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Thin Red Line

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Everything posted by Thin Red Line

  1. There were good fire mods but no flame mod (flamethrowers) AFAIK.
  2. I still didn't receive my game but when i look at the new smoke puffs for firing units in CMBB demo i wonder if the flame graphic (for flamethrowers unit) has been revised too and/or if it's moddable ? It looked somewhat weird in CMBO, not very convicing to be honest. [ October 18, 2002, 08:02 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  3. In CMBO, good guns (75 long , 88mm or 17 pdrs) regularly score kills at approx. 2000m.
  4. A few battles closely tagged together, Sir.
  5. I agree with Soddball. There is nothing unfair to answer that this has been already discussed and solved. Or maybe i'm just in a bad mood this morning. [ October 17, 2002, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  6. That's exactly what i say to myself every frickin' morning.
  7. With this lust feature CM may even sell better then CDV's 'Lula Wet Attack' ! Nice move .
  8. Your teacher of 'Modern Theatre' would be more helpful .
  9. I can testify that he is answering e-mails of customers and is very heplful solving their problems. It must be time-consuming.
  10. My great-great-great-grand-father was a colonel and charged against the Russians leading his french Cuirassiers regiment ... emmm wait it was in 1805 at Austerlitz, not the same East Front. (Hey, he also charged against the Germans at Iena on year later )
  11. What is the purpose of this white stripe on the side ?
  12. I myself started investigations with the Turkish customs for my missing CMBB. Pray for me.
  13. Tanaka don't read this. I feel embarrassed...
  14. ''From a coldly practical military point of view, the German soldier was the perfect soldier. But in a broader judgement it must be concluded that he was quite simply too good.'' :cool:
  15. A therapy is not enough for what's happening to me. I preordered 2 copies on the 10th of september. Game not arrived yet. But one week ago, sept. 26th, i made another order for a EU friend, and this order arrived today !!! Well, i sent the game to it's final addressee, bravely resisting the urge to open the plastic wrapper and to have a look at the manual... Frustrating, to say the least..
  16. Reminds me the story that when Molotov showed de Gaulle around the devastated battlefield of Stalingrad in December 1945, the newly-elected French President exclaimed: 'What a great people! The Germans, I mean.'
  17. Let's open a I have the game / I don't have it forum instead.
  18. [Edited because Foxbat is faster than me] [ September 27, 2002, 06:42 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  19. Belisaurus, Belisarius, Dinosaur, whatever, Welcome, You may find out that the Opponent Finder board of this Forum is the best way to get in contact with new opponents.
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