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Everything posted by Panzer76

  1. prime, please do a search or read the manual. This has been explained dozens of times. Simply put, ur wrong. You are comparing apple and oranges. What your friend tells you about modern day army methods has NO relevance to this issue. CMBB is reflecting the historical issues for each of the nations and for the different org levels.
  2. Nice start MrNoobie. But it would be nice if u either would make the slogans optional or replace them with something that looks good on the mirror side also.
  3. Dont expect to see a improved AI in the patch as it needs a major over-haul which takes a lot of time.
  4. Talenn, really I dont see ur problem. 1. Most human vs human matches are ME, = Stug of limited value. 2. The russian, everything else being equal, will have more AFVs than the axis player. 3. The Stug have a very limited amount of shells 4. The T-34 rocks against inf! Not so for the Stug. It seems to me that u have to improve ut tactics more than anything else. As Steve said, no point system will EVER get perfect, I can understand ur reason to improve it, but so far u have not presented a convincing case, for me at least. No AFV is invinsible, every good CM player should know that!
  5. What is REALLY annoying is the camera control in the CDV version! Its much worse, its translated to german camera movement! And how come the game only gets translated to a few languages? What about Urdu? Norwegian? Arabic? We want our localized version!!!!
  6. I think you will finds that story in a series of different flavours. Including, holding up a Division, Corps, for 1-7 days etc etc. It has ofcource a basis in the truth, but what that is..
  7. Yes, interesting. However, i dont think the Japanese would have made much progress in a war against Russia, simply because they were not equipped for that kind of warfare. So, even if they attacked it would be of marginal importance.
  8. Are you impliying thse people deserved this because of what the military did? I dont buy your angle, a tragedy is a tragedy, no matter what the nation the people are from. And the only one that is disregaring atrosatices in this tread, is you.
  9. Hmm strange.. anyhow, it got 275 cas, 1 mortar des, and 1 R-35 des. Of cource, this QB HEAVILY favoured the russkies, but still, it was an impressive tally!
  10. I just played a QB, meeting eng, 1500 pts, - 30% forces for me and + 1 exp level for AI. I FINALLY got to buy the KV2. (I always play with everything random) The PC picked poor romanians and a flat terrain. The result? 461 - 2 in casualties.... Pretty happy with the performance of my KV2! http://www.angelfire.com/games4/cmbb/KV2.jpg
  11. This discussion again? Well, since I love hear my self type (??!) here is my opinion again (I know you all want it ! ) 1. Could USA/Engalnd won WWII without Russia? No chance! At least, it would take them many a year longer! 2. Could Russia defeated Germany without any allied landings or factory bombing? Yes, I think they would. Add a year extra or so, and Germany would still lose. BUT, could Germany won over Russia if the allies didnt declare war against Germany after Poland, and Hitler attacked Russia first? I think that one could have gone either way, but prob, in the long run, no.
  12. Hmm.. not sure if you are joking here, if so, a strange joke as the fire bombing of Dresden served minimal strategic purpose and only served to kill 150 000 - 250 000 people, almost only civilians. In that bombing raid the allies killed more civilians then total british civilians killed by the Luftwaffe (51,509) or the Hiroshima A-bomb (70,000). Take the credit? Take the responsibility more like it.
  13. Even if they updated CMBO, I still would not play it. Why, cos its done to death, its much less interesting and covers less than a year of the war. Same old, same old.
  14. My oh my! Take a deep breath and relax, you defenders of the crown! Who said anything about PERMANTLY attaching them to a specific HQ? I cant see why you get so worked up about this. This is not a bug as such , but a gameplay *flaw*. The suggestions about this being just dandy is, excuse my french, crap. Its just cos you have *learned* to live with it, its *not* a very good, nor logical implemenation of spotting HQs. And when its come to how easy/hard to it is to fix this, lets leave that to the guys that know about it, ok? Though, I have a sneaking feeling it cant be done as of yet, or else they would have fixed it a long time ago! Sometimes, u gotta move a HQ a certain path, or sometimes, another HQ moves by its TacAI, and ends up with the spotting resposibilities, but no LOS. How some of you can defend the current implementation, is beyond me :confused: Its just plain stupid, annyoing, illogical, and has nothing, what so ever foothold in the "real world", which is afterall CMBB is trying to simulate, is it not?
  15. Yep, I didnt use this feature much in CMBO. The mortars couldnt keep up with the soldiers, but now with the mortar vehicle...
  16. So, I tried the vehicle mouted morters. Sat them up behind a hill, HQ in front with a good LOS, and let the fun begin. I was watching the impacts of the rounds when suddenly it stopped firing, what had happend!?!! After the turn I saw that another HQ I had ordered into the area had in mid turn been closer than the other HQ, and then the morters used that HQ as spotter, and lost LOS to everything. This was, to say the least, annoying. I either had to withdraw the new HQ (and sqds) or move it forwards to a good LOS pos, and lose cover fire for that turn anyway. I have a couple of suggestions that can eliminate this problem. 1. A mortar will not switch spotter HQ when already firing. 2. There should be a command that would fix which HQ spotted for which mortar. Click on mortar, select *Spotter* and click on a HQ. Something along those lines. So, what do u guys say?
  17. I want sub titles in all languages, a choice for voice overs, option for american uniforms for the russians, option for OOB, option for different viewpoints, option for sexual gratifaction during play. BTS, please fix or do somfink!
  18. OMG.. I can think of about a zillion other features, that would be actually useful.
  19. The turret in the early model of the T-34s are very vurnable. A 37mm will be able to get penetrations. Pay attention to where your T-34s are suffering from penetrating hits. Against a 37 mm it would be proberly in the turret.
  20. A push over against the AI. That cementarty hill on the other hand...
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