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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. Of course, in such a small scale tactical enviroment as CMBB encompass, and more often than not without any AA capabilities, Im sure the Il-2 can be very effective. Im just saying tha maybe the Il-2 in a historical perspective wasn't the big beast as some have made it out to be. Just like the Tiger, King Tiger etc
  2. Less relevant?!?! The eastern front is by far the MOST relevant front of the entire WWII. I'll tell you what is less relevant, that's the little US adventure in westeren Europe right before the war ended. Everything else is just side shows compared to the eastern front. And, guess what, there is a world outside the US that have no interest commanding US troops western Europe. The customer base of BFC is now a lot more than just US players, especially after the CDV deal. What you should have in your title is something like : "CMBB, less relevant for US players?". Maybe it is, but I dont care. Im VERY happy to see something else than the tired old "after D-Day" war game. Just my 0.02 €
  3. In "Fighting in hell" a German commander describes how the Il-2 caused a lot of problems in the beginning of the war, but after the AA guns (20 mm) was *allowed* to use it's AP shots (reserved for Anti Armour) to bring down the Il-2's they sized to be a big problem. Also, the russians never attacked in a co ordinated manner, which further hampered their effectiveness. It seems the all powerful Il-2 is to a large degree a myth, like so many other things.
  4. Can any of you confirm if the dreaded TCP/IP POW bug in CMBO is fixed?
  5. Good observation redwolf, hope to see this fixed in version 1.01!
  6. Yeah, but killmore doesn't let stuff like facts come in his way. Give him the usual Hollywood-USA-is-the-best war movies and Im sure he is happy.
  7. I just look forward to kick some uber finn ass, with whatever I get. If all I get is Anti Tank rifles, I'll still kick their ass!
  8. You'll not see any options for grid lines for CMBB, I think thats pretty much guaranteed. Download a mod. And I would like to add, some ppl have complained about some vehicles that share their BMPs, let me just say THANK YOU BTS for including these vehicles. Im sure you and modders will remedy the BMPs on a later date, but Im grateful BTS has included the vehicles at all, instead of just cutting them away. I think BTS have gotten way too much **** coming their way latly with the CDV/Manual/Copy Protection/BMPs etc lately. I just want to say THANK YOU to BTS to making such great games, dont let the whining get to you! It's a miracle your responses havent been much harsher! That said, I hope everybody at the forum keep posting *constructive crtizism*! Let's make a great game even better! Hell, Im waiting for CMBB myself!
  9. It means that a random number of turn will be added. So, a 45+ turns game can have from 45-50 turns. I THINK the max number is + 5 turns.
  10. I find no fun at all in analyzing the map my self, and I'll download the first grid grass ASAP. It's just plain boring having to go down and check out every square meter!
  11. Seems so, I think the PzIV in CMBB has a higher blast value in CMBB than CMBO.
  12. No, the Finnish guns/armour is essentially the same as the german, we have seen the german. Show us something new, yeah!! Like, hmm.. a KV-2 perhaps?!?
  13. Please, do a search. This has been discussed to DEATH, and is hardly anything new. Regarding the names etc in the CMBB, the answer is no. Now be glad you have the game and play it, 95 % of us is waiting for it!
  14. I for one prefer the DVD case to those bulky boxes, and a having a manual partyl as a PDF file, hey,it's not the end of the world. How many times are u gonna read that thing? You'r gonna bring it along on the vacation maybe? Then again, I get the full manual
  15. I have a good feeling... wed next week, Im sure I get it then. *looks into crystal ball and nods*
  16. Thanks PB! Keep em coming! For the guys that can't see his links or pictures, I use Opera (try it!!) and can't see nothin', had to switch to IE to see the links to the pic's.
  17. As the title says. If you got CMBB, please give us some screen shots and impressions. You know we need it!!!
  18. Another discussion about this?! Well, prepare your old and proven arguments for a re-hash. Some topics never go out of style on this forum it seems. Have I mentioned what I think about the scenarios in the demo?!?!
  19. Where does all these new members come from?!?! Doesnt matter I guess, fresh meat is always welcome. Welcome to the Ost Front meine Herren. Muhahahhahaha, muhahhahahaha.. etc. [ September 17, 2002, 05:44 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  20. I have it. But I found it to be too "dry" for my own taste and also it's focusing more on the grand scale of things than the CM tactis level.
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