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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. I have found out through spoiler sources that he'll in fact be singing "Jedi Rap starring Masta Windu and Feat Busta Yoda," and the "Sith Boogie remix."
  2. I'm out guys. My pathetic employer needs two freak'n months of notice to get a day off for an employee. It's just the lazy, whining, bitch that handels our schedualing. Unfortunatly, my bosses think she is an excellent person for the position, even though 90% of the staff complains about her and her policy. :mad: Heve fun ya'll. Drink a couple for me. :cool:
  3. I would rather see the IS-3 and the Panther II as opposed to the Maus when it comes to "fun" units in CMBB.
  5. L4Pliot, It's closing? Well that sucks. :mad: All the more reason for the June 22 meeting. I say: we meet at 2-3pm? This will give everyone enough time to make the drive without some having to wake early (GOD FORBID ) on a Saturday! Since the museum closes a 5pm, this will give us plenty of time to visit it. Gyrene, I think we'll need a list of those who know for sure they are coming, so our friend can set up accomodations for us at the Spitfire Grill. Maybe everyone can e-mail you or L4Pilot, and a list can be posted on the thred so we have an idea of how many will be there? I'm in. I just have to make arrangments with my employer. [ May 10, 2002, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  6. I say: Santa Monica airport, Sat, June 22. -This will give us an accessable place to eat and chat; oh yeah, and drink. -It's on a Saturday, so none of you church going types will be effected (except Catholics). -It has the museum that we can stumble around in if we like. :cool: -The date is far enough in advance that we can get the time off from our respective employers (yes, some of us do work weekends) -The date is also the Barbarossa kick off date (and maybe the CMBB kick off date too)! :eek: Thats what methinks. Anyone? [ May 08, 2002, 11:21 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  7. Strider: LOL Gyrene: All the women in California look good. My family and I went to New York two years ago and there wasn't ONE single female worth looking at!! I kid you not!! :eek:
  8. I don't know MD. Maybe those guys just have a case of: "wanna-be Archer crews."
  9. Thanks for a great mod Graal. And thanks Tom for the very good option and winter pack you added to it.
  10. Where you at Strider? I'm off of Belle Terrace on the eastern side of town. Born and raised in this pit. Don't 'cha just love the smog here? 3rd worst air quality in the world. *cough*
  11. Lancaster? I can skip to your dang house from mine; I'm in Bakersfield!! I would be up to a meeting if I could get the time off from work. Gotta Vegas trip coming up soon though. [ May 06, 2002, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  12. I think Matt is getting ready to update CMHQ with the new CMMOS! All the old CMMOS 3.01 files at CMHQ will not download (as though they have been moved to somewhere else)! :cool:
  13. I know I'm gonna give it a try!! :eek: And yes, nice layout on your page Paw, looks very sharp. :cool:
  14. Keith, try upping up the gamma (alt-G) a notch. Works wonders for me.</font>
  15. Excellent grass Tanks! It's been a long while since I've seen a set that made me want to switch, and yours was well worth it. A little on the darkish side, but looks great anyway! Good job sir!!
  16. Those are mine. My first offical mod. It is a modification of clubfoot's low-res fountain (single water tile) in both summer and winter (frozen) versions. Looks great in the city, or near wheat fields (water resovior), or in rural (water hole for herd animals). Should go well with Tom's street fight'n mod! If I knew how, I could post a couple of preview pics here! [ April 29, 2002, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  17. 1. Married 2. Dialysis Technition/Student (history major) 3. 2 Girls (4 years, and 2 years old) 4. Currently one PBEM game with 1 to 2 turns a day. Normaly have two to four games running at once, but am currently busy with school. Number of turns depends on opponent and myself. Sometimes several a day, but always at least one. [ April 29, 2002, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  18. I think murpes just teases us with pics, but never intends to release them.
  19. Very nice. It looks like I may switch off of Tom's S-Grass for that beautiful set.
  20. Don't worry, Captain Wacky has given his bItcH AzZ the SMACKDOWN </font>
  21. Danial, Swasticas are illegal to be sold in products in Germany from what I understand. Battlefront likes to make money, and alienating a nice chunk of their customers makes no sense. You're just asking to be flamed for your post. Think before you speak.
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