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Everything posted by Gen-x87H

  1. Friendly" 500 pound bomb landing amongst my advancing troops, resulting in 27 casulties!!!" That is it? I once had a friendly FB drop 2 bombs right on an advancing column of mine wiping out 2.5 platoons and 2 tanks. Something like 90 casualties. I never use these blasted things anymore! Gen
  2. The easiest way to deal with SMG hoards is to tell the person you are playing they are not allowed. Gen
  3. You should make a scenario where you have a crowd full of Germans on one side and allies on the other. I would think the British would be the better to pick. Simulate your own soccer riots. Gen P.S. Remember to give them 0 ammo [ March 06, 2002, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: Gen-x87H ]
  4. I believe there is a command & control structure in place to handle the lack of communication the Soviets generally had. It is true that head on the German Panzers would get smoked by those T-34s and KV1s. But couple the command issues and new morale state(like current inf) for each tank. A good German tank commander who hits the Soviet player should gain the upper hand just like a player who starts to route anothers infantry now. Gen
  5. Nah! Gamey recon would have been if they did that in a Jeep! Gen
  6. Couldn't disagree more: its decidely NOT gamey" Tell me what about this technique is realistic and not taking advantage of the fact that the game engine applies situations to an entire tile instead of an area inside the tile. Ya I throw down some flame and suddenly a 20X20=400 meters of area is just ablaze, impassable, and never ending. Gen
  7. "Using this loose definition "denying the enemy cover and concealment by torching it" ALSO is not gamey as you really aren't using game mechanics to your advantage. " The problem is when you torch the tile it makes it completely impassable. That is using the games mechanics to an advantage. This is not realistic. In theory if you had enough flame tanks or throwers you could flame a line across the map and prevent your enemy from ever firing a shot at you. When did the Germans or Americans ever have the ability to light up entire areas of groud and then string them together in order to stop the advancing enemy? This tactic is found to be guilty of gamey. Gen
  8. Well is is hard to say overall. I would say bang for the buck has to be the PZIV(70). Panthers gun, better armor. Just have to protect it a bit. Hetzer is a good tank also. Gen
  9. In a defense game I regularily will have TRPs about 20 meters in front of hidden troops. When they spring to life from a horde of enemies the next turn the enemy gets a battery or two of 4.2Inch or 120mm rounds. Gen
  10. But what ladder are you guys talking about? Where do Swamp and the Ghost guy play? " tournamenthouse.com/cm Some of the best players I have ever seen are on that ladder. Gen
  11. Swamp is a master of his domain. I have played him in the past. He somehow finds a way to drop his arty right on your attacking force. Then scurries his counterattack in before you can drop arty on him. On time I massed for an attack. with 2 companies of brit paras, like 8 HTs 2 cromwells, and 2 fireflies. I was behind a hill and ran into a toon of his men. I overran the position with just 1 platoon and a HT support. Then came in the 120mortars. It decimated my force. Router basically the whole thing, knocked out almost all of my HTs, then a combination of guns and PZIV(70)s killed the remaining armor that was scurrying around trying to get out of the arty barage. That left me with 1 company of troops in the center with a few MGs for support. Now how am I supposed to challenge for the flags with remnants of my force that? I asked for and recieved a withdrawl. I am better than I was then but do I think I could beat Swamp? Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahaha Gen [ February 07, 2002, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: Gen-x87H ]
  12. Just think of it. Panther, Tigers, Pumas all spitting at the Allied tanks like Churchills,Cromwells, Shermans. Gen
  13. Everytime I come to this site I scroll down the front page hoping to see a picture of a Soviet tank and a caption under it saying "Combat Mission:Barbarossa to Berlin" So you are not alone Gen
  14. Why do some people get all of the luck????????????????????????????? Gen
  15. I love this feature. One of the best episodes I had was when an Arty spotter with a full load was about to start dropping arty on my opponents position on a hill. All of a sudden they were fired on. Instead of running towards the house 5 meters away they ran into the tree line. The tree line that had the enemy squad. So my guys ran up a hill and got shredded. What a bunch of morons! Gen
  16. My Tiger will have orange + black + white? it would be kind of cool Gen
  17. You want to elaborate? I just played a pure tank battle a couple of nights ago as the allies. I lost over 20 tanks while knocking out 7 Germans. And this was with my best effort. Anything over 600 meters and the Allied tank guns are horribly inaccurate. Gen
  18. I always love the look of Winter Games. I have some nice looking mods that give you a really nice feeling of a cold winter day But I cant stand how slow your men move and how long a battle will take in a Winter game vs a Spring Summer game. Gen
  19. you come to the battlefront main page and see CMBB listed along side for CMBO? I can only imagine the feeling.......... Gen
  20. . This ain't because of their infantry or artillery! So it must be the tanks." It is more than just the tanks. If force mixing is allowed the Paras are killer. But the one reason I play the Brits is because of thier 4.2 Inc mortars. At 92 points a spotter you can really cause problems for your opponent. In a 1500 point game you can have 240 107mm rounds to drop on your opponent. The Americans may be more popular if there wasnt a bug about thier 4.2 Mortars. But maybe that is just me. I also love the Cromwell. Good Anti-Inf tank. 95mm gun is killer. And in a game over the weekend I waxed a Panther in a street fight at 100 meters. Gen
  21. In other words, the gun was powerful enough to KO King Tigers reliably (CM undermodels the gun, according to my numbers. I'd compinsate for this by giving it an all tungsten load-out)" If it had tungsten. I thought this game was about realism? So why would we just give the Super Pershing all tungsten when that would never be the case? Gen
  22. The Soviets lost badly in 1941 because of other reasons." I am reading a book on Barbarossa. Soviets were in the middle of a reorganization to make it more mechanized when the Germans attacked. Stalin was hoping the Germans would attack in the Spring of 1942. He knew it was coming. I dont really understand why Stalin put so many ridiculous orders on the table. Like they have to be under attack for 4 hours before they can even defend themselves ect........ By the time old Stalin decided that maybe it was time to actually defend the motherland the Soviet front forces were basically in total disarray and did not know what to do. And then couple this with his purges that demoralized the Soviet Army. It appeared that alot of the commanders in the field would not report the true severity of the situation to Moscow out of fear of thier head. It was a whole bloody mess. We can be thankful Hitler as usual interfered with the front causing many divisions to head south when Moscow was ripe for the picking. Gen
  23. Craters from the HE shells measured 30-ft wide and 30-ft deep while the concrete piercing projectile proved capable of penetrating 264-ft of reinforced concrete before exploding! " Jesus! You would have to live in deep tunnels to be safe from this thing! 264 ft of reinforced concrete! Gen
  24. Holy sweet jesus! I wonder what the blast radius of that thing would be? Gen
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