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Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. See what I mean? About folks figuring things out For themselves? Fineturno has grokked The Grok. :cool: BTW: Thanks for the prior info on the Italian leaders and subs and else. Question: I agree about Graziani being a "must have." But, Why Messe? Also, If you had to rank the Italian subs (... had the MOST in the world at outbreak of WW-2) IN ORDER of accomplishments, IE, transports sunk Or other valuable efforts, What would your # 1-5 list look like?
  2. Ottosmops, On top of his game, In that 2nd quote. Now, IMO, THIS Is the "exemplar ideal," How the real world works. Folks figuring things out for themselves. :cool: Then we as beta testers (... or very best, Hubert telling of his own inspired design :cool: ) Can mostly just add in comments As is appropriate, Or correct misapprehensions And the like. Well, however its done, I am OK with nearly anything (... excepting the bellicose, the belligerent) So long as everyone gets the drift. _______________________________________ When SC the Original first arrived, I had posted a note About how I thought the Air Fleets Were the - "Queen of the Battlefield." Now, It's them Armor. Which is NOT merely a little packet Of Panzer tanks, But usually includes mechanized troops Riding alongside. Nowhere was this more evident to me Than in the making of North Afrika scenario. After playing 10 games or so I came to appreciate That EITHER SIDE losing JUST one of these VERY valuable units, And, Well, they were at sudden disadvantage. Changed the whole approach, or Retreat, as the case may be. This missing unit HAD to be replaced. Either you waited for another tank unit To arrive (... meanwhile employing some sort of "defensive" maneuvers) OR, You had to figure how to best deploy The infantry and air So to account for that lost tank. What am I saying? IMO, the Air Fleets are now more "realistic" In their capablilities, And the armor is... King. Of the SC-2 Battlefield. Rather, it CAN be. Depending on your personal "play style."
  3. StefMan, This is the "truest" statement or comment I have read since the Demo came out. :cool: It's rather like that other great observation Made in another place, by santabear, Where he mentioned how necessary It is to have... "situational awareness." Emerge the two of these sentiments And the result is pure synergy, Rather like... lying in A field fullly covered in clover. One might presume the WHOLE WORLD Was MOSTLY clover And skies, clouded, in shades of blue Or countless possibilities, otherwise. Or, should you be sleeping there, Clover and... dreams of courageous conquest! IE, keeping it in current context. BTW, thank you also StefMan, For... thanking... the Beta Testers. The only one who has done so thus far, Insofar as I know, I may be wrong, Though, I've read every single post Since, I am supposed to, no, Actually, Because I really enjoy The well-spring of common discourse, How varied and new! And a'times sublime. Not that we need recognition, nix nay, But it was nice to hear all the same.
  4. What's new, TaoJah? It always does. It always will. It is nothing Except a (... often, please keep in mind) HARD-done crafting of symbols On a series of straight lines, Like on a music score-sheet. AT LEAST, With SC-2, Many WILL be able to improve things, Maybe even sing along, We'll see. Most folks tend to discount "Anecdotal reports." Even from reviewers. Unless said reviewer has major mojo influence. How many like that? I don't know of none, but I don't get around much, like some. Well, Hardly ANYBODY has played the whole game As of yet. Nor, enny improved version, How could they? LOL! Let's see what happens then, eh?
  5. LOL, nice association. Don't believe I've had the pleasure, Pleased to meet you, GJK, Hope you are able - to guess? The nature of my game? Actually, It blisters under un-setting Sun, Becoming, as transformation, A heap of hot letters - then! A scatter of ashes - when! All is said and done. Ah, I must be abashed, and so, I can merely mention this: What fabulous fun! For everyone! Almost! Making their very own "AI & Event" Scripts! :cool:
  6. I'd have to seriously disagree here, Dragonheart. The current AI is better, by far, Than what we had before. (... not EVEN accounting for setting "difficulty levels" OR "tweaking" various "balance factors" in the Editor) Next-Gen AI will be stupid ONLY IF The person who recognizes a need, And then proceeds to improve upon it, Is... stupid HIMSELF (... or, herself, since there MUST be some sisters out there who like war-games). Now, Having been around awhile, I don't know anybody On this here board who is stupid. Therefore, The AI in time will be more like... yer Average Joe. :cool: Like the most of us are. Then, as more time passes, AI will come to resemble - say, A Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein? LOL, no, I CAN agree with you in that regard, We probably won't get to bend, Suspend, or visualize the whole Universe In a brand new way. But... I have made some AI scripts. I have watched, Amazed and fascinated as those very scripts Changed the behavior Of a Nation's combat units Given a particular set of circumstances. Now, Who would be as stupid as Prometheus? Playing with fire like that? Bound to a rock? Not me... UNLESS I am provided With easy-to-understand templates, And examples, And explanations, As we have with EACH Set of potential AI or Event scripts. But if I can do that - and I am rank amateur When it comes to manipulating ANYTHING to do with Computers and coding. Well, What will YOU, Or the next, or the next "Average Joe" be able to accomplish? Who are MUCH more competent In this area, than I? Not to mention Hubert, Who is a Wizard at this sort of Gold Game Alchemy. Who has clearly indicated, Time and time and time again, He surely INTENDS to improve SC-2. With the assistance Of an awful lot of... Average Joes. :cool: Now, how can you beat that? Nothing "stupid" there.
  7. Yep, for everybody. Teutonic Myth, included. Then again, once that's done, It can change with a tiny little flick! In that unprecedented! Editor. Everybody gets to start all over again! :cool: Dig out one of yer old gold-mine maps, When you were a Prospector? And, practice with that? BTW, I got just the one for you. VERY old gold deposit rumoured to be secreted In Sangre de Christo Mountains. Sell it to you for a song. Time to find another one a' them great gals Can make them red hot tacos. 'Course, you'll need REAL Salsa, Not that ersatz Idaho stuff. Tell you what, Come down South to Desert City In yer... over hill & dale Land Rover, And, I'll GIVE you some home-made salsa, With green chile from Mesilla Valley, Ain't nothin' like it! And, while yer here, We'll negotiate over that gold map I got. Start at, oh, $10,000, give or take. Better be a bunch, Years maybe. NO WAY anybody can dominate This game. One man has got as good a chance As the next. Curious Euro short-hand for: BElgium, NEtherlands & LUXembourg. Or, Maybe Hubert... made it up? Only yer own side. Unless you are blessed with ESP? You win the Teddy Bear! Like at Idaho State Fair! No Mid-Way like that one's got, Here, there or - anywhere! :cool:
  8. Great JJ! Then, You and will finally have That long awaited Chess game! Seeing as how SC-2 is akin to that Feudal, yet classic! match of wits! Bobby Fischer has nothing on me! I am X-tremely grateful that I am! Almost as crazy as he! What unabashed joy that can be! Later alligator, Got to go see a my Witch Doctor, Then - the Curandero, right after.
  9. More pros than cons, it would appear. Just like in baseball, BUT, alas, Not so in football these jail-bird Days, though, Baseball is trying awful hard To play catch Up! Gotta wonder... can modern dungeons Even BEGIN to restrain Them enraged "Roid Boids?" For the better I am guessing, Not-nearly-Kafka's K, today, As you are likely to discover So many small intrigues and devices That escape an apparent, or obvious And untutored glance. Good thing too, I'd say, As - who? Would want to know EVERY tiny thing! Before they even got... gold game? :confused: BTW, Ever figure out Loki? Not that you need to, Just wondering.
  10. Helluva job on such short notice! (... or, was it?) Anyway, I'd have to play it first To see how All the attack ANGLES change The over-all approach. Say, Of a Pz II to... a near-by French bugler Blowing out avant garde! retreat. Will DL and giv 'er a fair shot One a' these days, Then you've gotten apparently adept hands On Editor, and "fine tuned" it. :cool:
  11. JdF2, You CAN do enough. I have done it so in my own mod. Though, several times now you've mentioned how you can change the dive % Well, as of now Anyhow, you cannot, that's hard-coded. You'll be able to balance Your cherished "Battle of the Atlantic," (... also my favorite aspect of WW-2 GS gaming as well, along with North Afrikan campaign) Given that most remarkable Editor, I have... NO doubt. The FUN of it all is... NOT Knowing EVERYTHING Right this very minute! Rather, Then you've got the golden game in hand, Discovering new! nuances Over the course of months. Years, even. I am STILL finding better ways to play After all this invested testing time. Yep, Sombra, There is quite a difference when playing Head to head. Trying to balance the game so that You can effectively have BOTH, IE, VS the AI, and H-to-H, Perform, ah, "generally admirably" (... if by land, air or if by sea) Is a bit of a tricky business, But, Nary any problem really, There is plenty of room to maneuver (... literally and figuratively) WRT to getting VERY close To your SOLO preference, And also, The heavy competitor's ideal. Not only through your own devise, But some eventual "enhancements" Which will certainly arrive Then the "schooled consensus" Has been reached. :cool:
  12. Yer Welcome B-R, And the above (... provided no one gets in ahead of me) prolific and informative post Is just ONE of the many reasons I had requested you make more Frequent happenstance appearances, As you used to do, and! Throw in that OT stuff too! Keeps things loose, not so Much like a wing nut Has been screwed down too tight On the cock-eyed bolt, Stripping the threads, So to speak. :cool:
  13. Ooops, Didn't realize you were on hand Hubert, I'll wait awhile and see What you say - first! :cool: Besides, it's "getting ready for supper" time Out here. Be back later.
  14. Weather effects. 1/2 spotting and movement in "rain & mud" turns. You have to attach or re-arrange units BEFORE they move. And, must be within range of HQ of course.
  15. Correct, AI available, only, with a 6 month play time from April to September, and Unit purchases have been disabled. That's all I've been told. And, Since I only learned of it some minutes ago, I don't have it And won't, Since I have dial-up only Out here in the desert sticks. Doubt it's any different than Gold game scenario, though.
  16. Non! You are Mon Inspectre Clouseau! Ressuciter, I - insissiter! Though, Battlefront's Purse You have not yet found? Keep the tres trying, Oui! That dastardly Cat Can take some kind of wise Bongo beat disguise! :cool: But... sacre bleu what's this? Was just Laying around? Joli Ceillet SC-2 Sprites! Instead!
  17. Ain't got enny a' that Mind-skewing brew in there, And yet, Would you believe? A Fountain of Youth That rains - rare Canadian champagne? :cool:
  18. Well well, again. I am older than many here, And have to use reading glasses When I scan the local Desert City Rag. I have had NO trouble manipulating Those Up & Down buttons... none. **[... just double-checked, since I haven't played since late yesterday! And you have WHITE up-down arrows against a gray back-ground, for all of the areas you've mentioned... it's quite pronounced and in the contrast, easy to see, IMHO ] And, WITHOUT wearing them awful goggle glasses! Now, I am not discounting yer suggestions or concern. In time, perhaps others will express their own preferences as well, and that's always encouraged. Merely mentioning that it ain't no problem Whatsoever for this old veteran Game playing SC Cat. Never noticed such a thing On my own Op Sys, Which is pretty much average Kind of set-up these days, As I have come to realize. Perhaps with yours, if you say. And if others also say the same, I suppose we'll soon enough see, (... Yippee! It won't be long now! :cool: ) Then OK. But not on mine. [ April 03, 2006, 09:04 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  19. Well, Narayan, Not sure how you come by this notion, but Bill and I have played several TCP games, And I have played quite a few Hot-seat, and AI contests by now, And I'd have to disagree, MOST vehemently. Speaking for myself, The games - ALL that I mentioned above, Did not take much, If any extra time to complete. Compared to SC-1, I mean. So, I just gotta wonder what causes yer Difficulty in getting "an average" Game done? :confused:
  20. Got off the Inter-net, Re-accessed a saved file From a Desert War game I am testing and playing, And... no problems whatsoever. The old file comes right up. Waited awhile, And did it again. Same result, no questions asked, No trouble, no bother. Now I am confident, see, It's been personally proven to me, I can do it tomorrow and next week And next year. :cool:
  21. All the books in all the libraries Of the whole world, Cannot save this unique "trepid experiment" From entropy, and extinction. Fear not those amassed armies or even Incestuous cells of "terrorists" (... who are differently denoted depending on - where you live and what material goods or idealogies you have come to believe, or were covertly, or rabidly, convinced! need... safe-keeping) Rather, The coming of the mighty "Fast - faster! mutating Dis-eases." What good war-books, then? Perhaps one day, A sudden surge of "collective enlightenment?" Since, Contained within EACH cell of each Of our earth-bound Soma Soul, Is the explanation for EVERY single thing That has happened, Is occurring now, And, Yes, I believe it so, What WILL happen... next, and next. Access that, And you will have an uncommon Answer. From one, to the next, to the last. Like magic. No words (... of war, of peace) necessary. We... will... just... know What is - now, immediately, Required and, IMHO, 'at ain't no old, Or somehow? Told & re-told as superior? LOL, Method of temporal conquest. Of... anything. Greeks & Romans & Turks & Feudal Lords, And Mongols & Vandals & Teutons, ALL imagined their OWN dynasties Would last into distant millenia, If not - a gladly! smiling Eternity. LOL. And so, Everyone gets their turn, Everyone meets that same Indifferent fate. No exceptions. Look... far inside. Make no assumptions. Who? Can catch a secret glimpse Of the whole world, entirely, Completely, within?
  22. For all who are worried and/or wondering, This morning I have QUITE easily Entered in the required and necessary "key" For the final "set-up" version of SC-2. It was a snap, a breeze, a stroll in the park Whistling nonsense tunes. VERY simple copy-paste Or type-in routine for your own personal key, Takes about, oh - 5 seconds, No muss, no fuss, and for those without access To Inter-net, Instructions included Right where you can't miss 'em, Shouldn't be ANY problems. And, I can tell you true: THIS particular way to do it, That Hubert and Battlefront Have chosen, thank you, Is the least intrusive or bothersome method I have EVER used. :cool: You'll see. [ April 02, 2006, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  23. Apparently it is the determination Of Homo Sapiens, To win as militia, gain Advantage, succeed, or progress, As the one alone, or, emerged In some diminishing mass, Employing whatever devise They might take delight, Practised might, sleight, Or simple solace from. Perhaps? Another way to see, And hear: _____________________________________________ Nature can never be completely described, For such a description of Nature Would have to duplicate Nature. No name can fully express what it represents. It is Nature itself, And not any part (...or name or description) Abstracted from Nature, Which is the ultimate source Of all that happens, All that comes and goes, Begins and ends, Is and is not. But to describe Nature as "The ultimate source of all" Is still only a description, And such a description Is not Nature itself. Yet since, in order to speak of it, We must use words, We shall have to describe it As - "the ultimate source of all." If Nature is inexpressible, He who desires to know Nature As it is in itself, Will not try to express it in words. To try to express the inexpressible Leads one to make distinctions Which are... unreal. ___________________________________ -- Lao Tzu "Tao Teh King" ________________________ Interesting history JJ, Enjoyed it. Ah, pardon, here I go again... LOL, Averse to conflict as Qualified concept? And yet! Just now... testing, playing A modern day war-game. [ April 01, 2006, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
  24. Well EP, You do realize you are speaking to A... figment? IE, in French fantomas = phantom, ghost Shadow, (in)spectre? LOL. So. Who do we know speaks French? They could be in Bayou of Lousiana, Or, Anywhere along the Mississippi River Where the old French Explorers Established forts & missions, OR, Somewhere in... Canada? Not so far-fetched. I do believe Hubert himself Has mused over just such a thing. As usual, Does NOT imply that it WILL happen, Just... that it could? I don't know. The Game Designer alone, And there is ONLY the one As we know, could say, say, One fine Spring or Summer day? I like the idea as well, And have said as much some while ago, and Not merely for "Civil War" purposes, But also, and even, For a WW-2 scenario, As is, or larger scaled. I had thought - how about? IF you had partial lines at first, THEN the Engineer could connect Where you might suppose You'd most need them. Either for military or economic reasons. For instance, there is a line from Paris To Brussels, of course, BUT, You could have that Engineer Build a line to the French mine Located near the eastern border, And then that mine would become HIGHER in value. Say, it (... and all mines & oil icons) Starts out the game with value of 2 per. Should you connect to a Capital, No matter how convoluted, THEN the value would increase by one. And, Strategic Bombing MIGHT Disrupt the rail line? [... IE, being such a small target, and the Bombers WAY up there, keep the % chance fairly small; however, at certain times, as with D-Day, this could be a priority] Such as that. :cool: Well, Like I say, we'll have to wait and see Since there are no... guarantees. Substantial clamour might help? [ April 01, 2006, 08:04 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]
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