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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Thanks seabee. Most of the time I am ok with mods. But, sometimes, I put one in and I can't see or hear it. eg: I tried adding the middle east chatter mod as I am playing a Red campaign and am confused why I can't hear it.
  2. I am in the same boat with c3k on this. The CM2 C2 system seems needlessly complex for very little gameplay benefit. As you say, "if you're Blue, you have C2 no matter what you do." How many man-hours of programming went into the depiction of C2 when it doesn't even matter? Think of the many other neat features that would have enhanced gameplay/fun that had to be cut because of this. There are several other examples where BFC committed resources to making some aspect more "realistic" or detailed when most players may not care about that particular feature, but may have wanted something else - eg: telescoping observation poles for ATGM vehicles. Of course there are not resources to put everything in, and even if one could, it would result in a more accurate simulation, but an unplayable game. However, as much as I admire BFC for sticking to their guns... er... principles, there is a sort of schizoid (probably wrong term) BFC decision-making re what features are in and what features get left out.
  3. I tried loading the "ME" file into the CM:A Z folder, but I still get default ambient. Does this mod not work in CM:A?
  4. bless u guv! (how'd you find it so quick, or u have photographic memory?)
  5. Ok... I have v1.21 of the game but only the v1.20 manual. But, that's a lot of pages. Any advice on which page(s) I need to look at? Thanks...
  6. Ah... sounds like a lot of non-fun work to me. But, thanks for your advice.
  7. I am still confused with mod folders that have several mod subfolders. Is one simply to copy the main folder into Z... Or... Does one have to manually choose which of the subfolders one wants or the system will simply choose the one with the later alphabetical name.
  8. Yes, it is important to get that first hit in.
  9. "It is possible to continue the campaign from a game save as per some trick that came with V1.20." You mean v1.20 of CMSF or your campaign? I have been using the latest version of CMSF (1.21? or whatever the latest version is.). So am confused re your instructions. I would love to complete your terrific campaign based on what I have accomplished so far re casualties etc. But, not sure if I would play it a third time, Shilkas and airpower notwithstanding.
  10. Re mods and scenarios, also recommended is GreenAsJade's site that can be accessed through the Band Of Brothers CM fan site. (See "links" on this BFC site.) CM1 also has a much greater depth and spread of gameplay in that it covers 5 years of WW2 over a myriad of terrain and weather and offers a very impressive array of units (from many countries) that changed quite radically over those years. CM1 games tend to be more balanced as there is no bias towards one side of the other (as has been noted in CMSF). CM1 is more of a fun game. CM2 is more of a simulation.
  11. "Some of these gizmos only work if they unit is not moving and has time to deploy. Farly intuitive." While that is useful info, it is not intuitive all all, Ikky. Where in the manual does it tell us what communications gizmos work while moving or only when static? Is there a time delay for some of the commn. devices before they start working (after being made static)? That may explain my confusion re C2, as I noticed that units would go in and out of C2 per the liddle lights switching from green to red and back, and I never understood what was going on. That's why while I try to keep my Red HQ's sort of in the vicinity of their units (as I have learned to keep Red platoons together), I generally ignore the C2 aspects - especially with Blue HQ's (as one can scatter Blue sub units seemingly with impunity).
  12. I will start it off by wagering US$100 that CM:N will be released before Armageddon.
  13. yes, stikky... (r u sure you want that name btw?) one can easily see the green lights. but, unlike CM1 I have not experienced a clear ADVANTAGE of keeping in C2 regarding performance of the units. It was a LOT easier to see C2 in action via the C2 lines between HQ and units in CM1. However, I appreciate that CM2 has C2 with higher level HQ's etc. But, I rarely notice the little green lights in CM2. It's just one more little detail that I find hard to remember to check all the time. Actually, I don't fully understand the parameters whereby units stay in C2.
  14. BFC should simply run a book on when CM:N will be released for everyone on these forums. Could be another profit center for BFC, and the winner could get a free copy...
  15. Quite understandably, the Canadian govt doesn't want anything too entertaining entering Canada and spoiling its hard-won reputation for being boring.
  16. "> When the subfolders both have the same names Then they cannot exist in the same folder :-)" Do'oh...
  17. Ah... so when you copy a mod folder that had several variant subfolders into the Z folder, only the variant subfolder that has the last alphabetical name gets used? When the subfolders both have the same names, is the priority by date, or...? (If by date, newest or oldest?)
  18. Got it now. Thank you... (Why don't you upload it to the repository?)
  19. Thanks for your xnt Red campaigns PT. Great training. I loved the Dinas campaign so enjoyed playing it again in the hope I could progress. But re my other question, I don't want to play it a third time, so is there any way to pick up in the campaign where it crashed without replaying the first 7 scenarios again? Is the separate Perdition Campaign the continuation, altho' one starts with 100% strength?
  20. I just hope that we can see the effects of HQ's and C2 more easily than in CMSF where it's all so subtle I don't find much point in paying attention to it.
  21. Tried to locate the new "Road to Dinas" campaign game file in repository but not sure where to look or if it's elsewhere...
  22. To clarify: If the higher ranking guys in the "official" HQ are gone, then the next highest ranking guy becomes HQ even if he's in a regular squad. Is that what you guys are saying? Cheers...
  23. Is that 3-6 weeks starting 2 weeks ago when CMA shipped, or a rolling 3-6 weeks from whenever we ask lol... No worries. Altho' if it's delayed more, I may give in and get the d/l version while I wait for disks.
  24. My bad... Whatever their precursor were, religious fanatics etc.
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