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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. Lol oops, I wasn't sure. I assumed it because of this line from the release notes, "Adds support for OpenGL 3.1" and also that it works now too.
  2. Well at least for running the CMx1 games, since that's all we care about around here. http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7_wi...0.38_beta.html This is great news for us who have Vista and Nvidia DX10 cards. No more using 2x AA just to get it to display properly with bad performance. I just tested 190.38 out on both CMAK+CMBB, both work fine with AA and AF jacked up to 16x. Performance is back to normal too. Let me know how it works out for the rest of you guys.
  3. Well at least for running the CMx1 games, since that's all we care about around here. http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7_winvista_32bit_190.38_beta.html This is great news for us who have Vista and Nvidia DX10 cards. No more using 2x AA just to get it to display properly with bad performance. I just tested 190.38 out on both CMAK+CMBB, both work fine with AA and AF jacked up to 16x. Performance is back to normal too. Let me know how it works out for the rest of you guys.
  4. All I can do is merely laugh at the mention of this so-called "film". LOL
  5. Yup, times-a-changing, someday maybe guns or bullets will ship with games. BFC take notice, I want a M1 Garand with my CMx2: Normandy, now get to it. Curious as to how much this Prestige edition will cost and perhaps more importantly, how good will the NVGs be.
  6. I know what you mean MikeyD, they get too caught up in the details. The Thin Red Line is very underrated IMO. IIRC red line came out not too long after SPR. So the problem was is that people wanted it to be SPR in the the Pacific. Too bad really, it's a good movie IMO. It's just a artsy and poetic war movie really. Whats wrong with something different for a change? But the masses prefer more blood and flash, while enthusiasts couldn't care less.
  7. Are you f*cking serious, coming to the BF forum for game tips for a PS2 game? This has gotta be a first! Ok fine, just head over to http://www.gamefaqs.com/ for any game for any system/PC.
  8. Odds are, you'll probably like it. It's averaging a 97% over at RT. Simply put, bad movies never score this high. Will it be perfect, of course not. Will people nitpick the details, of course. But I'm sure gonna go see it when it's released nationally. Whoopty-do, he took his gear off, so what. Haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm guessing if the bomb went off it wouldn't mattered if he was wearing it or not. He'd be dead anyway. At least that's the way it appeared to me, not really a Rambo moment at all.
  9. He does have a smirk on his face. Or that could just be his "I'm the king of the jungle!" look. Nonetheless, great post GraemeA!
  10. Btw, is it possible to line the trenches with sandbags? I haven't fiddled much with the editor at all. Something like this would be great:
  11. Hmm, ok then explain terrorist hunts then. Although they're in the same positons over and over like in SP. But they do different things almost every time just like in SP. Also I think we may have different definitions for scripted. The part that is scripted, is the AI position and their attack triggers. Which is what I was referring to when I said "somewhat scripted". But beyond that the AI is dynamic, meaning they don't do the same thing in combat over and over. In other words, does the AI attack you and fight you exactly the same way every time? Nope, they sure don't and I don't need to beat the game 3 times to know that.
  12. Ok that answers my question, although not the answer I was hoping for. Curious if it would at all be possible to code in the game to make trenches auto-darken in the terrain. This not only would make it easier to see or spot, but IMO more realistic looking terrain. The same concept that craters have in the game.
  13. One of my complaints that goes back to the launch of CMSF. It's hard to see the trenches. Through the players point of view, not my byte soldiers, since it would be understandable if they can't see/spot a trench. I like the CMx1 games where you can easily target a trench that's been spotted. But it appears in CMx2 that trenches are visible to the player right from the start. I just wanna be able to see them from birds eye view. As it is now I gotta get in close to see and target them.
  14. Funny that R6:Vegas 2 is mentioned, I've been meaning to play this game again. Last night I did, buddy and me played and beat the game in coop. I don't think the AI is scripted, it is somewhat, like triggered by us, but they use cover dynamically. Just like your teammates, although there are times when both teammates and AI alike use cover but with really bad exposed angles. This happens when positions/angles are changed and the AI haven't reacted to it yet. I think the core complaint about AI in A2 is probably that they need babysitting or more micromanagement. In a game like R6: vegas, they just do it, even your AI teammates. But in defense to A2, the more wide open the battlefield the more problems you run into. The R6 series is always about CQB and not wide open battlefields.
  15. Hey what about me? I'm a nice guy and my mommy always told me I was special. I'll be looking forward to receiving my free copy of Marines+Brits module bundle in the mail. Everyday from here on out I'm gonna run out to my mailbox with much anticipation.
  16. Great to hear, thanks for the info. So when did you say we can try out the new system?
  17. Just wanna bump this so people are more aware of this bug. I just ran into this scenario-breaking bug in my campaign(see my hiding & spotting thread). The bottom line: DO NOT SAVE AT SETUP! Because if you do load and play that setup file the enemy will be displaced from their defense setup. Glad to hear it's known and fixed for the next patch 1.20. But this bug should be clearly stated(sticky thread) so players can take action to avoid it. Since I'm sure most people always save at setup since it can take time to setup
  18. Thanks alot for posting that akd. Yup, that's gotta be the same problem, your last screenshot posted was very similar. There is alot of infantry right outside buildings, been wondering a few times, "Shouldn't they be hiding in the building instead of the wide open?". For verification, I just tested it out myself and it is in fact a bug. I'm guessing the dislodged units are still getting hidden bonuses from being in a building, even though they're in open ground. It only happens when you load a saved game from the setup. Kind of a bummer for me really, I just played through the entire battle, kind of a waste of time. This bug should be clearly stated(sticky thread) so players can take action to avoid it. It effectively turns a scenario into a cakewalk, ruining it. Edit: I bumped your thread, surprised to see barely anyone even notice your thread.
  19. Don't mind Leto, he likes to get lippy every once in awhile. Sad to hear the anti-cherry pickers won the battle afterall. Seriously though, wouldn't it be possible to have both options, cherry picking(unit points) and a more defined not as cryptic C2 system(groupings)? And remember, QBs are like a sandbox, I like to know exactly what toys I'm bringing to play with.
  20. How about a screenshot of this? Oh thats right, in RL they're called pics. Seriously though and I know it's way too early, but would these Russian fellas be tapped for the Eastern Front family of games?
  21. So they're in make-believe foxholes on pavement? This makes sense on normal ground. But on paved ground, how can you be dug-in?
  22. 2nd mission at the airbase in the Thunder campaign. Surprised to see lots of enemy hiding out in the open with zero cover go unspotted. I've got loads of units on rooftops with binocs, ranges from about 50-500m. Same thing with Strykers, even had enemy unit hiding like 30m right in front of AFV hiding in open but he can't spot him. I of course did a cease fire to see all this and am surprised to see lots of units unspotted in the wide open tarmac. I guess my question is, do I have to baby sit some units and use cover arcs to increase spotting ability? I mean it's one thing not to be able to spot units hiding in foilage, craters, buildings, rubble, or whatever. But laying on a flat open paved ground and being able to stay hidden, doesn't seem right.
  23. Thanks for the info Steve, that clears things up. Will Charlie Wilson be modeled in the game? If so, will his girlfriend seen in the movie walking to him singing be in the game too? Edit: Or how about the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YcDl4FqYgY, will she be modeled in the game too? If so, what will her muzzle velocity be?
  24. I've seen a similar problem myself, it was like the Bradley was stuck in rotation mode. I just moved him a little bit and it was unlocked. It kinda looked like it couldn't make up its mind between LOS to target and no LOS.
  25. The QB system is by far the biggest disapointment of CMSF. Not having the random maps is ok and understandable in regards to dev time, besides theres tons of user made maps. But the QBs are like our sandbox and the units are the toys to play within that sandbox. Don't restrict us like some super strict holy-roller parents. It maybe more realistic now, but realism is not the point of QBs, thats what scenarios are for. It's about playing with toys in a sandbox. I don't see why the unit purchase tables couldn't be reworked for CMSF+modules. Sure there would be cherry picking, thats why players agree to rules before hand, also part of the fun. I'm sure this has all been mentioned before and they already said the QB system won't change until CMN. So I'll stop ranting.
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