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Thin Red Line

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Everything posted by Thin Red Line

  1. I want to complete the CMBO scenarios i started in PBEM...for some of them it will last weeks !
  2. I kept my old P3 700Mghz CPU but i ugraded my RAM from 320 to 768Mb and bought a 128Mb graphic card and everything in CMBO and CMBB runs now very smoothly. CMBB requires very much video memory apparently.
  3. Well, let me try this, i'll tell you the outcome . I now realize i was not using the 30.87 as i wrongly stated but only the 'stereo' part of them i dowloaded from the page on the same Nvidia page showing the 40.xx beta drivers. So i was most probably stuck with the 28.80 which came with the card. This could explain my problems. And i dind't download the 29.42 at first because i couldn't find the archive page on their site... Many thanks. [ October 31, 2002, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  4. Hello P5, Thanks for the reply, Was you problem solved with the 29.xx drivers ? I'll give them a try. For my Asus graphic card the available specific drivers are the 28.80 only ... (BTW I forgot to mention the most important thing : the graphics now rock with the new card, CMBB is superb and i can play with extreme settings. I have a 700 Mghz CPU and 768Mb RAM) [ October 30, 2002, 03:39 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  5. Hi all, I upgraded my computer for a new 128Mb Ti GeForce 4600 graphic card but since then i get random freezes in game (order phases and movies). I can use the mouse but everything else is frozen, i have to reboot. It happens when i move the pointer, but sometimes when i don't touch anything too. After a reboot I had once a message from Windows saying that the graphic went into an 'loop'. I don't know what it means. I tried without the sound (shift S), same result. I am using the 30.87 Nvidia drivers, my OS is Windows XP. I downloaded new drivers for my sound card (VIA AC'97 ) and my mouse but no luck freezes are still there. It doesn't really prevent me from playing , because the freezes are quite rare, but i'm surprised because i never encountered a problem with my GeForce2 32mb /W98 configuration... Does anybody have the same problem ? Any tip to solve this ? Thanks in advance [ October 30, 2002, 02:09 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  6. My car look like 50 years old after 1 hour driving on a dirt road too... Nothing wrong here IMHO.
  7. Maybe you should first read the manual more carefully. All incapacitated soldiers are not dead, actually most of them are alibve but only wounded, shell shocked, etc.
  8. It's the Balista Roman technique. Upon my signal, unleash Hell. Maximus
  9. Yep, no need to use the b... word here, it has always been like that even in CMBO.
  10. Getting reinforcement is the most enjoyable moment in CM IMHO, the black window 'Reinforcements are arrived' popping-up when situation becomes critical... I like big battles !
  11. Agua I think it would fire HE most probably. Sure, it is a limitation to this tactic but even a HE can kill a lightly armored AFV. Your example shows the engine doesn't need a target to score a kill. What kind of message did you get when you scored the kill ? Did you get the penetration message ?
  12. That's precisely what i'm wondering too. I've no doubt about the blast effect, it works, but what about hit, penetration etc. ? Anyone ? So far my experiences in CMBO gave nothing, or only upset enough the hidden tank to make him reply and shoot my asset...
  13. Say there is a patch of wood, or scaterred trees with ennemy armor hidden behind (not in LOS). Can you use an AT assets (AFV or gun) to area target the place, in hope to get a lucky shot if the shell comes through the obstacle ? I mean , is the game engine able to handle a armor kill without the red target line ? Or is it just a waste of ammo ? Well, that is my question.
  14. Yes, so it means that 1) No crew is sitting in the assistant driver position 2) Turret MG is damaged It seems a likely explaination. But it should be quite rare anyway.
  15. Same thing here in the demo scenario, i had a Mark III with a damaged gun, 1 crew casualty, no mg fire available, (no hull down position). Maybe a demo only thing ?
  16. You don't have to accept it as such a limitation doesn't exist anymore in CMBB. From the New Features section : Artillery strikes will continue beyond the incapacitation of the FO if: 1. The strike was planned on turn one (i.e. a "preplanned strike"), or 2. The strike had begun firing spotting rounds (or, if it’s not the type to fire spotting rounds, then was within the time period where spotting rounds would otherwise be fired).
  17. Rune, Do you think you could get a copy of those photos in some way ? Very interesting interview. regards
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