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Thin Red Line

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Everything posted by Thin Red Line

  1. But as the germans against a human, it is waaayyy more difficult as the briefing states. ****SPOILER**** I pulled off all my tanks as advised on turn 1 it was really beautiful to see the panzer retreating at full speed in the steppe with the turret facing backwards (thank to the cover arc+ fast command). One of them didn't manage to escape its russian hunters though.
  2. But how many points do you get for that ? Is this proportional to the tank value, or just a crew generic value ?
  3. Thanks for your replies, plenty of useful stuff as always. I bought 2 of them in a 1500pts combined QB and i realized my mistake quickly. But in a very large armor scenario i get 2 platoons of them ; i think they will be useful for the reco role and i'll try to make them survive.
  4. Is is possible to capture tanks in cmbb battles ? I'm wondering because in a game i had a tank vs infantry close-combat(which seems more frequent than in cmbo BTW). A T34 was abandonned and my German rifle men captured the crew , but it just came to my mind it could be possible that the tank surrendered before being destoyed. It could give a lot of victory points... At least i suggest if a tank is abandonned (not KO) and the crew captured the opposite side should get the points for capturing the tank itself. Or maybe this is already modelled ?
  5. About infantry morale in combat, i highly recommend the reading of the report posted by MD here
  6. From their trenches, steel-helmeted troops show their waxen faces as one of them cries: "This is the end. They'll trample us to death". One of them decides to get out of his trench and run. The others stay, not knowing what to do. No one has seen the tanks yet. "Stay where you are. Prepare your anti-tank charges. Prime your hand grenades", cries one of the platoon commanders. The tanks fire their main guns, and kick up the dirt with their machine guns. Panic-stricken and holding onto what is left of his left arm, one of the German soldiers staggers out of his trench crying : "We're through. We haven't got a chance". Panic is in everyone's mind. Really interesting. [ November 28, 2002, 03:34 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  7. I'm probably among this small minority too because i feel slighly sad for the loss of this challenge. It is like been allowed to drive a Ferrari during a few days and then they take back the keys and you return to your regular car. I hope you're right.
  8. I don't know if it is just me, but i have the feeling that patched infantry is less prone to panic under fire. Instead, they stay pinned longer. I find the men more reliable, and i can offer to be slightly less cautious when giving them difficult tasks. Does anybody is under the same impression ? If yes, do you think is it a more realistic simulation of soldiers at war ?
  9. May i suggest you change the title of your topic, because everybody thinks it the 100th about the white ampulomet graphic in game and skip it , when it is actually a very informative post.
  10. ****SPOILER ALERT RUSSIAN PLAYER DON'T READ**** Peter, I'm back home and i have my set-up opened so here's my tip : I've positionned 3 ATGs + 1 MG in the patch of woods in front of the bridge (North). With excellent result BTW . I left 1 ATG in the southern slope of the Hill in case a breakthrough of the Soviets.(ok, this one has no good LOS but it is here as a reserve asset). During the set-up i have put my mortar batteries at the eastern edge of the big black set-up zone and i move them to the west at the beginning of battle. I'm at turn 22, they have put a good fight and now are all quietly falling back, as they've emptied their ammo. A very enjoyable scenario, incredible to see a handful of vet soldiers resisting the Russians waves (some platoons are 5 or 6 men left, low ammo but still briliantly fighting). [ November 26, 2002, 07:42 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  11. ****SPOILER**** I'm playing the scenario in PBEM as the Germans and it is very obvious that the ATGs and mortars should be re-positionned during the set-up in a more forward position in order to provide support to the defending troops. Otherwise they will be used only to defend the Hill and if you defend the Hill, it likely you've already lost the battle. For me there is nothing wrong with the flag positions, holding them mean you hold the village.
  12. Cpt K., i understand your point, but at the end you gave a relatively bad score to a great scenario. If, according to you, the scenario is not fitted for AI play, maybe it is preferable to put just 0 in the 'vs AI' mark and put a comment in your review regarding that specific point).
  13. You most probably played historically accurate scenarios The East Front was usually very difficult and not very enjoyable.
  14. You should have a look at the scenario forum, there are alot of discussions about the subject there. An almost perfect one for PBEM is Defense of Verkhne-Golubaya.
  15. If in CMBB, Prokhrovka. But be careful, it's as big as the real battle
  16. This thing isn't of great use anyway. It looks like a cigarette now, and doesn't kill faster.
  17. Nice tip. Very useful to see the previous movies in your current PBEMs. Thanks WWB.
  18. I've the result, because the turn after i posted the above comments the ennemy 'auto surrendered' because of low morale (turn 28). So it is a total victory for the Germans. Champagne !
  19. I fully subscribe to the above. If only scenarios had more reviews, it would minimize the effect of 'weird' or faulty ratings.
  20. Is it a finding of your bathroom experimentation ?
  21. C3k, It was already in v1.00 too. I agree, it completely ruins the game. I'll stop playing cmbb until it's fixed
  22. Same problem here !!! I received my opponent AAR instead of mine, could open it w/o PW. (PBEM Desperate measures, auto surrender of the russians after turn 27). Very frustrating to win a total and when you open the AAR it says you've suffered a total defeat !!! I was shocked for 3 minutes before i realized it was my opponent AAR. Obviously a fix is needed here. Regards
  23. Their armamant is so ridiculous and obsolete starting from 42 i really wonder what is the best use for those light tanks ? And their ammo stock is quite low, emptied in a couple of turns. Any suggestions ? Recon, infantry hunting ?
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