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Everything posted by Gen-x87H

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of CM, the best thing I can say is sometimes you need to chalk it up to “**** Happens”." Couldnt agree with you more. Lost a Panther to a Churchill from 1200 meters. My opponent informed me that it was the only C shot that tank had and he hit me on the first shot! Unbelieveable considering the gun on that tank is horribly inaccurate. Doh! Luckily I took the other churchill down with me but that put me in a bad position armor wise and I knew in this ME I was on the defensive. SO i ran into the town and ended with a minor loss. Gen
  2. Alot of concentrated Fire. TRPs are great if you luck out and place them in a correct spot. 105s kill alot of infantry. Gen
  3. Arty is killer. What you need to do is find where they are. Use HTs to find them and then just start pounding. I can tell you that I have killed alot more of the enemy with 105s than with Armor. Gen
  4. With your ATGs just let the tanks get in real close. I have found that if you start firing at long ranges the ATGs are almost worthless and will probably be killed before they really do any damage. German ATGs are real stealthy and quite quick on movement. I had a Pak43, 2 Quad 20mms and a 88Flak in an area in heavy trees hiding overlooking a road. My oppoenent drove 2 Sherman(76)s, 2 M10s, and a couple of HTs right by me. They were 200 meters away and never saw me. Of course the next turn they did when I opened up and almost the whole column went up in smoke withing 45 seconds. I could have opened up alot farther out but I find it is better to keep them closer. More of an ambush. Especially with Quad 20mms they shoot so fast they seem to disorientate the enemy. But maybe that is just me. As for the TDs get them in a hull down position and have them hunt over the top of the hill then retreat. This weapon is better used at longer ranges since they are turretless. Or use them in an ambush. Also pick your weapon for the job. I have had so many chances to smoke HTs, M10s with flak 88s and pak guns but why bother? I keep those safe until a Sherman or Churchill shows up on the sceen. Let the smaller flak guns smoke those thin skinned vehicles. Gen
  5. ? so we can tell those panthers to quit picking at those US foot soldiers at 200m and target the tank! drives me crazy!" You are lucky then. Because my Panthers usually will turn 90degrees to fire at some trooper 600 meters to the left or right and then get smacked in the side with a shell from an opposing tank. Cats get hurt that way. Gen
  6. I have a Lehr Division Tri-color scheme and I think it looks good. Gen
  7. Ahh the blowing up the building routine. I have had some luck doing this. Dig your men in behind the building. Setup HMGs to the rear in taller buildings and have them hide. When you see the little flags coming sneak your men into the ruins or buildings that are left. When they attack let them have it. I once turned back a 2 platoon attack using this tactic. And this was with a single SS Rifle platoon and a couple of HMG42s. I then counterattacked and wiped them all out. Too bad in the end my opponent had 180 more men than I I lost but he was surprised at my tenacity. Building leveling is perfectly fine. Just odnt sit in the buildings and get waxed. Let them waste HE round after HE round on rezoning the town Gen
  8. played a QB agains the AI today for fun on the defense. 2000 point game. 2 88 flak 1 Pak43 2 37mm flak guns 2 Quad 200mm flak guns 6 HMG42 2 companies 6 75mm FOs 2 TRPs 1 hetzer 4 250/9s The flags we kind of in a depression so I set up the guns in a ring around the depression. Two platoons in the depression covering a flag in heavy trees and the rest scattered about. I waited and waited and finally on turn 20 they got somewhat into the depression. They sent a sherman upto the flag and my squads got it with a faust Then on turn 21 I opened up after 3 FOs unloaded 150 75mm arty round onto the oncomming troops. My 37mm flak gun killed a Sherman 76 with a side upper turret penetration They had had at least 4 M10s, 6 HTs, and 3 Scout cars. My flak just ripped trhough them in about 2 mins. And then I proceeded to just pound them until turn 26. I then counter attacked with 3 platoons and captured all the points by turn 30. Allied loss 263(81KIA) 10 vehicles knocked out 6 mortars lost Axis loss 89(51 KIA) 3 guns lost 3 vehicles lost 37mm flak is a sweet gun for vehicle killing. Quad flak and 37mm flak have the same blast radius so they both can tear through infantry. I dont know why it took my almost a year to find these sweet weapons Gen
  9. I try not to get gamey. And I dont mind if my opponents play gamey. But Ill probably keep it to a dual setup on the Quad 20mms. Gen P.S. is it me or do the Quad 20mms look like something out of Star Wars?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  10. It could open up a whole new part of CM. Now we can actually view peoples battles off of websites like CMHQ ect... I think it would be neat to Download some cool battles and sit back and watch as it unfolds. Just my .02 Gen
  11. Was playing a game last night where I was defending. I had 2 88 flak guns, and a Pak43. I also grabbed 2 Quad 20mm flak guns for the hell of it. I had to defend a hill, all of the flags but 1 were on this nice hill. So this may have helped. There was really only one easy way for the armor to get through the tree line so I setup an ambush. Stupid Flak 88 when I told it to rotate and hide got itself knocked out early. And I lost the Pak43 while it was dueling at long range with a couple of tanks. It took out 2 vehicles which was good. So I waited and then I setup the arty perfect. They had to have had 6 light vehicles and a M4 sherman with at least 2-3 companies of men. I let them get to about 300 meters and then opened up with everything I had. my last 88 flak, 2 Quad flak guns, about 10 MG nests, 3 platoons of SS rifle. 1 battery of 105s on a TRP. It was quite a site. And my enemy was quite surprised. He obviously thought I was going to do what I did in the last game. (Let him take the flags then drop arty and pound him with 105s, then lead a counterattack on his hurting units. Anywho I was surprised at how the Quad 20mms did. On the first turn they knocked out 4 enemy light vehicles. The 88 took out a Sherman. But what really surprised me was how they lasted without fleeing or running for cover. Even when the arty was landing on them and they were being shot to hell by infantry. I mean they both unloaded all of there arsenal and survived the battle. Eventhough they were in the front lines. They packed a punch also. They just tore up the Halftracks and ACs of my enemy and then proceeded to chew up squad after squad that rushed. SO now I have a new respect for the Flak guns and will be using them more often. Gen P.S. God the PZIV is weak. The thing just gets torn up by Allied tanks.
  12. it will not be endless King Tigers sweeping up T34-76 who bumble along like idiots. " Huh? Who has the points to spend on endless KTs? I have played uber PBEM\TCP games and never used a single KT. Gen
  13. Pretty much equals. But I would take the M4 due to the higher turret speed. Gen
  14. It all depends on the terrain There have been times where I go the static route and the terrain is horrible for guns. No LOS to anything worth while and usually my guns do nothing. Under a descent map I try to get a Pak gun, usually a 43. I will have it cover a a side of the map. Place some MG42s in front of it and have it wait in hiding. I will then get two inf guns. Usually 105s cause they pack a punch. Then my armor. I always buy my armor in pairs. So in a 1000 point game it would be 2 stugs. In a 2000 point game 2 Panthers. Then get 4-6 250/9s so i can find the enemy and where they are coming from. And if possible run behind them and harass them to hell. And always 2 companies of SS rifle troops. Arty is usually a couple of 105s. I always try to get the large armor with the Pak gun on its side. If the enemy fails to comeinto the Pak gun I always have my Dual tanks usually sitting in the middle of the map just waiting to move on what the 250/9s find. Set up a couple of lines of defense. Hopefully your armor\ATG will perform and in a few short turns all the enemy will have is light vehicles and infantry. Then I proceed to drop arty on them and open up with 1 of my 105s. That will usually draw the attention of the enemies FO and they can waste alotof arty on a single 105 inf gun And use the second 105 as I deem fit. Eventually after they hit my first line of defense and overrun it they should be pretty worn down and I will counterattack with my Armor and a reserves. If it all goes to hell then I take it in the cheeks and fight to the last man Gen
  15. Jesus that is an old thread. March 4th 99? Dang! Gen
  16. Hmm then why in the world does CM never let me pick 1600X1200???????? It would go no higher than 1280X1024. My desktop is set at 1600X1200X32 and runs just fine. Gen
  17. Variable battle-length options: Battles can last a few turns beyond the "stated" ending. Furthermore, if victory flahs change hands shortly before the battle is set to end, the battle automatically extends several turns --- the old "end-game-flag-rush" tactic (which was always a bit too "gamey") simply won't work anymore." This is a good feature. I can not count the amount of times I would hold a position and my opponent would run a vehicle or tank into the flag and take the control and make it neutral thus taking away my victory Gen
  18. I would like it if CMBB allowed for a res of 1600X1200. It is kind of annoying to have the things on my desktop rearranged because CM went to 1280X1024 Gen
  19. Shaprshooters are not snipers. They are really only good for taking out tank commanders. Usually I have found they miss but spook the commander into the tank and button up. A true sniper unit would be worthless on the battlefield. Most snipers would have taken 1 shot killed somebody and moved on. They would not be unloading thier arsenal into an uncomming company with tank support. Gen
  20. God you can tell that CM has landed into the hands of the more general populus. It seems like almost every post as of late turns into some kind of flame war The price to pay for popularity............ Gen
  21. I had a KT once fighting a Sherman at 600 meters. The Sherman dropped smoke. The KT decided to turn towards infantry and the next turn the Sherman got a side turret penetration eventhough the KT was fighting the Sherman not more than 1 min ago. I hope they add a bit of memory to Armor in the next version because it is kind of funny that the crew just decided to turn 90 degrees to an enemy tank to engage some infantry eventhough my SS squads were working them into the ground. Like the tank just disappeard into thin air. Gen
  22. I heard that they had 2 prototypes that were sent to fight the soviets. One broke down while the other continued. But then was destroyed by its crew for whatever reason. Not sure if that is true but that is what I heard. Gen
  23. Since when did anybody else other than the author receive royalties???" Happens all the time. They can pass along the copyrights onto who ever they wish and the new owners can and will recieve royalties. Gen
  24. I dont understand the SMG problem. But of course I usually play the Germans. But never use SMG platoons. I always use SS rifle platoons. Anywho I dont understand why people dont use the Allied tanks like they are supposed to. Kill those advancing SMG platoons. I mean a 75mm gun with a couple of 50 cal guns + inf support vs a few volksgren SMG squads. I would take the Tank. Use AT guns to kill the german armor. One other thing to do is just find where the SMG squads are and just use guns and arty to pummel them. The only way SMG squads are deadly is in close fighting. At 150ms they are worthless. Gen
  25. As with most things in CM it is an abstract of a machine gun crew. In a given tile just because it is flat looking does not mean it is flat per se. The crew could be behind sme schrubes or a small crator shooting away. The HE shell may look like it hits directly on the crew but it probably it hitting something real close. Like possibly the lip of a crevace, or crator. MGs crews can be real tough guys but I have also seen them flee like little school girls at the first sign of fire. It all depends on where you place them. Gen
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