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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. Well, it bring maybe another question to mind, if, as it seems, the battles in CMBB is bigger (more units) that would mean more micro managment of the units, especially if they are prone to panic or whatever. I would say that the current command and game style doesn't suit the bigger battles much. Ofcource, it's a personla opinion as I know of several persons that enjoy big battles. But, I would also claim that MOST people that play the game doesn't prefer the big battles (2000+ pts in CMBO) but mostly play 1000-2000 pts battles. So the question is, is the Combat Mission series beginning to outgrow it's command structure? A bit early to ask maybe, since all we have is the demo, but hey, can't blame a guy for asking, now can u!?
  2. Ok, played the scenarios a bit now. And, after playing Yelna as Russians (and getting a total victory) I cant see myself playing much as attacking russians in the final game, why? Cos it's just so much of an hassle! I mean, there are tons of inf, they panic as soon as they hear a shot, and it's just a pain in the butt to micro manage them all! Im aware that it's quite realistic, but I for one dont enjoy having to nurse every one of the zillion russian inf units where ever they go. So, what do you think? Do you enjoy playing as the russians in Yelna?
  3. Welcome. I think you will find this forum to be quite informative, and generally quite friendly, as long as you dont step on any grognard toes! Be sure to visit the chat sites also.
  4. End of game casualties doesn't add up. In the Yelna Stare scenario, I won a major vic as germans, but noticed I only had 10 cas on the end of game screen, I thought that was a bit odd, so I selected some of the soviet units to see how many cas. they recorded. 4 sov. units had recorded almost 30 cas inflicted, this does not compute well with the 10 in the end screen. For the record, I think the 30 something was the correct number.
  5. They didn't kill a lot of prisioners, however, they didnt treat them well, and there were serious food shortages etc. The "mass killing" was what the comissar told the troops, to get the troops to not surrender.
  6. To be frank, I dont see the need for this question at all, it's just silly. Who in their right mind would say that CM is more important than RL? No one has, and the day they say it is the day they should seek professional help. RL will always be more important than computer games, that some one feel the need to ask that question is just strange :confused:
  7. AI is alright when defending. I usually choose to attack, with a -50% handicap. That way the AI defender has approx the same force strenght as me. But still... oh well.
  8. I was hopeing for a hug from you.. I thought I mention it and see if anybody had a sensible explaination for it, I havent seen any. -> just a freak occurance or a bug?
  9. He wasnt targeted by ANYTHING and he was not hiding.
  10. First of all, Ive played this game for 2 yrs now, and I know how the broken, panic etc works. The PIAT *HAD BEEN* broken, but was not so anymore. It was rested and in command. It was a reg unit. I can find NO reason why the unit would use 15+ turns to reload. Seems like a bug to me.
  11. Ok, pretty frustrated now... I had a PIAT team, (broken, 1 cas) a bit behind the front line, and it had been in command range and not broken or panicked for a couple of rounds, then a StuG appeared, and the PIAT targeted it. But, it was still reloading, strange I thought, it had plenty of time to reload now, no worries, Im sure it will reload and fire the next turn. Did it? No. And the next? No. And the next? No. It didnt reload for 15 rounds!!!! And, no, it was NOT under fire. When it FINALLY reloaded, it fired, reloaded and fired again in approx 1.5 min. So, why wouldnt my damn PIAT reload for 15+ min in the first place?!!?
  12. Hi, and welcome. I find that playing TCP/IP battles much more enjoyable than PBEM, cos of the simple reason that it happens straight away, you dont have to wait hours/days/weeks for a reply, and you can follow your tactics "live". But, I guess that is a question of taste. When you play other players, you can play either "ladder" or for fun. I highly recommend that you play just for fun in the beginning, and when you feel you are ready to play a bit more competatative, start playing ladder games. I only play ladder games now as it's fun to see how I "stack up" against other players. Whatever game style you prefer, I think there is one very important issue to remember before you start playing. AGREE ON RULES! Some players dont like SMG sqds, some dont like Flak HTs, some dont like Force mixing etc. If you dont agree on some rules it's very easy for the other player to get favorable odds against you, even before the game has started, simply by selecting a date/terrain/force that suits this battle. But, the only way to learn is simply by playing. If you get your ass handed to you (as Im sure you will experience plenty of times) dont let it stop you, just keep it up ans soon you'll be kicking their ass.
  13. Brisbane, what about Brisbane?!?! Im sure there are heaps of CM players in Brisbane and the Gold Coast!!
  14. I'll play them all. But I hope I can play forces like the Hungarians, and still have a fighting chance!
  15. Thanks for that preview, great! Was I the only one that saved the pic's and enlarged them so to gain more info on CMBB?
  16. I cant agree with that statement. The Germans were more diciplined then the Soviets, which is something different than being afraid of their officers. It's rather the other way around, I think there were lotsa Soviets soldiers being more that a little nervous of their Commisars..
  17. The day CM includes things that cannot be proven to be common, is the day CM gets less realstic. What I mean is I dont think CM should include truck drivers, cooks, and extra BARs, SMGs on the basis that "it happend". Well, how many of the companies had extra BARs? And how many BARs? I'm sure you could say the same for the axis side. Anyway, I think the ami inf holds up just fine against the axis inf. I never play with SMG squads and expect the same of the opponent, on the background of issues already discussed in lenght. So, I see no need for the ami player to mix para with other arms just to balance the game.
  18. Could you please arrange a preview with those screens on a game site which doesnt make us pay for looking at them?
  19. I see what you mean, but ( ) when you look at a typical CM map, you'll see that a very big part of it is sloped, and if the KV2 couldnt traverse it gun on sloped ground, it pretty much means that the KV2 should only be placed at a very limited area, the flat area. This is a huge drawback, and I would see it modeled. It's one of them things that makes u see why these big beasts dont rule the battlefield as many would think they did. Just like "How could my Tiger get killed so fast, its an uber tank". Thats because it's modeled with all its drawbacks, like it's pretty slow.
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