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Everything posted by Swift

  1. Have you tried with the NGO drivers? I am running then mow (on a 6600 card) and I saw a framerate improvement. http://www.ngohq.com/home.php?page=nvidia
  2. My guess is that it's still being tested, I feel that it is better to get a "bug free" patch then one that is broken. As with all software it will be done when it is done
  3. It is if you have only one unit to command or sub commanders that follows orders. For CM it is not. However I have found that I somewhat like the RT option of CM:SF. It turns the game into something else but as I don't trust the current AI I rather play with pauses then turns so I have better control. However I always liked the fact that you gave orders to units and then had the agony to watch them trying to follow them (Tiger! Shoot you silly gun!!! Noooo) Hopefully the AI will improve and WEGO will become better. Even then I am sure I will play RT for short fun sessions and save WEGO for the more complex battles. If only I could rewind and look at all the thngs htat happens (from all angles) in a RT game. Charles? [ August 04, 2007, 04:05 PM: Message edited by: Swift ]
  4. I just played a game where my infantry "froze" after disembarking. After I had given up on all of them and started advancing without them they suddenly started moving again. Very odd. It was mostly units that disembarked from transports but I also had problems getting two scouts to move from a building. Also the embarking took quite some time. I don't know how long it should take but they all stood around waiting while they one after another slowly moved upo the ramp. Perhaps it's SOP so they won't hit their head on the doorframe
  5. Yes, plase expand the area the camera can move out from. It is odd to have to rotate the view just because you are trying to look from an "outside-in" view.
  6. The camera is ok when the key lag issue is resolved. However it is not (in my opinion) as easy to use as other 3D games camera. However reading on this board I see that many people really like the current controls. As far as I can see all "standard" camera movements are in the game it is only how the mouse/keyboard controls them that is the "problem" (for some). I would like to suggest that the key binding could be expanded to include mouse movements and camera functions. This way players can make a configuration that they are custom to. Hopefully this is as easy as the other hotkey remappings.
  7. I thought they already begun to sell the game...
  8. I think I could get used to RT mode if there was a slight modification to it: A replay function. That way I could give orders, unpause, let it play for a while and then pause with the knowledge that I could replay anything that I have missed.
  9. How tanks move when they drive through uneven terrain. I hope they all have their helmets on.
  10. This is the key point made. Sure many people posting here likes the game and see past a bad UI and see the game itself. New users won't. I can learn to use the current UI and I am sure that it works after I do but that does not mean that it is good, intuitive, fast and easy.
  11. They don't do the same as WASD and there is no explenation on how to change it
  12. Make a copy of the original and experiment with it. I can't find any guide on how to do it either.
  13. My units also refused to spend the last Javelin in the tutorial. Perhaps they where saving it for a better target? Jason, agains a stationary target you can fire a AT4 quite far with good accuracy, at lest 400m. Against a moving target I would still say 200m. It's maximum range is about 2 kilometres.
  14. I disagree with the functionality Moon but that is a design issue. I could live with out it if there was good alternatives like my 2nd suggestion or better hotkey mapping. The "customizable hotkey" function is awful. To be forced to edit a txt file to change key bindings is not what I expect in a game of this quality. There could least be a stand-alone program with GUI for that (that way I would be able to map numerical keys, something that I am sure works but nothing about it is mentioned in any manual I have seen so I can't do it). Such a program would take a good programmer less then a day to make (most likely a couple of hours).
  15. I use Nvidia drivers so it is not just a ATI thing. I also noticed the problem with mouse buttons mapped to keyboard buttons. They very rarely work (but sometimes they do). I think this is because they are not repeating. Also I think that the keyboards repeating causes the other problem (the game UI sticks). Something is wrong with key input.
  16. And why no right-click menu? Don't say that you cant fit all the options in a menu. Just make sub levels like the start button on windows does. I have way more then 36 folders and it manages to show them all quite fast. Or use a modal menu. And why not make a customizable button panel so everyone can put the command buttons they would like in it.
  17. WoW, I just played a RT scenario (Trident Valley I think, then one where you have to take 3 towns) and I must say that I am very displeased. The fight took place in three different sectors (meaning that I had to frantically jump back and forth with a camera control that is awful) but I felt that I had no time to give proper orders (a very hard to use UI did not help) and in the end I just selected the whole platoon and told them to move forward. Without any tactic and hardly any input from my part I won the game with 3 wounded and no IFVs destroyed... I do hope that the game will improve and I have high hopes on Battlefront but right now I feel cheated.
  18. I would like to know the name and location of the ambient noise files so I can replace them with silence. And also remove/lower the engine noise.
  19. I also notice this problem when I shift+left click to select units.
  20. I second the "FPS fly style" camera mode and the single playback. I also would like to have the CM1 option to show the waypoints for all units (and their targets).
  21. Never mind. It just opened and at 3.5Mbit/s the download only took 2min. Thanks!
  22. I just caved in and decided to buy the game without playing the demo. I thought I would support Battlefront and buy direct instead of going through Paradox (also CM:BB EU version was a bit behind the US patches) but I forgot that the downloads only where open for pre-order customers. About when do you plan to open the "normal" customer download?
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