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Everything posted by BeauCoupDinkyDau

  1. I read in one of the threds that CMMOS was suppost to get some new goodies at the end of the month. Does anyone know when those mods will be posted? It's the end of the month now. [ June 28, 2002, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  2. BTS had a limited time to produce CMBO like all game developers. They choose certain AFVs and ommitted others based on what they thought would make the game more complete and balanced. A lot of vehciles didn't make it into the game such as the American M16 halftrack, while other obscure units (the H-39 Hotchkiss) did. CMBB promices to have many more AFVs available than it's predecessor, but rest assured, one or two of your favorits will probably not see the light of day. As far as the 234/4 goes, did it see more eastern or western service? If it fought the russkies in greater numbers, then there is a good chance it will be in CMBB. I myself am more interested in playing with things like the eariler PSW 222 series though.
  3. Subtitle: Golly! Jive ass foul ain't got no brains anyhow!</font>
  4. Sweet. This thread is turning into a dope, superfly, tripped-out discussion! Check it bleed; bro was on! Didn't trip. But the folks was freak'n, man. The pilots' was laid to the bone, home. Some blood hammered out in down-ship. Tight that bad sucka by the runway like a mutha. Sheet.
  5. Welcome to the obsession fellow mod-slut.
  6. What kind of question is that punk? Dosen't your daddy already have an answer for you?
  7. Gorden's got some beauts in the works. Check'em out at Mods & Modders .
  8. One million mega-bytes. *holds up pinky to corner of mouth*
  9. And will they come in both the static 120mm mortar set-up and the towed 120mm mortars that were mounted on trailers? I have already done a search on the topic with no clear answer to this question. [ June 17, 2002, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  10. We could have a suprise demo release on 22. You never know.
  11. Hey Matt, It's still downloading the original mod with the older roadwheels, not the new tweaked one.
  12. To all my opponents: I am alive (I think) and am going to start sending/returning files as of today. Have been very busy mopping up my last non-tourney PBEMs, and with real life. Now I just have to install my new graphics card and then I'll start sending to yas. Sorry for the delay. [ June 10, 2002, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  13. Marcus is having a winter mod attack! Someone tell him it's summer!!
  14. Okay, even though it still pops up in scenarios, I concede. I don't think I've seen it in one winter scenario come to think of it. Just finish that Hetzer! *cracks whip* [ June 09, 2002, 03:20 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]
  15. Nice. Hey Marcus, how about winterizing your flak wagons too?
  16. Oooooohhh! Release that dirty grass Ed! Or at the very least, e-mail it to me! Pretty please?
  17. Ed, Try to round the corners of the wheat when it makes a 90 degree turn. It will look more realistic methinks. I use your dark-green-meadow grass BTW. It's awsome.
  18. Yeah, thanks for your excellent efforts Gordo. You have made a great game truly outstanding with your selfless offerings to all of us! Excellent work sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. That factory is SWEET!! Is the giant lizard to 1942 russian stats? I don't want the T-144a super tank killing lizard unless it's armor and foot crushing pressure are to it's true historical numbers!
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