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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Wow. That looks a lot like the experimental tank the US was designing. I guess the Poles did it and probably at a fraction of our cost.
  2. Since RL has proven that MOUT is excruciatingly expensive in terms of casualties, not sure what the gripe is. You are bloody lucky (not necessarily good) if you can clear a defended block with minimal casualties. The real problems in the game are issues like ATGM vehicles that cannot get hull-down benefit and that are almost suicidal to use. Only once in years of play do I recall getting to get a ATGM hit on an enemy tank without having the ATGM vehicle killed first.
  3. Are these scenarios as stated, or only maps?
  4. I designed a huge scenario with 3 players and a CinC on each side using the same 'system." The problem is that if one player is less responsible and doesn't do his turn within a day, the whole thing gets very slow and boring for the other players. I tried to make the CinC's responsible for the speed of their side, but even they had reliability issues. As a result, my 45 turn game took over 2 years... Most people had run out of ammo as well, despite reinforcements. (I recommend no longer than 25-30 turns variable.)
  5. I designed a huge scenario with 3 players and a CinC on each side using the same 'system." The problem is that if one player is less responsible and doesn't do his turn within a day, the whole thing gets very slow and boring for the other players. I tried to make the CinC's responsible for the speed of their side, but even they had reliability issues. As a result, my 45 turn game took over 2 years... Most people had run out of ammo as well, despite reinforcements. (I recommend no longer than 25-30 turns variable.)
  6. Hi Mord... My Win 7 sound recoRder seems different... "Start sound recorder, click on the file tab" (I SEE NO FILE TAB, ONLY PLAYBACK, RECORDING, SOUNDS, COMMUNICATIONS)
  7. Bear with me, Mord... How do I USE sound recorder on the actual file? I need crayon-level instructions.
  8. I think you may have to have one of their "Land Rover" ammo resupply vehicles. UK Royal Mud Marines is an xnt scenario and a great trainer for all UK inf-type weapons.
  9. "fill a Hibachi with cheap briquets, gasoline and some dog crap..." - Where can one get this mod?
  10. I have Win 7, but where do I find "sound recorder?"
  11. I love the Middle East BG sound mod, but it's a bit loud compared to the rest of the game, and gets a bit annoying as one can tell it's repeating too easily. Is there any way to reduce the volume of a specific sound mod?
  12. Thanks guys. I thought I was being lazy not reading the manual for the umpteenth time to find things that are not there...
  13. Is Achtung Panzer real-time? It looks similar to Matrix's Op Winter Storm, Kharkov and the new one. Anyone played both?
  14. I was going to make a comment about true love... but, never mind.
  15. Thank you for a huge amount of interesting data! I love the fact that the vehicles have "staffs" rather than crews. Much more classy.
  16. Sorry only one other noticed your good joke, c3k. That's grognards for you...
  17. Makes you wonder why the Marines didn't throw em first...
  18. I didn't find T-72 to be much of a game. Maybe more of a sim? How is Achtung Panzer?
  19. It's smart not to go after DoD contracts imo. 1) The military have no idea of what being in a business means, and so will ask/insist on innumerable "improvements/enhancements" to meet the latest "Warfighting 2021 Standard blah blah blah" that some committee just thought up. I swear, these people are like women who get excited over every silly fashion thing they read in this month's magazine, only to be superceded by what is in next month's mag. 2) If a small game company is even remotely successful in producing a cheap product that is actually useful as a trainer, they will incur the considerable wrath of all the huge defense companies who will not rest until BFC is crushed and buried (or bought out) and its products trashed - to be replaced by the obscenely expensive products that keep the defense industry getting gazillions of bucks from the taxpayers.
  20. Mine too... I was hoping to stay excited for at least another 5 weeks! It's all happening too soon!
  21. I played this vs Red AI. While I know that's not as hard, the secret was in the set-up of the stranded vehicles, making sure the enemy has a hard time getting LOS. Then covering the LOS positions with covered arcs so the enemy can't sit and plink away with impunity.
  22. Dang! I got so excited seeing a recent post here. I thought maybe our dreams had come tru and BFC decided to raise CAMPAIGNS from the dead. You unfeeling, cruel, eveil bastid!
  23. What do the 5 columns of munitions represent exactly for aircraft? In a scenario I am playing I get two "Heavy" armed choppers (Apaches) and two "Medium" choppers (Cobras). Not sure what missions to send em on (anti-armor, anti-pillbox, anti-personnel, anti-building etc.) as I don't know exactly what munitions each column represents. Thanks...
  24. Back in the day, there was a lot of talk about how a boutique/small niche market company could stay in business considering the small fan base (compared with mass-market games). It seemed to me that since CM1 had stopped me having to buy 20 other games every year that lasted each maybe a few weeks on my HD, that we should consider games like CM1 as "works of art" and expect to pay a couple hundred bucks for it - since it saved more than that in not wasting money on other games. BFC has a clever strategy to achieve the same goal of increasing the price of the game, by releasing it in numerous inexpensive modules. We should be very happy that at least one game company can survive making high quality niche games.
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