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Everything posted by Gen-x87H

  1. Any tank can be killed by any other tank if the right combination of events occur." Agreed 100%. I have lost numerous Panther Gs to Daimler ACs on frontal shots at 400 meters. They seem to get under the turret and kill the tank. There is nothing more demoralizing than a Big cat being run over by an AC. Gen
  2. Maybe it is me but my ATGs are always in hidemode and rarely shoot anything beyond 300 meters. I usually just wait for the tank to get close enough and then I open up. The poor ATG is usually well supported with a small flak gun for light vehicle support and a few HMGs. Those ATGs are usually very accurate at those ranges that I can get it on the first shot. And if not on the first almost 90% of the time on the second. Most tanks have a hard time waxing a gun in heavy trees on the first shot. With the stealth abilities of ATGs and high rotate speed they are really great ambush weapons. Gen
  3. If I am playing Germans I use my armor as modile AT guns until I kill the enemy armor. I am a true believer in Flak guns. They make quick work of light ATs and hell sometimes the 37flak can get side upper turret penetrations with a little luck I try to get a Stuh42 for close infantry support. That thing just hurts you! Of course the German 105 arty spotters are muder I used to be an armor kind of guy but recently have been using more and more field guns. I like the 105 howitzer. I good cheap infantry killing machine. Oh yeah 1 more thing. Alot of infantry. My opponents usually get sick of me having alot of infantry. You can only shoot so much in 30 mins. If I am the americans my Tanks are pure infantry killing machines. They work close with my infantry to drive my enemy out of thier positions. Shermans are nice this way. I let my ATGs and TDs take on german armor. Sometimes it is fun to run aroun the map waxing German troops with a Sherman while hiding and moving ever so much so his tanks cant get a shot off on me He spends the whole game running around trying to kill me but sometimes fails. All the while my troops keep advancing and I am stalking him with a TD Gen
  4. The maps are to work togther. I have started making an excel worksheet with some pointers to major features for each tile. I have one person helping me build maps from this but need more. This is not actual terrain from a real map but a made up map. I dont have any screens yet from what he has done so far. If you email me I can send you some more information. I am also looking for input on what you guys think of what I have so far. I now realise this project is more than 1 person can handle Gen
  5. I dont consider anything Gamey. I consider the term Gamey reserved for people who got thier ass beat and cant fathom the idea that somebody else used a tactic they could not stop. I have seen alot and from each butt whooping I take it is a learning experience. Gen
  6. Overrated: Tiger I Tank. No sloped Armor makes this thing an easy target for the armor anemic Allies. For all the hype the big cat seems to not live upto it. Its little cat brother is more effective and deadly. Underrated: The green wave. People seem reluctant to just buy alot of green troops and run the gauntlet. I have been on the receiving end of a couple of these deadly things. Eventhough alot of them ran like little girls when I open up there were just too many of them for me to stop! Gen
  7. MG42: I also play DOD alot. I always run around as the heavy German and lay waste to the allied players. I would take that game for what it is. A game. It is fun and all but the historical accuracy in my opnion is a bit off. Players can run around much much too fast which leads to many unrealistic situations. Also I laugh at the garand in that game. It is a semi auto sniper weapon. I must admit with the latest patch that the MP40 appears to be more lethal than the last time I played the game in May. I am wondering when the MG42s and .50 cals are going to show up in that game I used to frequent the communist swingset and funnyfarms servers. With the Mp44 I usually would get a 3-1 or on a good day 4-1 kill ratios. If it is omaha beach that can reach 7 or 8-1 kill ratios depending on how I use my ammo Many a time I would go running the gantlet with my knife a swinging cause Im out of ammo LOL! Gen
  8. Maximus: The G3 used to scale higher than the G4.Actually I dont think it was until the G4+(deeper pipeline) was introd did the G4 surpass the G3 in clock speed. I think the G3 toppped out at 650-700mhz. Gen
  9. The Nforce is going to be a good unified arch for the Duron series of chips. OEMs will eat it up. Still the AMD 760 is the best performing most stable solution of the Athlon. Gen
  10. The germans didnt seem to learn much about invasions from Italy. Rommel wanted to have armor and troops massed at the shore in France. He would have been slaughtered in much the same way as in Italy." I beg to disagree. I am actually reading a book on the Italian campaign. If anything this was the hardest capaign of the war for the Allies. With the terrain the way it is, and the Germans having Kesserling as the commander the Allies had a very very hard time of it. Salerno was a close call. Here are some low lights First day- 10-15 PZIVs make thier way close to the beach head shooting up Allied positions. Eventually pushed back by some heroic infantry vs tank fighting. Sept 10th- Royal Fusilers pushed out of Battipaglia. Heavy losses, 1500 POWs captured by germans. Spet 12th- After taking heavy losses the day before for Eboli and Altavilla + hill 424 the American 143rd Regiment is overran and destroyed as a fighting unit. Sept 13th- A rag tag line of defense is hoping to stop the german onslaught. Kessrling probably could have thrown them into the see if hitler would have released 2 divisions from Rommels command in the north. Clark even started to get everything ready for a run into the sea. For some reason the drop of an american parachute battalion from the 82nd on the night of the 13th seemed to lift the spirits of the troops on the ground. I am only now getting into the attack to take Rome. So far it looks even more ugly from the allied side than Salerno. Gen
  11. The original IMac crunches the same data as a 500mhz Pentium flavor, but its drawback is limited VRAM. (Don't let the MHZ marketing ploy suck you in -- a 900 mhz Itanium core from the upcoming Intel release crunches twice the data of a 1.7 mhz PIV. The G4 likewise crunches twice the data of its Pentium IV cousin per MHZ." Oh give it up. Dont be a shill and believe everything Apple spoon feeds you. You find benchmarks on anything other than a few select photoshop filters that has a G4 crunching at more than twice the speed of a P4 or Athlon. The iMac is a horrible example of what a G3 could do. Outside of that BYTEMARK benchmark using an old obsolete compiler for the x86 chip I didnt see the G3 smoking much of anything. In fact when ZDnet decided to recompile the code in a newer compiler like oh say MSVC++ 5(LOL!) the P2 blew by the G3. Apple is full of great BS artists so be warned. "Of course that does not mean an 800 mhz G4 beats the new 2ghz Pentium IV, it does not, but it give a 1.7 a run for its money." Sure in Apples marketing blitze it may. The P4 is a pathetice thing in terms of IPC but I would find it hard to believe it has an IPC at 40% of the G4. Gen
  12. I have been working on a multiplayer version of this game during the summer. I have been lagging more than a bit on it but feel maybe it is time to get the thing done. What i am looking for are map makers. I am going to require a map that has 100 1 square mile maps. I have created 6 square miles of this map but quite frankly get bored with map creations. So what I am looking for is a few people to work with what I have done and expand the campaign map while I finish with the Admin program,rules, and client programs. If anybody is interested drop me an email at jtarnows@isd.net Thank you, Gen
  13. Ok ok i was kidding on the 486 machine. I actually have an Athlon 800 TB, 256MBs of Ram, 4 HDs amounting to about 50Gbs of storage, 36x SCSI CDROM, 4x SCSI CD-R geforce 2 MX, SB live, some sweet 10/100 nic(always seem to get 30-40 lower ping than my roomates on any kind of high speed connection) and a 19" monitor. Once I finally get a job Ill build a gaming computer. This thing has to wiegh close to 80 pounds. Something simple with a single HD, CD-ROM video card, S.C. and a Nic. Oh and it will have a 17" monitor for ease in transporation. Gen
  14. For Bungie, I thought they sold PC (and X-box, mind you) games also, I know I have a few of them " Actually Bungie was bought by Microsoft and the most funny part about all of it is the much acclaimed and waited game "Halo" which was hailed by Stevie jobs at a mac fair is now going to be for the X-Box. Gen
  15. Here is an issue, why should BTS develop for your PC at all when it is easier for BTS to develop for Jarmo's Mac? Development times are lower (per BTS) for the Mac, they have an order of magnitude less conflicts (and thus BTS spends less money supporting them) and they make up a quarter of their sales." Well there you go. You just answered your own question. If BTS does not develop for the PC surprise surprise thier sales will be a quarter of what it used to be. "No matter how powerful, your computer is still stuck with Direct-X and all the bugs that go with that, wondering if any graphics card will work on a it, wondering if there will be a conflct with some obscure setting in your computer." What bugs are you referring to? And I find that rather amusing as the MacOS until OS-X did not support OpenGL. But now that OS-X supports OpenGL they dont support RAVE which CM needs to run on the MacOS. Funny! "BTS should just shuck it all, develop on the new Mac / UNIX platform, and be done with all that hassle. Plus, they would get a superior product if they developed with the newer Quartz screen engines rather than the older PC drawing system." That is just comical as BTS has already stated that the new OS-X does not support RAVE and therefore the current engine can not be developed for it without a major rewrite. Besides I thought OS-X was based on the FreeBSD kernal? I thought that was linux. "The answer of course is that the set the bar to meet, at the time of the game's production, the average machine of the average person both for profit, and because they believe in what they do." Wrong havent you ever heard of the lowest common denominator in software design? they take the lowest specs they think the users will have when the game arrives and design for that. Hence the reason games coming out now only require at least a 400Mhz P2 when 1.4ghz Athlons and 1.8Ghz P4s are running around. "They could, comments aside, design for a much higher end Macintosh OS-X dual processor 800 (equivilant in power to a 3.2ghz Pentium IV) with 64mb of VRAM, and then just ask you to buy the computer you specify to run the game." Sure but since OS-X wont run CM or CM:BB what is the point? As for the dual 800Mhz equals 3.2Ghz in the x86 world get off the crack pipe. Even with altivec the G4 at 600Mhz is on par with an Athlon at 750Mhz. Without AltiVec it is more like a 650Mhz Athlon. Putting into SMP is making it worse. the Athlon has a superior bus design and will scale better than the P3,P4, and G4. G4 is not 2 times more powerful LOL! Gen
  16. 50Mhz? I wish. 486 SX 25Mhz, 8 MBs of RAM, 1 GB HD, 4MB video card. If this baby does run CM3 im going to be pissed! Gen
  17. I am upset that Tribes 1 and 2 are lumped together. And Tribes 1 should be higher IMHO. It was the first out door FPS, multiplayer, team oriented game. It was really revolutionary IMHO. Half-Life at #1 makes complete sense. That game was and still is a masterpiece. The one player sideof it is still awesome to this day. CM making #50 is a good job. Gen
  18. I am upset that Tribes 1 and 2 are lumped together. And Tribes 1 should be higher IMHO. It was the first out door FPS, multiplayer, team oriented game. It was really revolutionary IMHO. Half-Life at #1 makes complete sense. That game was and still is a masterpiece. The one player sideof it is still awesome to this day. CM making #50 is a good job. Gen
  19. I searched and it didnt work. So I am asking you guys. In an 8000 point engagement how many artilery pieces do you think each side should get at each caliber. I am counting a battery to a single Arty Spotter. Thank you, Gen
  20. I have found that the best results for a unit to use thier fausts is to just have them hide and let them shoot it on thier own. For me I have yet to target an Armored vehicle and have them shoot fausts. But if I just let them sit and pick thier own targets they will open up with the deadly weapon with great results. Gen
  21. You can save the attachement as a seperate file. At least in yahoo mail. I am not sure about Hotmail. Gen
  22. Ya that could be cool but since this is a military simulation and not an adventure game I doubt that will ever happen. Personally I would like to see Reinforcements arrive by rail if tracks are on a map. Gen
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