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  1. Yeah! I thought we would see TONS of campaigns once CM:N was released. But that's not the case....
  2. Great mod!!! Do you guys prefer the closer or far efects? I like far a lot!
  3. Thanks for the tips guys! I just started the marines campaign, and the first mission is a blast with such a small recon force. Good stuff!
  4. Hey guys! Just got the MArines+Brit+Nato bundle, and being new to the series, should I play marines then british then nato or play nato right away? Thanks.
  5. Should I keep my hopes high for tomorrow?
  6. Will we see more of these scenarios or maybe entire campaigns in the repository?
  7. OMG, I canĀ“t wait anymore..... Im new to the game and have only played the demos, but im afraid to buy the current bundles (Marines+British and NATO) and watch the big bundle (Marines+British+Nato) being released the day after. QQ: Im considering buying the CM:SF from GamersGate for U$9,00 will it work normally?
  8. Is the bundle release still too far away?
  9. And Im still waiting for the super BUNDLE (Marines+British+Nato) release
  10. It sure will be a long week! The countdown has started....
  11. Hey guys! Im still holding my money waiting for the MArines+British+Nato bundle. Any updates on this would be appreciated. ty
  12. Actually Im holding out to buy the Marines+British+Nato module! Im new in the game
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