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Thin Red Line

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Everything posted by Thin Red Line

  1. I'll make a leather binding for mine. And maybe i should ask a autograph from Madmatt on it ? [ September 20, 2002, 07:58 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  2. I prefer also because actually i have definitely no idea what Terence really said in Russian (was it Russian BTW ?)
  3. ALL 12 tanks of my PBEM opponent knocked out in ONE turn by my ATGs. It was turn 30 of a 60 turns scenario, but he surrendered here. I felt really sorry for him, but i kept the movie as a souvenir. [ September 19, 2002, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  4. Ne te vexes pas Pascal il te propose juste de t'envoyer CMBB en version US par la poste !
  5. Right. PASCAL, everybody would be very relieved if you could stop your whining campaign. Merci d'avance.
  6. Parabellum, can you show a pic of a half-squad of Roumanians with only two men remaining behind a hedge with a burning late Panther 35m away on their right and 3 T-34 200m away from them shooting at a 88mm Flak gun all buttoned but one ? (if an air attack is under way at the same time it would be better) Thanks
  7. Crown of Thorns is huge, especially by numbers of vehicules. Compares with XXX Corps Breakout
  8. CDV beats BFC, how ironic ! But it is a joke, isn't it ?
  9. I've experienced a weird thing for a few weeks : When i generate a pbem file (CMBO or CMBB demo), after the turn calculation itself is done (blue bar) instead of the pbem file naming screen popping up immediately , there is a black screen, lasting a dozen of seconds, before i can enter the name file. CMBO runs fine otherwise on my PC and it is a completely new (not really serious) annoyance. Does anyone see the same thing ? Is it linked to PBEM Helper or CMBB demo (the newest things on my computer) ?
  10. Maybe not as fragile as mortars, but i agree it is unrealistic to see HMG crews with no ammo standing to the last man to preserve a useless weapon. Same with towed-guns.
  11. Maybe she should consider dating heterosexuals [ September 17, 2002, 03:13 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  12. How efficient were they ? It's hard to imagine getting close to a tank with working MG and gun riding this machine :eek:
  13. Well, then it should be easy to find a uncle from America who will send CMBB to you for your birthday which is opportunely on 20th Sept.
  14. Don't worry Prinz Eugen, as Napoleon said : The French complain of everything, and always PASCAL and Arioch make no exception
  15. From the New Features section : If vehicles reach "Broken" morale state, they may retreat off the map if that provides a nearby escape from a threat (similar to what infantry does).
  16. A few years sooner, german soldiers were horrified when they discovered the dramatic living conditions of the Russians, especially in cities, which reinforce their belief of fighting for a juste cause.
  17. I was answering the specific point raised by DrA who said that it could give an advantage to the cautious attacker (by giving him possibly only more turns so he can develop a careful tactic). I'm just stating that the defender can benefit from it as well. I've never said you said that it wasn't
  18. [Grunting] Voila qui me rassure... Nicolas Evil French [ September 04, 2002, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]
  19. 1) Not really, because you the attacker doesn't know when the game will finish. It can be next turn so will he jeopardize the victory by being more cautious ? 2) The defender may use the opportunity of additional turns to launch a counterattack. 3) If that is still really a concern, just setting the lenght to a few turns less that the 'ideal number' is a good deal.
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