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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. No problem at all, done. Yeah I agree, kudos to the thread starter, nicely done.
  2. Yeah, it is pretty nasty. Sorry about that, I was pretty drunk when I posted it. I changed it. Thanks for the update Steve and Matt. Edit: Oh and before I forget, to this Sepp fella, enjoy... I know Matt will like this one. [ October 18, 2006, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  3. Sounds like a steaming pile of ... [ October 18, 2006, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
  4. There is a new codec, 6.4 released early october. Anybody else have problems playing the videos, you can download new DivX codec here. Just uncheck all the other stuff besides the codec option and you should be good to go. The actual videos are pretty decent, better than nothing anyway. At least something to tide us over until the demo release.
  5. Your all just jealous since you don't have the hair to do this. P.S. Can't play the videos either, plays the first few seconds and stops. But the music keeps going. Is there new Divx codecs? Or do they need to be played through the Divx player?
  6. Looks like you missed your turn. Try this street...
  7. I tried the demo about a month ago. All it did was make me want to play CMBB. I just couldn't get into it. IMHO, CMBB is far better.
  8. Btw, are there any US jeep mods out there? CMMODS doesn't have a slot for it. Also, has the M3A1 HT been done at all? Again, no slot for it. Just wondering, as I normally play CMBB, thought I might have missed a release or something. Why am I playing CMAK again? Simple, Mikes artwork rocks. As if anybody around these parts don't know that.
  9. I heard that they decided to cancel the US/UK version. It's because of people bugging the **** out of the folks from BFC/1C about the release of the game and demo. Apparently we have to go a full week without creating a " when's release/demo" thread. Only then we'll get the demo and a release date along with it.
  10. Wow, been a long time since I called or seen somebody called a douche. I think it must of been early 80s, like around 4th grade for me. IIRC, a friend of mine couldn't spare the quarter I needed for chocolate milk at the lunch line. So I had to settle for just regular milk that day. It was tragic, but I moved on. :cool: Thanks for the memories Popov.
  11. Where can I get Jason's training scenarios? I don't see them at SD2 or the PG. I see his 1SS scenarios there, but no training ones. Is there anywhere I can download them in a pack, all at once?
  12. The age old debate, RTS vs. TBS. Their completely different play experiences IMO. You all do realize that CM was in design/dev like about a friggin decade ago. It is, at it's core, a board game converted to pc game. Keep in mind too, IIRC Steve said a long time ago, CM simply could not have been made in real-time. Way too many calculations being made for CPU speed to handle in real-time. Hence, ToW's high CPU requirements(2.6Ghz). ToW's not the first game to try to make a RTS game grounded in realsim. But it's looking like it's the first to do it correctly(fingers crossed). Here's my prediction: Typical RTSer complaints- * y is there a delay for all my units, they don't move right after i issue an order * wtf, my tanks r too slow, they take forever to speed up * wtf, it takes too long for my tanks and guns to reload * how come my arty and airstrikes aren't accurate * need to simplify damage to vehicles/soldiers, bring back the health bars etc. Typical CMer complaints- (since we'll be use to all the realistic ramifications listed above, our biggest hurdle will be..) * damn, i gotta get use to managing all my units in real-time, at least for MP
  13. It definitely does display holes on the tank. IIRC, this is visible in the infantry assault video. It would be kool if kill rings appeared on the vet tanks.
  14. So your saying having complete and constant command/control of all your units in real-time is realistic? That's exactly why their called clickfests, too much control. Basically, your not a company commander on the battlefield anymore, your more like a GOD controlling the soldiers and little man-made war machines on earth. That's the beauty of the CM games, they limit C&C. Which is obviously much more realistic. You give your orders and LOSE C&C for a 1 minute replay. Sure I agree, taking infinite amount of time to ponder your next move is unrealistic. But if you use the timelimit option in TCP/IP games you may only get a few minutes to plot new orders, depends on how big the battle. And the camera angles(birds eye view, gods view), don't even get me started. Ever play a CM battle against the AI restricting the camera to level 2? Ouch! :eek: Would of been nice if time and camera restrictions were made as options against the AI in CM.
  15. BFC isn't making this game, it's 1C, makers of the great IL2 games. Although BFC is certainly helping tieing up loose ends, ie. tweaking, balancing.
  16. MeatEtr


    Been there, done that!
  17. Yup, it's been one helluva thread. I wonder how many more twists and turns there will be for this thread. What next? Glad to see Megakill is back. P.S. Long live the cowbell!
  18. Are you excepting pre-orders yet?
  19. I'm very much looking forward to it. Btw, who's plant mod are you using?
  20. What a show-off, his very first post on the forums and he posts a pic of his guns. :mad: Seriously though, nice rifles and site. Your G41/43 rifles get a lotta lovin in RO. Maybe you could tell us how accurately modelled the iron sights are of the G41 rifle in RO. Since you obviously have fired it. Check it out here! The rifle is gonna be added to the games long weapons list shortly with an update.
  21. It's hard to tell since her lawn is nicely trimmed.
  22. Good question. Speaking of smoke. Anybody here ever see a bikini made out of marijuana? Well, now you have.
  23. Brummbär? Where? Tschüß! Erich </font>
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