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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Well I am now almost 40:eek: To be honest it is just mostly a time issue and we either spend a lot of time here or working on the game as it truly is difficult to do both effectively. Typically nowadays, once we make an announcement it is because we are ready and of course ready to discuss and give the forums, the new game, and fans of SC our full attention. In the past it definitely was more or less "full speed ahead" but at the same time the Beta team was very small, myself, Bill Macon, Dave Maurer and Blashy, and the forums provided us with the perfect sounding board when needed but these days it is a much bigger Beta team and I guess you could say that the "full speed ahead" occurs behind the scenes instead. We certainly hope the forum will come alive once we are ready to get things under way, as we think we have a few very exciting developments in the works, and until then I simply apologize only to say we are not quite ready to make any official announcements just yet, but as Al mentioned hopefully soon enough Hubert
  2. Thanks for the report and it definitely is a bug, let me take a look at this and see if we can issue a hotfix for this or something similar as soon as possible.
  3. Hi BRO,JD, Good to hear you are making your way home and thanks for your continued interest in SC Looks like Al jumped the gun a bit here so I'm a little unprepared to give a proper response without probably being disappointingly vague, but the least I can do is confirm that Al is working on something for us and that as soon as we are prepared to make a proper announcement we will certainly do so. My apologies for this, Hubert
  4. Hi Papafourtwo, The problem was when we allowed at least 1 tile movement in every possible direction, units were squeezing through zones of control and other terrain spots where ideally they shouldn't have except for the 1 tile movement rule... it became an issue for game play especially with front lines and other areas that we went with this rule. Alternatively what we could do for a spot like that would be to put a little road in there so that if you did come from that direction you could capture the town... I'd have to double check with Bill to see what he thinks but either way a solution such as this will only solve very specific areas of the map and not change the general rule otherwise. Hubert
  5. Hi TheDeadeye, The AI should be using its subs to conduct convoy raiding as this is automatically handled by the game engine but it may have a hard time getting its subs through the Channel and out and around Scapa Flow depending on how the British and French navies have set themeselves up. Even air cover over the channel will have the German subs behaving more cautiously and in the end its most likely target would be that in the North Sea between the UK and Russia. In terms of hunting down Capital ships it may be the case that the subs bumped into a capital ship or that they were in the area and joined a naval fleet engagement but they don't specifically go after Capital ships in terms of game engine behaviour. I hope this helps, Hubert
  6. Hi CSS, sorry to hear about the trouble and please do take the time to open a ticket with the Battlefront Helpdesk and explain the situation as they should be able to sort this out for you so that you'll be back up and playing soon enough: http://www.battlefront.com Hubert
  7. Bill is correct but I think there was a bug in terms of not being able to retaliate in this situation that has been corrected for the next build... can you send me a saved turn where you were not able to attack back and I can take a look.
  8. Quick Animation simply speeds up the amount of detail (or skips it) and time for all the combat animations as well as movements for the AI. It may also skip some sound effects to speed things along. Quick Logic for the most part relates to path finding calculations for the AI which are generally the most time consuming or 'expensive' checks for AI calculations. Instead of a thorough and very accurate path and distance checking for the AI it uses a less accurate calculation that speeds things up quite a bit. Path finding is used in everything from AI movements to distance checks from one position to another, from one unit to another and so on.
  9. Hi Borsook, Sorry to hear about the trouble and hopefully there is something that can be done, have you tried the Helpdesk? From what I understand there are some serious SPAM ISPs and in the past this is what has led to these ISPs being blocked on these forums but perhaps the Helpdesk can help you get this sorted out and your ISP hopefully does not fall in that category. I can't say for sure as I don't have access to the Forum controls or what is blocked and not blocked etc., but they can shed some more light on this after you open a support ticket: http://www.battlefront.com/helpdesk Hubert
  10. I agree and this is something we are looking into as well but of course no promises just yet
  11. My mistake, I misread the code as we've changed this a few times, it is in fact strike range - 1 for GOLD so the display of the interception highlights appears to be correct.
  12. Regarding the Armistice event, as far as I remember, the units will return to their home countries and the country will de-mobilize from the war, i.e. drop below 100% mobilization. After that they are treated as any other country that is not fully at war, i.e. they can increase in mobilization if scripted to do so or even be declared war upon etc. But quick tests on your end should give you a better idea on just how it works and what the effects and limitations might be.
  13. Thanks Mike, I've made the event corrections on my end now.
  14. Hi Mike, Perhaps an odd hiccup as I just ran a test on my end, albeit with the latest code, and it worked as expected. Sometimes if you have more than one game running and if you changed the settings while in another game it will override the current game in progress. Is this perhaps the case? Hubert
  15. Hi Aryaman, Thanks for the feedback and I can just add that the supply system is always being adjusted to better suit in game needs as well as player concerns. If you search through the thread history regarding supply you'll get the idea However, that being said both #1 and #2 have been debated in the past and there are pros and cons to any further changes. While you've outlined some of the pros, the cons are that in many circumstances a unit or resource that is considered cutoff in one circumstance is possibly just outrunning its supply in another circumstance. Additionally HQ supply giving value is now also tied into the HQ strength so if you or your opponent can weaken the HQ and/or the cutoff resource eventually the entire pocket will collapse. Either way this is not to say that there is still not room for improvement, it is just that we have to consider the cons of any further changes as the supply situation you've described might be representative of something completely different on the game map, i.e. a unit on a resource on an island or in an area of the map that is not connected to a capital, and so any change to the supply system has to consider those types of situations as well. Hubert
  16. This is a great AAR x13fox and I thank you for taking the time to put this together
  17. No problem at all jceharris, if you press the F2 button before you start your game a DEBUGLOGS folder will be created and a number of log files will be created that keep track of the decision events as well as store all the after turn summaries including event popups. I hope this helps, Hubert
  18. Hi Jceharris, If you look in your installation folder there is a subfolder called 'Manuals'. Inside there is a document called 'Expansion Notes.pdf' and it outlines all the changes/additions including script changes for Breakthrough from the previous releases. I hope this helps, Hubert
  19. Thanks for your interest DrunkenLuftwaffe and I can say that we are working on a few things, we're just not quite ready to make any announcements just yet... but hopefully soon enough
  20. Another thing you can try doing is right clicking on the Editor shortcut and selecting Run As Administrator to see if that helps.
  21. It sounds like there might be a write permission error on the folder it is trying to save to... can you check the properties of the save folder and ensure it is not 'write-only' or that you have the full Administrative rights to save your work on the computer in question?
  22. Just looking at the code I would say yes, however if you have an example of a saved turn where it looks like it is not working this way please don't hesitate to send it my way and I'd be happy to take a look. Send to support@furysoftware.com
  23. For GOLD interception should be Spotting Range - 1 and will increase with each Long Range increase as spotting range increases.
  24. Too funny SeaMonkey and nothing just yet PeekingDuck.
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