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Edwin P.

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Everything posted by Edwin P.

  1. I am attempting to vary the Allied Opening Game with five simple plans: ----------------------------------------- 1. BEK (To France 50%, To Cairo 30%, Stays in England 20%) 1.1 If BEK goes to France, evacuate to UK after France surrenders and guard Manchester. 2. Tunis Corps to France 70% 3. Beirut Corps to France 50% 4. Send Canadian Corps to UK (50%) or Egypt(50%). ----------------------------------------- 1. When the BEF goes to Cairo it goes through the Mediterranean, and most of the time Italy has joined the war by the time it is nearing Crete. Is there any way to tell the BEF to take the Naval Loop to Cairo? ; ; UK sends BEF to Cairo: ; If triggered this strengthens the UK defense of Egypt { #NAME= UK Sea Transport - Cairo (BEF) #POPUP= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 1 ; 30% to be triggered #TRIGGER= 30 ; Plan will take effect at start of next turn, i.e. reorganization towards #GOAL_POSITION and ; immediate switch to the Offensive. ; This is needed in order to force primary focus on #GOAL_POSITION #LEVEL= 0 #PLAN_ID= 3 #SIZE= 1 #LENGTH= 0 ; Cairo Port #GOAL_POSITION= 113,34 #DATE= 1939/09/03 #STEAL= 0 ; Set friendly positions: ; 1st Line - Manchester #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 61,13 ; Set variable conditions: ; 1st Line - France politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 2 [2] [100] [0] ; Set tactical conditions: ; 1st Line - Paris not tactically threatened (dummy condition) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 69,18 [1] ; Set dummy activate position (no units at position 0,0) #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0] } 2. Plan identity is determined by #COUNTRY_ID, #PLAN_ID, and #GOAL_POSITION. A country can only have a single plan based on this criteria and will be assigned the first valid plan regardless of duplicate. It appears that if I want a French Corps to move from Beirut to Marseilles (port) and a French Corps to Move from Tunis to Marseilles (port) in the same turn this can't be done as both plans have the same Country ID, Plan ID and Goal Position, therefore I have to delay one plan a turn or give one plan a different goal position? Am I correct? [ April 29, 2006, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  2. Question - Do AI script changes affect saved games or only new games?
  3. In my mod, I gave partisans the ability to appear in mountain tiles, this aids the USSR in defending the Caucaus and Ural mountain area and forces the one to maintain more garrisions; historically guerilla forces were typically based in mountainous areas (Greece, Chinia, Yugoslavia). I also increased the number of partisan units to 10.
  4. I wonder if the AI knows how to use bombers if it purchases them? Will the AI automatically moved bombers from the USA to UK or if Germany can it be told to deploy Bombers to the Russian front? More importantly for scripting purchases, now I have the basis for an Allied bombing strategy, if only it was easier to coordinate production and research strategies. [ April 28, 2006, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  5. Many thanks HC, this clarificatin is much appreciated. I can use this to write scripts to have the AI launch amphibious offensives against undefended cities if no enemy forces are nearby. Perfect.
  6. I find that it really helps to use diplomacy to bring the Axis minors on board ASP for both the extra MPPs and garrison units. Normally it takes only one or 2 chits in each minor nation to speed things up.
  7. I agree, I like the system too. The only suggestion I would consider - for a far far future enhancement - is being able to tell the AI which script to run 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Such as planning first, then upgrades, then production or production then upgrades.
  8. I wonder if you can list an item twice, once at the top of the list and another time at the bottom of the list with 100%. This will ensure that if none of the units above it are built then the unit at the end will be, of course that may not leave anything for diplomacy or research. Example: #CORPS= 25[2] ..... #CORPS= 100[5] As for the bad rolls, I will test it with the Free French, but in a game last night I moved all French units to UK territory and none of the French naval and land units became Free French.
  9. Good news about additional scripting for naval units in general. Why? If the Axis takes Gibraltar I would like to be able to send the Italian Fleet through to the Atlantic or have the UK move its Mediterranena fleet to the Atlantic. Example: Allied Opening Naval Strategy: 30% Hunt German Subs in Atlantic 20% Sink Italian Fleet - Send French and UK Fleets to Central Mediterranean to attack Italian Fleets when Italy enters the War 20% Prepare Defense of Eastern Med - i.e. Ambush the Italian Navy and Transports when they enter the Eastern Mediterranean. 30% Concentrate Allied Fleets in Atlantic - i.e move UK fleets from Mediterranean to the Atlantic I would also like the option to script operating air units from the UK to Egypt or Malta or Gibraltar to support the Allied Fleets (be they UK or French). [ April 28, 2006, 07:03 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  10. When the AI looks for units within a specified range, is this based only on units it is spotted or is it based on all units spotted or not.
  11. 6. Convoy Plan - Adjusting MPPs Sent via Convoy Format: #Convoy= CountryID [%][% damage at which convoy stops, number of consecutive turns during which damage is incurred][stop convoy for min, max turns] #Convoy= 3[40][50,2][1,3] For USA send 40% of MPPs, if convoy loses are 50% or more for 2 turns then stop sending MPPs for 1 to 3 turns. This would allow the AI to adjust the amount of MPPs sent via convoy and respond to Axis submarine activity.
  12. It seems that a minor country cannot annex a country another minor country, if a countty's capital does not exist at the start of the game and that a minor country can't annex the territory of another minor country. I found this out by trying to have Turkey annex Vichy Syria when France surrendered 10% of the time. A rare event that makes it harder for the Axis to conquer the Middle East. [ April 27, 2006, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  13. Another reason is the morale penalty that enemy units take when you conquer a neutral nation.
  14. 5. Global Plan Variables for each side/nation so that script activation can be coordinated. Step 1: Set Global Variable Implementation Idea 01: Format: #Global= %chance[plan_ID] Example: Global= 20[1] Global= 20[2] Global= 50[3] Global= 80[4] Implementation Idea 02: Format: #Global= Plan Id[percent low, percent high] where the range for all plans must not overlap and cover from 1 to 100 #Global= 1[1,20] #Global= 2[21,75] #Global= 3[76,100] Thus if the randomly generated number is 56 the AI will set the Global Variable to 2. Of the two options I prefer the second one as it is easier to understand the chance of each strategy being selected. Step 2: Add this variable to the AI scripts Essentially, each AI script will have a command line for #GLOBAL= XX; which is the global plan variable. If the #GLOBAL= matches the Global Variable the script will activate. Thoughts - Should the Global Variable be for Each Side or For Each Nation? There are many implications to this decision. If for each nation you can easily program a specific strategy for Russia for example, if for each side it becomes a bit more complex. Or perhaps Global Variables for Each Major Nation and for Each Side - 8 Global Variables in all, which can be activated or triggered based on specific events. [ April 26, 2006, 09:48 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  15. In the current scripts I don't see a mechanism to do that, only to add new units to a tile or damage a resource in a tile. It does not appear to support at the current time replacing a tile or deleting a unit in a tile.
  16. You could write a script to damage a resesource each and every turn, but I don't know how to link the occurance of one script to another script, except by moving a unit to a tile with a garrison script and linking the triggering of another script to that tile being occupied.
  17. Nice naval loop scripts. Allows UK to recreate historical conquest of Iraq by landing at Basra and moving north to Baghdad.
  18. I wrote this script for USSR to garrison Archangel, as a favorite tactic of mine vs the AI is to send a Finish corps to seize it, and the AI usually operate a HQ unit north to guard it (bad move), but does not place the HQ unit on Archangel but adjacent to it (another bad move). Tested it, and it did not work. Why not? Perhaps there were no free units available. I will have to test it again. ; Russian Scripts - Garrison USSR ; ------Activates after Finland joins the Axis ; ------Why? Protects Russian Destination of UK Convoy routes. ; { #NAME= USSR Garrison - Archangel #POPUP= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #COUNTRY_ID= 4 #TRIGGER= 100 #LEVEL= 0 #PLAN_ID= 0 #SIZE= 0 #LENGTH= 1 #GOAL_POSITION= 111,1 #DATE= 1939/09/03 #STEAL= 0 ; Set friendly positions: ; 1st Line - Archangel #FRIENDLY_POSITION= 111,1 ; Set variable conditions: ; 1st Line - USSR politically aligned with Allies and not surrendered ; 2nd Line - Finland Activated and allied with Axis ; 3rd Line - UK aligned with Allies and not surrendered #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 4 [2] [100] [0] #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 19 [1] [100] [0] #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [1] [100] [0] ; Set tactical conditions: ; 1st Line - Arcangel not tactically threatened (dummy condition) #TACTICAL_CONDITION= 111,1 [3] ; Set dummy activate position (no units at position 0,0) #ACTIVATE_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] ; Set dummy cancel position (single neutral unit at position 0,0). This is not possible as no ; unit can occupy tile 0,0 so event will not be cancelled due to #CONDITION_POSITION #CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [1,1] [0] } [ April 26, 2006, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  19. Events > Units - Makes the Axis conquest of Gibraltar and sending the Italian Fleet to the Atlantic strategy less predictable - it rarely happens so when it does the Axis is surprised, really surprised. 20% USA Sends Part of Pacific Fleet to Atlantic if Gibraltar Falls to Germany { #NAME= Peace With Japan #POPUP= Empire of Japan to Withdraw from China, USA Lifts Trade Embargo #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 0 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 ; 20% to be occur if conditions are met, 1 in 5 games #TRIGGER= 20 #DATE= 1941/12/07 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 3,25 #DESTINATION_RESOURCE= 6,23 ; Is Gibraltar Controlled by Axis? ; 1 to 9 axis units are within 1 tile of Gibraltar #CONDITION_POSITION= 55,29 [0,1] [1,9] [1] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [Arizona] #UNIT= 9 [10] [0] [California] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [Enterprise] #UNIT= 11 [10] [0] [saratoga] } [ April 26, 2006, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  20. A compliation of suggestions for improving the scripts in SC2. ------------------------------------- 1. Plan: Garrison Add parameter for unit type, as one may want an armor unit or army to garrison a city if one is available. The default would be zero, 0, any type. #GOAL_POSITION= 124,56[0] ------------------------------------- 2. Research Plan Add parameters for maximum number of chits to have in a research area. Program will not purchase additional chits in an area if the chits researching a tech is equal to or greater than the Max_Chits in Research area value. And it will only purchase enough additional chits to reach the Max_Chits in Research area value if a number is in the Max_Chits to Purchase parameter. Format: % chance assigned to this purchase [max_chits to purchase][Max_chits in research area] --------------------------------------- 3. Diplomacy Plan Add parameter for purchasing more than one chit at a time and settings for maximum number of chits to be invested in diplomacy for a country. ; #DIPLOMATIC_ID= Country ID targeted in the diplomatic event[Max Chits to Purchase at One Time] [Max_chits invested in influencing a county] ----------------------------------------------- 4. Plan: Offensive or Amphibious Add parameter for minumum number of HQ units to accompany offensive or amphibious force of Size= . The plan would not trigger until the number of HQ units is available. Example: For USA invasion of France or North Africa HQ= 1 Example: For Raid on Brest which Axis left unguarded or Transport Plan HQ= 0 Why: AI currently invades France without sending in an accompanying HQ unit. The unsupplied units are eliminated by the Axis forces. -------------------------------------- [ April 26, 2006, 09:10 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  21. Update - Script Revision Worked! a. UK Convinced Spain to Join Allies! while Germany was fighting Russia. Problem: Franco's Spain defended Bilbao, not Madrid! b. USSR reached level 4 production, 2 Industrial, 4 Armor, 2 Anti-Tank, 2 Infantry Problem: USSR ended game with 4 chits in Armor and no tanks, and apparently only upgraded tanks throughout the game, not corps or armies. c. USA ended game with 5 chits in Infantry and Level 3 Infantry. How can I keep AI from investing in Tech when it has reached maximum limit? How can I tell AI to reclaim chits when it has reached the maximum limit? How can I tell AI to only invest in Tech X if it has units that can take advantage of it? Possible Solutions: 1. Game automatically reclaims tech chits for AI; not humans!, when it reaches the maximum limit 2. Game does not allow AI to purchase chits in a tech area that has reached its maximum. Other Suggestions --------------------- 3. Parameter (for tech ) is enhanced to include a parameter for the maximum number of chits researching a tech area. This would allow for a script that would purchase chits in say, infantry until it had 3 chits. If it already had 3 chits in this area it would skip this tech research line and go to the next line. 4. Parameter (for tech and diplomacy) is enhanced to include maximum number of chits to purchase at one time. Especially useful after AI Axis conquers France. [ April 26, 2006, 07:59 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
  22. I agree with Rambo here, In SC2 you have too few units to block the coast line. The problem in SC1 was that the opposing side always had a turn to operate units in to counter your invasion before the troops could unload. I much prefer the Sc2 system. The only change I would consider is allowing air units to automatically attack amphibious transports that move adjacent to a costal tile a percentage of the time (say 20%). This percentage would increase by 15% with each advantage in Intel (35% +1, 50% +2), as you would have some indication of the enemy plans. These air units could be intercepted and you would have to assign them the order to automatically intercept the landing craft. i.e. Intercept Air (intercept air and bombers) i.e. Intercept Land (intercept amphibious transports) i.e. Intercept(intercept all) [ April 25, 2006, 09:13 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]
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