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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. Do not forget the Brittish and Canadians! And any number of other nations that supported the operations on that important day 58 years ago! :eek:
  2. Oh, so I'm retarded now am I!! :mad: That's it! You're one of the first people I am going to challange to a CMBB duel!! I'm gonna stick a platoon of T-34/85's right up your. . .well, you get the picture don't you?!
  3. Can you start banning people who insist on this pointless and childish speculation? Now, as to my brilliant theory that the magazine ad art was also the splash screen....</font>
  4. Chance Encounter I played the Germans, got my ass kicked by the AI. I remember thinking My god! Someone has finally made the game I have been dreaming of since I was a kid!! :eek: I still play CE and VoT now and again for old times sake (and to see how diffrent they look when I load up a new grass or uniform set). CM realy was (and still is) a revolutionary game. I'll never forget that first experience with it. :cool:
  5. What about your flak guns Marco? What about your flak guns?!
  6. Treeburst, I deleted my contact list like a big dork. Could you send it to me again? Pretty please?
  7. Will it be possable for crews to get out and push their own AFVs? I think I read once about a King Tiger crew pushing their tank for three miles through swamplands. And what about Jabos? Could they put a rocket down about 5 meters behind a friendly AFV to wedge it free from bogging? I sure hope the crew isn't pushing when this happens though.
  8. Das wha I'm talk'n bout! Finish, and then: Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie! Hey, how'd ja get Makjager's high-res road wheels on Mike D's low-rez bmp? I've wanted to do that, but using the cut and paste option in MS Paint (how I tweak most the mods I use) won't work because of the diffrent bmp sizes. If you can mail me that bmp of the side hull with the wheels, I can send you one of my unoffical mod tweaks in trade (winter Jagdpanther). *Looks around for the mod cops* ...and, CURSE YOU GORDON!! [ May 31, 2002, 05:57 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  9. Yeah, uh, huh, huh, huh, huh. Uh....he wants a bone. He's a homosnexjewel. Yeah, huh, huh, huh ,huh. I agree though. Building you own factories is high on my list of things I would like to see in a preview.
  10. Good job Matt. Thanks for your good customer service. Once more reason I am loyal to BFC, BTS and the CM community. [ May 31, 2002, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  11. We nees' da BLACK text brother man! Matt, see my above post before you dust us off for the night (just so you know).
  12. Double post. [ May 31, 2002, 12:04 AM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  13. Hey Matt, just a minor FYI as well. Under "Resources" when you (or at least when I) scroll my cursor down the list of link selections, it causes all the lines in the links to bounce around a bit like Battlefront.com is having a samll earthquake.
  14. Much better Matt. Thanks for keeping an ear open to us cry babies.
  15. Yes, BTS, please return to darker fonts and lighter backgrounds :eek: (at least on thr forum). The white text is hard on the eyes. The rest of the site looks very good. Very professional. :cool:
  16. I can't stand the MDMP one anymore. It just dosen't fit in with the other high quality winter mods. Does anyone have a good one that they can send me? Or one that is in the works? A high-res whitewash would be cool, or a "snowed over" version of Mike D's low-reser would also kick ass (are you out there Gordon? The Hetzer needs one of your snow jobs). [ May 29, 2002, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
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