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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. I never did get this movie, forgot about it honestly. We had a thread about it going on awhile back. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82774&highlight=Tali-Ihantala
  2. I'll take only half a ton of money, I'm a nice guy. Email is in my profile, so lemme know, I'll send you my paypal account.
  3. Isn't kinda funny when people don't read the thread. I already posted the link for him, no legwork needed.
  4. Well, I think the question should be, "Who doesn't want cherry picking?". Since obviously the majority would want it in. But having to pay for something that most people think should of been there from the start, thats another matter. I could see down the road like a CMSF:Gold Edition with maybe a few extra units tossed in along with the updated QB system, maybe a small campaign thrown in too. I think most would pay for that, normal module priced, I know I sure would. But this of course would all be after Normandy ships with the new QB system and would be the final module for CMSF. I doubt this would ever happen though, they're plates are full with Normandy+Modules and then East Front. Besides, they've already clearly announced no new QB system for CMSF, it'll have to wait til CMSF 2. But imagine though, CMSF all modded up, Marines, Brits, Nato, and all cherry pick-able in QB. What a fun sandbox that would be!
  5. Yeah there's been a boatload of threads about CMx2 Normandy. I gotta hunch they're gonna open up a new forum for the game in the next couple of months, along with some screenies hopefully. At least once things die down a little bit from the Brits release. Oh and Winecape did a full blown synopsis on what BF has said about the new game too. So you can play catch up if you haven't read anything about it yet. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=87188
  6. Actually I haven't read any books about WWII pilots. But I am currently playing a IL2 campaign based on that book "I Flew for the Fuhrer". Check it out here!
  7. I missed that entirely, thanks for the heads up Moon.
  8. It's been about a week now, so when should I start mugging or stopping the mailman on his route? I take it there will be an email shipping notification? I forget, been awhile since last purchase from BF(CMSF-2007). I got the mod bundle coming. Come hell or high water, I want my games.
  9. Yeah Deb8, you gotta have a DX10 graphics card to break it. I also tried CMx1 on a laptop using the integrated graphics and it worked fine too. In this rare case, it's good not to have a graphics card. But there's still a lucky few out there that got by without the break.
  10. Yeah man, no joke, there's tons of scenarios out there, along with plenty mods too. Although I don't play CMAK as much, CMBB is still my East Front fix. Also don't forget The Proving Grounds, it's considered a beta stage site for scenarios. But I've seen well balanced well polished scenarios sit there for far too long before getting moved to the depot. So don't hesitate to try em out!
  11. Words I hate to read in the briefing "You can't blow up this or that building." (penalty points if you do) So whats the first thing I do? Yup, blow the hell outta the building and be penalized. Since there's a very good chance there's plenty of enemy in there.
  12. You guys had me at Hello(err... I mean CMBO)!
  13. Sorry, I'm already the proud owner of the ultimate wargaming sig.
  14. Yeah just click add to cart for the next page and you'll see the 35 price.
  15. Maybe your friend doesn't like you since he installed the Brits mod knowingly it would put your game with him to a halt. I don't blame him!
  16. Welcome to the forums...... I think? One of the worst first posts I've ever seen.
  17. Oh well, can't find any of the scenarios you guys mentioned. Just finished up the Thunder campaign tonight. This is of course for the base game CMSF, don't have Marines yet. But I ordered the mod bundle with the Brits.
  18. I already bagged & tagged the Marines+Brits mod bundle. It's coming snail mail, so no rush to play them, still enjoying vanilla CMSF since 1.10.
  19. No doubt that it is unusual. But it is also unusual that a game dev goes back and patches a game that is 6 and 7 years old too. The core game(CMBO) came out in like 99, that's a decade now. :eek: But then again, that Philip guy made this patch right, so did you guys pay him to do it and thus is why the $5 dollar fee? I personally don't need this patch since the latest Nvidia driver 190.38 fixed my Vista+DX10 problem. But I'm just curious what the $5 fee is actually for.
  20. This is great to hear, it seemed the AI in QBs were as useless as tits on a bull.
  21. Woot woot, I just bagged & tagged the Brits+Marines module bundle! I'm guessing somebody from BF will be by this thread so I 'll ask another quick question. My order is by mail, so is it ok to install the 1.20 patch prior to installing the Marines/Brits mods? I'm assuming yes, no problem.
  22. It's kinda like that old saying, "If a trees falls in the woods, does it make a sound if nobody hears it?", or something like that. Good to hear they took out the dust trails. Sure they're there, but if nobody sees it than the player shouldn't.
  23. And on that note, report back here and tell us what you guys think of the game. I don't know much about it, so whats all the hoopla/hype about? I recall reading about it awhile back, something about pirates and ship battles.
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