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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. Can any from BTS (BFC or whatever ) or Beta testers comment on this?
  2. The KV 2 is one of the tanks Im looking forward to playing with when CMBB comes out, but I just read that the KV2 couldnt not traverse its turret when not on level ground (http://www.skalman.nu/soviet/ww2-equipment-tank-kv2.htm) due to the enourmous weight of the turret. This is a quite significant drawback, so I have to ask: Will this be modeled in CMBB? [ June 27, 2002, 02:59 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  3. I didnt mean I wanted to see bodies littered around the mine fields, just a number of how many cas inflicted. Like you can do now with units. But, only after the battle and ALL the cas, not only confirmed.
  4. As a follow up on the "will we be able to see all kills pr unit after battle in CMBB" question: How about the kills a mine marker gets? It would be nice if we could click on the mine marker afterwards and see how much damage it inflicted, helps evaluate the usefulness of the mine marker and where to place it. I know the engine doesn't handle the mine marker as a unit, but is it doable? If not for CMBB, then for future installments. [ June 23, 2002, 05:37 AM: Message edited by: Panzer76 ]
  5. Very good! I hope this is the case, and if so, thanks to BTS for listing!
  6. My computer crashed a couple of days ago, and I had to replace my HD. So, I have lost all the email addresses to the people I was PBEM with. You know who u are. If you would ccare to countiue, please mail me the last turn.
  7. After I just trashed the computer (236 cas - 6 cas) I got reminded of a old complaint I have with CMBO, the fact that you can't see how many "kills" each of your units got, AFTER the battle is over. I would really want to see this changed for CMBB, but can't remember it been clearified. So, anyone, whats the word? If there is a word that is.
  8. All your bases belong to the metric system!
  9. Wohoo! The first one to see these it seems! Well, it looks great, keep 'em coming!
  10. Simple and fast answer is, it's WAY easier attacking when u play. The % bonus you get is more than enough to make up for attacking. If you play attack/defend against a human, you should turn down the % bounus if you want a fair game.
  11. This has been discussed many things, as most topics on this BBS Anyway, yes, the AI, especially the StratAI very weak. I only hope BTS have done something with it in CMBB. Anybody know?
  12. Damn! Suddenly all theses sexy Tiger mods pops up! What to do, what to do. And I even don't play with them that often!
  13. Who are u calling a noob, n00b?!?! Ur obviously a l4m3r as u can't even spell l33t right!!
  14. Ok, u start. I'll send them more money when they release CMBB.
  15. I have a CNET switch, and in the "manual" there is nothing about configuring the switch, which leads me to belive that I can't. We'r only two`PC behind the switch which is connected to a cable modem.
  16. I actually gace a switch, does it still apply? And where can you change the port forwarding is? Is it a software program in windows? In command Prompt? Under system?
  17. Is there anybody that knows how to get a workaround for ppl who are connected to the net trhough a router on a LAN? I know some ppl have managed to do this, and an explenation to how to do this would be great,
  18. All this is well and good for the sceanario designer, but would be of no value in a QB. Instead of having to resort to micro management BECAUSE of bad StratAI, it would be better to just have better StratAI. Unfortanly this is not so easy to do (or what do you say Charles?) and the micromangment thingy could be the solution in a phase where they were trying to make better AI.
  19. Thanks for the effort! Hope you find something new and better to do in real life.
  20. No one said that it was easy, it's extremly difficult. But with ethe sizes of the battles getting bigger in CMBB, something has to been done.
  21. Yes, but in CMBB it's not like that anymore. And what has been done to ensure that the AI has developed alongside the increased size of the battles?
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