhaps the nearest friendly port city - as I would hate to see all evacuated UK units bunched up at the port of Gibraltar.
  13. Excellent point, the only item with bombers is that sometimes you want them to hit ports - i.e. Malta or Tobruk and sometimes the cities.
  14. Good observation. Too bad that bombers don't have a a strategy option that you can set for them in the scripts. This strategy would affect bombers [#Min,#Max] within range [#Min,#Max] of a tile. Example: Strategy 1 - Bomb Cities Until They Reach 0 and keep them at zero, move to another city Strategy 2 - Bomb Cities until they reach zero and move to another city Strategy 3 - Bomb Ports, then Cities (for North Africa) Example: Bomber_Strategy= 3 [x,y] [0,5][1,2] - i.e. Use Strategy 3 for 1 to 2 bombers within 5 tiles of Tile x,y.
  15. In wirting planning scripts I noticed that the #Level= only worked if the level was equal to Zero. Is this correct, and if so is it being addressed in the first patch? (Basically, I wrote a script for level 2, it did not execute, changed to level 0, it executed, changed level to 2 again and confirmed that it did not execute)
  16. Great news. Just what my script needs, and now I can have the Allies evacuate Egpypt (sometimes), instead of facing certain loss. Question - if a sea tile is a desination, how will the SEA_TRANSPORT plan know where to go after it arrives at the other end of the loop?
  17. So, if I want to operate move a bomber to Egypt to bomb the port at Tobruk, I have to send a corps there too. Even so, the AI may not send a bomber with the corps, correct?
  18. Tip: Use 2 Scripts for D-Day 1st - Based on a Fixed Date 2nd - Based on Number of Axis Units in France after Germany is at War with Russia Example: AI will launch D-Day on 1943/01/01 unless 10% (so Human player never knows when its coming) - Russia is at war with 12-20 allied units in UK and 3 or fewer Axis units in France on an earlier date, in which case the AI will launch D-Day sooner.
  19. Keep the port at Zero with attacks from Ships to prevent the corps from being resupplied and use air units to attack the Corps. [ April 30, 2006, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. They are the towns with the flags flying from them. Or, you can look in the Event scripts to see what is required for victory. I believe that this is being addressed in the patch.
  21. 1. True, we can't script units to go to Egypt or evacuate from Egypy using the naval loop. Perhaps HC will address this in the patch. 2. As for #2 tonight I will try, checking for moving the unit from Tunis on Turn 1 and checking for moving from Beirut on Turn 2, using type 0 for both events (i.e. a single check on different dates). 3. I have tried to program Turkish annexation of Syria; 5% of the time, but it appears that you can't have a minor nation annex land from a major nation, even if that major nation has surrendered and a new nation (Vichy Syria) has been created. A summary of what I am attempting to do: 1. BEK ---1.1.0 Goes to France 50% ------1.1.1 BEK Evacuates Brest after Paris Surrenders ---1.2.0 Goes to Egypt 30% - Stronger Allied defense of Egypt ---1.3.0 Remains in UK 20% - Stronger counter vs. Sea Lion 2.0.0 French Corps in Tunis ---2.1 Tunis Corps goes to France 50% ---2.2 Tunis Corps invades Bari 20%, after Italy joins Axis to take ungarrisoned city. 3.0.0 French Corps in Beirut ---3.1 French Corps in Beirut goes to France 50% 4.0.0 UK Mideast Strategy ---4.0.1 UK sends Corps to Egypt 4.1.0 UK Iraq Offensive after Axis DOW Russia ---4.1.0 If Egypt is Allied Controlled UK Conquers Iraq and sends additional corps to Egypt (only sends corps if it can use Naval loop as a waypoint) ------4.2.0 UK attacks Iran if Turkish war readiness is less than 70% pro-axis. ---------4.3.0 UK Conquers Vichy Syria ---------4.4.0 UK Conquers Tobruk then moves onto conquer rest of North Africa > Libya > Tunisia > Algeria [ April 30, 2006, 01:43 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. 10. Variable Conditions I would like to see Variable Conditions assigned to popup events so that the triggering of a popup event can be linked to a declaration of war on a nation or surrender by that nation.
  23. 9. Plan Priority As noted by another poster the AI will sometimes abandon the defense of a key city; Berlin, to respond to a threat in Romania. Plans should be assigned a priority that the AU can use to weigh what to defend. In the example below if both sites; Berlin and Bucharest are threatened then the AI will give priority to Berlin. Format= #Priority= XX ; where the priority is a number from 0 to 99 and a higher number reflects a higher priority. Example: Berlin Garrison Script #Priority= 99 Bucharest Garrison Script #Priority= 80
  24. 7. Operational Movement Plans Why? To send air units to Egypt or Malta or evacuate Air Units from Egypt to UK. Unit_Type= XX[quantity] Goal_Position= 8. Naval_Transport via Loop Add a command to allow naval transports to use the loop as a waypoint to their destination. Format: #LOOP= 1[XX,YY]; where 1 is for use loop, 0 is for do not use loop around the Horn of Africa & xx,yy is the location of the loop tile. Examples: #LOOP= 0[0,0] #LOOP= 1[50,16]
  25. HC, is probably the one to ask, but my thoughts are: 1. Albania and Libya start the game as part of Italy, no need to annex them. 2. Algeria, Tunisa and Morocco territories start the game as part of France - and have not been created yet (i.e. have no capitals), also have no need to annex them. 3. Syria also begins game as part of France, no need to annex it. 4. You need to set up the territory for Czecholovakia. A country without land is not truely a country, is it?
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