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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Yeah I think there's a 2 min window to edit posts without getting the "edited by.." stamp. After that I think akd is correct, half hour to make edits then it's locked.
  2. I'd be happy if somebody can shut that crying baby up!
  3. Well there already is a opponent finder forum(which nobody uses) and another forum for discussions about tactics. But was just thinking about the MP lobby thats been discussed in the past, I think back before CMSF launched. So what's the latest on this BF? This MP lobby or MP interface could of course be for all BF games, not just CMx1 and CMx2 games.
  4. Good lord, all I did was post a quote from BFs(Moon) response to this very complaint, link included as well. I assumed you wanted to see a response from BF, but looks like you just wanna blow hot air. Then the forum police comment, come on man, give it a rest. If you even bothered to read the other thread you'd see I'm in total agreement about this. Although it's not as big of a deal for me since I bought the mod bundle. Anyways, way to bark up the wrong tree.
  5. I'm playing through the Marines campaign and saw a rare Jav miss. Although it was night time, not sure of the exact capabilities of this weapon. I still want the 'detailed info' button back(Enter key) from the CMx1 days.
  6. They should really drop the DVD box pic, it's semi-deceiving and obviously will give people the wrong impression. Since the first module Marines came with the "bells & whistles"(manual+DVD box), it's understandable people will assume the same for the Brits. Personally, I couldn't care less, the product is in the game, not the package.
  7. I agree, I think a second mini-campaign should be considered for the attacking Germans. But this is for Bulge which is the next stand-alone game after Normandy and it's 2 modules, Brits+Arnhem. Much further down the road.
  8. But seriously, can't you guys at the very least just sh*t out a single screenshot. It'll at least shut everybody up for awhile, not to mention put a smile on our faces.
  9. Haven't been over there in awhile, they release any screenshots or given more details?
  10. Hey Leto, slightly off topic, but could you please elaborate on this? I'm curious since I played somewhat competitively for the Blitz ladder, WaW, and some tourneys for CMx1. I know very little about the CMSF editor, lazy would be a good word here. I was a CMx1 holdout until 1.11 came out, and then especially now with 1.20. I never thought I would say this, but my CMx1(especially CMBB) is fading away. I even bought the mod bundle(Marines+Brits) and loving it. P.S. Whatever happen to that Masters Tourney MR was running? If memory serves, you were in it too. Last I heard he put a halt to it due to personal reasons. Edit: Whoa, nevermind, just went over to the site and saw the tourney is already underway. Email sent to Stoffel, hopefully it's not too late to get back in.
  11. Piece of cake, finally the proof is here, I really am a genius!
  12. Haha, very nice, chemical warfare, good job. I didn't have anything like that. I did want to use some gasoline one time but my dad drew the line and said no way. This was like early to mid-80s I was like 6-8 yrs old.
  13. Good question considering Eastwoods double feature "Flags of our Fathers" and "Letters from Iwo Jima" did good at the box office. Not to mention the new Band of Brothers: Pacific series is on the horizon for HBO. Also Infinity Wards popular CoD series featured the Pacific in World at War. So I think there would certainly be interest and more importantly potential profits in this front. This could be a farmed-out module, aka. 3rd party dev like the Britsh module. But if this gets in the way of the Eastern Front and it's modules then I'm against it.
  14. I got you all beat by a long shot. I wasn't sure if I was gonna post this or not, it's somewhat embarrassing. But then again, what do I care. Anyways, growing up as a child in Farmington Hills, MI I looked forward to summertime, mostly due to Michigans sometimes harsh winter. But besides that, the ants came back and infested our driveway. So I therfore took it upon myself to wage bloody war, year after year, against them. My tactics and weapons were brutal and fearless, I would stick firecrackers in the entrance holes in the little ant hills to blow them up. I sometimes used my flamethrower, err butane lighter, to scorch them as they came out of their little fortress. But my favorite weapon of choice was my all mighty deathslayer hammer. It was one of those little hammers used for small things like hanging picture frames. It was a tough job smashing my enemy one by one, but somebody had to do it. Oh but it gets better, as we all know children live in their own worlds right. So when neighbors or company would come over they would always ask right off, "What in the hell is that kid doing?". Since of course I never stopped or wavered when such distractions came around. My dad always told them I was trying to fix the driveway or something. Yes, I can still remember their "WTF" looks on their faces, lol. Anyways, my dad always said the whole neighborhood thought I was nuts back then. Who could blame them. So there you have it, confession complete. Am I a badass or what!
  15. Although I think there's more RT players out there than most think. Not just referring to the huge typical RTS crowd either. I like many others initially preferred TB playing with CMSF due to CMx1 days. But can now say I enjoy RT over it. Although I'm still down for PBEM of course. RT affords great control and ability. As soon as my forces get attacked/ambushed I can immediatly pause and deal with it. Compared to TB sometimes your stuck watching a squad get wasted. Not the case in RT, bad moves can easily be salvaged.
  16. Oh yeah, forgot about this thread. I got my shipping notice last Friday and the mod bundle arrived on Monday. FYI: I've noticed my 1.11 saved games work fine with 1.20.
  17. Yeah the movie is pretty kool. If your into paranoi, conspiracy theories, undercover, and good ole fashioned drug abuse. It's based on the infamous Philip K. Dicks novel of the same name. After the film was shot and edited and basically done, it then went through a long animation process, IIRC it took like an extra year to complete. It was interesting watching the making-of in the dvd features. Anyways, you guys should check it out, it's a decent movie behind the fancy effects.
  18. Actually, old 1.11 save games are working fine with the new 1.20 patch. Just wanted to mention this in case somebody was worried about losing them.
  19. Speaking of which, has anybody tried out Over Flanders Fields? It looks pretty good, so does that Rise of Flight too.
  20. I guess you haven't been to the Peng threads yet eh? So is it ok for children to watch people getting blown to pieces by a Hellfire missile but if someones jokes about getting laid then that's crossing the line? Just curious since you were the one to post that and now your saying my post constitutes some kind of "parental notice".
  21. I still think this could and should be tweaked. Why not have it as an option to except the enemy's surrender, much like how the cease fire works in H2H. If you choose to decline, then the enemy could run off the map where the designer designates as the retreat side. Bottom line, people, myself included, love to mop up the enemy. Especially when your devising a plan and it's just about to come to fruition and the battle ends. Or maybe right before a big arty or air strike just to have the fireworks show cut short. Give us the option!
  22. From this thread, http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=88371 Translation, somebody screwed up and all non-Brits owners pay for it! :eek: Not that I really care anymore, my mod bundle came in the mail on Monday.
  23. That would be super kool if there was a recordable track of like 20 or 30 seconds, up to a minute would be ideal. Kinda like in IL2 when you did great in a big dogfight and then save the whole track and watch from every angle, pause, fast forward, slowmo, and rewind. I know this has mentioned before and I think we all agree it would be great, but probably not high up in the priority list, sadly.
  24. Where is the new version at? I checked the repository and see the old versions. Also don't see anything over at GAJs site either.
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