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Everything posted by Gen-x87H

  1. Yes I have seen sme video of a Pershing? Or maybe it was just a Jumbo fighting a Panther in the streets of Berlin. He hit the tank once killing the commander. Then proceeded to pump at least 3 more shells into the thing causing it to erupt in flames. Gen
  2. New Age Santa " The name says it all. Gen
  3. Using vehicle crews to help knock out an AT gun from behind? That is a little gamey. But war is hell. Gun crews are ok if only used to bolster your lines and not used in an attack. Gen
  4. I always survey the land on PBEMs. And determine my course of action. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. TCP\IP games are much tougher and I usually can not keep up hehe. I have noticed this lately that I play a much better game in PBEM than TCP\IP. Gen
  5. It does not surprise me that it won't and it annoyes me to no end that MadMatt and BTS feel that Apple is to blame for not letting them know ahead of time that Rave support was to be discontinued. " It is easily Apples Blame. Apple never tells anything until it is almost to late. "If they were licensed Apple Developers (and they SHOULD be, but I doubt they are) they would have been getting ALL the Apple developer updates and software ALL along and would also be eligble for Apple developer discounts on hardware purchases, and they woudl have known Rave was only a short term phenomenon." Short term? Hasnt RAVE been around since At least OS8 possibly before? Thats is almost 4 years. "But from my understanding of the BTS position they feel Apple just went ahead and dropped RAVE support and didn't let any body know it was coming." That is what it sounds like. And this is no surprise Apple does this on a regular basis. Somehow I just think Steve Jobs is a sadomasochist master. Just sits back and loves to see how far he can push and punish the Mac community before they finally bolt. "I'd be happy to pay for an OS X version to be developed. Maybe they could get enough pre-orders for them to contract a couple other developers and do a port? " I doubt they could get enough pre-orders. I have done some contracting work in the past that was much more simple. I was making close to 50 bucks and hour. On a project like this it is just out of the question even if thier contractor is working for 25 bucks an hour. And I dont think you want a contractor doing a job like this for 25 bucks an hour. Just dual boot. I do it all the time with my Win2K\Win98 machine. It take a couple of minutes but it is worth the hassle. Gen
  6. Once I made a fortress map. In one corner was an elevated town of large buildings in a row to represent a fortress. On the outside and the first ledge were about 25 HMG42s and 10 150 inf guns. Then for fun I added a bunch of 270mm rockets and 330mm spotters. I had alot of allied troops just start off in the opposite corner about 1500 meters out. And they would come to a huge treeline about 1200 meters from the fortress. It was awesome to see the huge lob of the 150 mm shell. And the HMGs looked really cool when they all fired at a location and arced into it. Of course when the arty came down it was death for the Allied troops but damn it sounded and looked cool. Especially when at ground level and looking at the fortress. Looking at all the fire coming into the tree line and then the sounds and explosions of the arty. Gen
  7. Sure why not. When it is done shoot me an email with it attached. Gen
  8. Scenerios that start off with good intentions but end up being 10000 point mega battles. God how do I stop making these things! Gen Oh anywho if anybody is interested in playing my latest incarnation called WinterWonderland just let me know.
  9. Well, I have always been a huge proponent of the argument that gun hits are much too frequent. " Thier ROF is so high that it does not take long for them to get on the target. Once on the target they can usually ping something that will cause the tank to die. I have never had much luck with 20 mm vs medium to heavy tanks. But the 37mm flak gun can usually beat up on them pretty good if you catch them in a wrong angle. Gen
  10. Bah I give up. I tried to setup a test range with Shermans at 1500,2000,2500,3000, and 3500 meters. Took all the ammo and smoke away from the shermans but they seem to still be able to drop smoke whenever they need it. The only test that actually worked was at 2000 meters and the Pak 43 took the sherman down on the 3rd shot. Bah! Gen
  11. Last winter after going to the bars and getting drunk. I came up with an idea. I have a test map setup. So I put 50 Pershings against 50 KTs on a square map. 800 meters apart. It took 4 turns and the KTs demoralized the pershings so bad it auto quit. They knocked out 47 of the pershings while losing 6 KTs. I then pitted the 50 KTs up against 50 super pershings and it took 6 turnd and the pershings were waxed. But this time they took 17 KTs with them while losing 49 tanks. The map was 800X800 and open terrain level ground. It looked like something out of the cival war I did not even bother putting the JagdPanther or even worse the JagdTiger up against the allied best. I think the Jagdtiger is a monster. That 128mm gun is murder. Gen P.S. Does anybody know if that 128mm gun on the JadgTiger is the same 128mm Flak gun the Germans used against allied bombers?
  12. Hmm almost everytime my tanks attack something and they miss the next shot it closer and when they finally hit the mark they usually always will hit it in subsequent shots. Case in point. My hetzer was in a perfect hull down position behind a hill dueling it out with a Jumbo. After the 3rd shot it found the mark at 750 meters on the turret. No penetration only richochets. And then the next 12 straight shots hit the turret without a single miss. His jumbo kept hitting the crest of the hill and rarely deviated much from a spot on the hill. This happened almost everytime when it comes to the tanks I have dueled against and my tanks shooting. Gen
  13. Gos that sucks. No matter how bad I am getting worked. And 2 weekends ago I was smacked around 3 times in 1 day I never quit. If there is no way I can win Ill ask if I can surrender. I played the #1 ranked guy on my ladder and he placed some of the finest arty I have ever seen. German 120mm Mortars right on a major thrust of mine and then followed my retreat like a T. It knocked out 3 HTs, a cromwell and then a TD off in the distance killed my Firefly. Then I watched as 3 whole platoons went up in smoke from the arty and then he counterattacked. My guys were fleeing like you would see in movie. My lone cromwell got its gun knocked out and I think even ran over a few of my guys in the melee My other firefly ended up getting killed by a well placed AT gun on the retreat and I was left with 4 platoons of british glider infantry and a single 4.2in mortar and my compliment of on map mortars. The rest of my force was in full retreat. Most of them broken or routed and only a handful of men from 3 platoons left anyways. He left me take the surrender and I saw what he had in store for me. Alot of german volks with a couple of JagdPanzers and Stuhs. Just quitting is lame. Gen
  14. Jesus I am seeing alot of units in here considered gamey. It appears this whole thing is a game. Gen
  15. I have only requested or granted cease fires to people I play alot. It is a nice way to not smach them down. Sometimes things happen But if heis aksing for a cease fire and you have not completed your objective then dont accept it. In all of my cease fires my objectives were mostly met. Be it I kill all his armor and am proceeding to shoot up his infantry, or I have captured the flags and can hold them but neither of us feel the need to go through a huge drawn out battle that one side has no chance of winning. In this case it appaears you want to win and he probably thinks a cease fire will give him a victory. So I say finish him off to the point of victory and then grant the cease fire. Gen Gen
  16. Now why in the hell would it make CMBO obsolete? If CMBB was a remake of the western front it could be considered obsolete. But they are different fronts. Gen
  17. Bah that is nothing. Just wait until you lose a Panther to a Daimler AC at 250 meters in a frontal shot. Gen
  18. After last weeks round of defeats on the old ladder I am also in the crowd that is baffled by Infantry actions. I had HMGs that would move forward into fire even after I directed them for the 3 turns previous to move behind the hill. Veteran American Rifle 44 units that would panic and route from Volksgrenadier Rifle fire from 200 meters. This happened when my troops were in heavy trees and his in the open. And to top it off 1 of my routed squads never even took a casualty! Full veteran squad just running away at the first sign of fighting. That and my bad play doomed me with ease. Frustrating to see troops running when they dont even have any casualties and are exchaging fire at 200 meters. Gen
  19. Not surprised. I lose alot of HTs to .50 cal Gen
  20. Working on an interesting strategy as we speak. All I can say at this point is the Allies seem to fair much much better than the Germans doing this. Hopefully I will be able to try it out this weekend in a TCP\IP game. Gen
  21. *Yawn* She is in the same group that is suing ID software over Doom because the kids who shot up columbine played the game and designed a level looking like the school. Apparently the lwyer called the game amilitary simulation ROTFLMAO! Unless the military is expecting the gates of hell to open up and have monsters and big orange\red baloon heads flying around I can imgaine how this is considered a military simulation. Gen
  22. I tend to avoid British squads like the plague, they are badly outmatched under any circumstances and at close range the Germans will eat them for breakfast. " Those British Airborne Units are tough as hell. Gen
  23. Sometimes luck can be against you. Like the 3 times now I have lost a Panther to a frontal shot from a damn Daimel AC at 400 meters! Gen
  24. Maybe nobody is interested in the series. Maybe I am not looking hard enough anywho I am interested in what alot of you buffs had to think of it provided you saw it. I thought the battle scene last night at the end was intesting. I could not make out all of the german vehicles. I thought I saw a Stug IV, a JagdPanther and a 250/1. But it looked like thier may have been a panther in the background. I dont know about the Sherman counterattack. Them just lined up just coming in like this was rambo. But who knows maybe that is who it actually happened. I know if I did that in CM I would have had 3 dead Generals Gen
  25. I got up this morning and my GF is like watch this. I was looking at the first tower and like jesus what moron found a way to smash into the tower. Then I saw this second plane come into view and smash the second tower. I was like this is a terrorist attack. Then I heard about the pentagon and this plane in Pittsburgh. I hope we find where these people live and bomb them into submission. Consider this the Pearl Harbor in the War on terrorism. I can almost tell you that the Congress will give full authority to crush whoever is responsible and whichever country is helping them. This is going to get ugly. Gen
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