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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. I have no problem with my troops want to crwal to cover, what I do think is a "bit over the top" is the rate they are exhasuted when they sneak. Now, there are practically 3 ways to make a unit combat ineffective. 1. Through cas. 2. Broken 3. Exhausted Especially regarding HMG etc. When my troops hits the floor in the beginning of the turn, and the next turn I have next to worthless units due to their exhaustion... I get a bit annoyed... Yes, yes, I know, use smoke, bla bla bla, but sometimes it will happen. My poit is that the troops get exhausted too fast when "sneaking".
  2. There already have been several discussion on that topic. If u do a search Im sure u can find it.
  3. Had a 50mm hit the top of my tank, what happend? No penetration, internal spalling. Gotta love this new penetration model!
  4. Nice, but what is that shiny object in the front? A headlight? It's too clean.
  5. Tom, how many can DL from ur site at any given time? Cos I always have trouble DL, it says Could not connect to FTP server cos of too many users.
  6. And when exactly I stated that? I guess you didnĀ“t even read the article I posted.</font>
  7. Im sorry, after commets like how the finns won over the Red Army twice,I dont take uber finns seriously anymore.
  8. Yes the truth is out there. Maybe I have been on the far side of the comments, but it doesnt mean it's wrong. And ur very correct about the whole uber finn thing! I always thought the finns said that stuff in good humor, but now it seems some of them actually belives it.
  9. I never used on board mortars much in CMBO, cos I never really saw the use for them. With the more realistic inf behaviour in CMBB.. Why I love them: 1. You can put them in cover and spot with a HQ. Couple this with u can use HT mortars also. 2. You get indirect fire capabilities which you can deploy quickly. 3. You get smoke, which is essential now for any kind of attack or movement over exposed territory. 4. The effect of mortars on low experienced soldiers is devestating. You dont have to even cause a cas, and still they panic or route. 5. After the inclusion of fitness, the above effect combined with attacking heavy weapons practically makes them useless for a very long time, why? Cos the TacAI switches over to the sneak command, which exhaust the soldiers very quickly. And after thet, they are of a limited value. In sum, mortars are perfect for breaking up the organisation and movement of the enemy, and provide cover for ur own forces. In one instance, my 81 mm got 41 cas! Not bad, and even if ou dont get a lot of cas, u disrupt the enemys coordination. Any one else "seen the light" in CMBB?
  10. Olduvai, u working at the firm that is responsible for the Speakeasy DoD servers? If so, whats wrong with the one that dont display the kills? It's lagging like hell, and it's been so for ages now.
  11. Study history, you ignoramus! Read my lips: Study history, you ignoramus!</font>
  12. Would have been easier not to attacked Russia in the first place, no? I agree that the finish forces fought hard, but when people start to say that they WON in both the wars... Only reason Finland wasnt crushed was because the stiff German defence, which meant that Russia needed their forces elsewhere. If not, Finland would have ended up as a Russian province, make no mistake about it.
  13. Hahaha, so thats what u call an victory? Others would have called it a defeat, after all, they were FORCED to sign an armstice. They were FORCED to surrender land.
  14. Oh, I was under the impression that you had to surrender some land and ask for an armstice, twice....
  15. Hehe, true But, still, when u guys have only 1!! Come on!
  16. @The Oak Sorry, but I dont think you'll see any of your wishes fulfilled in the patch.
  17. Im sorry, I dont buy the "uber Finn" thing. And asking to be able to get KV 2s etc just because there were 1 or 2 tanks like this captured.. I dont know. Anyway, it's not me u have to convince, but rather BTS, good luck, I think ur gonna need it!
  18. Great!!! I really like that brown and green T-34! Noobie, have u modded before?
  19. ANOTHER thread about this topic? Does nobody use the search function OR look on the product page (where you can order the manual). Anyway, I just wanted to say, what a ****ty cover on the CDV version! :eek:
  20. U cant change the arty model for a nation based on the battles in one sector.
  21. The T-34 is a great tank. It is fast, it doesnt bog down easily, it can take out every axis tank from the front in the beginning of the war, and is very resitant to enemy tanks at that time point. BUT, tanks rarly fought other tanks! Most often than not, they fought inf and Pak fronts. People tend to forget that the games they plau day in and day out vary considerbly from the historical battles, which goes a long way in explaining why people are surprised over X tanks performance in the virtual battlefield. *Of cource* will the T-34 struggle in the later years, as ANY of the early years tanks.
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