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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. Wooohaaaaaa!!!! Yes, just recived my copy here in Brisbane!!! Catch ya later losers (thats those of u who doesnt have a copy! )
  2. I didnt get it today either!!! ARGH!!!!! What the hell is wrong with this postal service?! Delivered 4 days ago 400 m down the street, but here, nooooo. The bermuda triangle is nothing compared to Aus Post! :mad:
  3. Today MUST be the day! If I dont get it today... well, I cant be held accountable for my actions...
  4. I was wondering about making a simply program where u could see all the unit info, but It wont be for a while as Im pretty busy at the moment.
  5. Hey, CC, why did u ask for a ceas fire? U still had plenty of men and a T-34?
  6. Hey, that was great guys! Thanks for the effort!
  7. Wat da?!!?! Im in the Valley!!! God damn!!! Good idea Stixx! What's ur street address mfred, I mean, just in case Im in the neigbourhood...
  8. In what suburb do u live? And what was your order number?
  9. No luck in Brisbane either... argh. And the mail man doesnt work on Saturdays?!? Lazy ass slackers!
  10. No CMBB in Brisbane Damn the Aus postal service sucks. Anyway, It got to be here tomorrow!!!!
  11. Cool! Redwolf, do you think the mortar HT will be actually bought now in QBs? And, the points listed, is that including the +& rarity, or without the extra cost?
  12. Achtung Panzer also lists the G Front Turret as 110@11 degrees. For what it's worth...
  13. Although the allies helped ALOT, Im not too sure Germany would have defeated Soviet without the allies. But one thing I know for sure is that The allies would never been capable of landing in 1944 without Soviet. The war would have have lasted many a year longer. It is in the endless Soviet landscape, Wehrmacht was brought to it's knees. Air planes are well and good, but what good are they if Germany has no one to man them?
  14. Dont want to offend anyone, see my other post on previous page. But, if you compare the battles that took place in the East and the West? The East was the key to victory or defeat. I'm not trying to margalize any ones sacrafise or role, it's just that some played a bigger role and sacrifised more than others. A life is valuable no matter who's it is.
  15. From "Fighting in Hell": About the Il-2: "The Il-2, a very effective and upleasant groud attack plane, made it's debut in Feb 1943. (...) Its armour also withstood 20mm Flak (...) Once this special purpose ammo (armour piercing) was used by the 20mm Flak, the Russian Il-2's suffered such heavy losses that they rapidly disappeared from the scene" He also mentions the poor coordinations between the Soviet Air Force and the other arms, describing it as "performing their own private little war". This especially in the beginnig. This improved over the years but was never as effective and coordinated as the allied air war over western Europa. If this is true or not, I don't know, but it is what the General Oberst says.
  16. The use of Aircrafts as a viable option is exciting, it opens a whole new can of worms! I for one look forward to having to think about air cover and such also!
  17. To each it's own I guess. English, German, Russian etc, none of these are my native language. Does it matter to me if I can understand what the little pixel guys says? Not much, there is only so many times you can hear the same phrase over and over again. And usually Im not at view lvl 1 to listen to them either. And Im sure you will pick up their meaning after a while. But I have to say this, THANK GOD BFC uses native language instead of cheesy B-movie voice over stuff! My opinion is that thats just ridiculus. It's trying to be as historical as possible, in every way. Look at it as a way to learn more about the war. I can't see how it is possible to be interested in WWII and neglect the Eastern Front.
  18. Compared to the Eatern Front, the westeren was a side show. Do *you* think that the allies could have landed in France if Germany was not fighting in the east? Not a chance in hell. Could Soviet have won the war without D-Day? Yes. Any life lost is a tradgedy. My point is that the Soviet effort was crucial to winning the war, more so than the western front. My grandpa was also in the war, even in a consentration camp, it does not alter the fact about the eastern front.
  19. I just saw in a thread that a Il-2 attack will cost around 90 pts. This is much lower tham CMBO, so this begs the question, will air attacks be a common feature in QB between human players now? And if so, then finally there is a reason (other than gamey misuse ) for buying AA units. So, what do you guys, (with the game) thik? Are you now looking at buying air attacks as a viable option?
  20. *You're also*? So you admit you are a troll then? Burn him, burn him!
  21. LOL! Thanks for the laugh! You mean discrimination of new comers like, oh, lets say, people of Arabic origin? Or unethical politicians that exploit those feelings to get their policy through and draw attention away from other problems? Seems politicans like that are everywhere, right under your nose even.... Anyhow, posts like that should be made in the General Forum, where you can air whatever popular opions you may have.
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