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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Ok, I didn't notice the date. All Russian films look the same to me regardless of era lol. Yes. Pearl Harbor sucked. There will always be bad movies. But, SPR, Apocalypse Now etc... The only name I remember from SPR was Corporal Ryan. But, I cared much more about the characters in SPR as they were more fleshed out in terms of character and personality. I have NO idea about anyone in (almost any) Russian epic as they are all cyphers and don't act or look real. Winter War from Finland had the same problem. (10 points if you noticed deliberate error above.)
  2. Fortunately I was able to check out your scenario and the map looks terrific. The set-up and mix of forces also looks good. Very interesting situation. Looking forward to playing.
  3. How many missions are there in the Invasion Campaign? (My Red average per scenario so far is only 2-3 KIA, but maybe 10+ wounded. I think I may be having too many WIA.) I appreciate the advice to area fire where you think there are suspected enemy. But, I always feel like I do not have enough ammo to do that.
  4. Looks interesting... Will get to it after Thanksgiving...
  5. Thanks for the tactical tip c3k. Wish there was a single place to post all "Tactical Tips."
  6. I did it the way Alex suggests. I think one of the tactics that work is to use the inf for spotting, but with short arcs so they don't shoot - and let the BMP's do all the killing with area fire like arty - since they are almost immune to anything the Tribal Millitia has at over 250m. But with all the fire being directed at the mound it seems inevitable that some Soviets will get hit. So, maybe leaving the mound does work better. (But, doesn't that leave the two immobilized BMP's rather exposed?) Still I thought 2 KIA and 5 wounded would have given me a better result - especially since I was a couple turns away from destroying ALL the militia. Am sorry that mission three is another defensive mission. I would have liked to go blow up a village or something.
  7. Quite long for a trailer. I feel like I saw most of the battle. Good replicas of Tiger Tanks, but a lot of what looked like T62's or T72's in the BG. The problem with all the Russian spectaculars (as with that Finnish Film "Winter War") is that it's big on spectacular action, but low on dramatics - Hollywood does it better in that one gets to be more emotionally involved in the characters than with Russian epics (eg: Saving Private Ryan on the D-Day beaches). But, impressive scenes of the Kursk attack with a cast of thousands.
  8. As AKD said: "There are four sniper rifles that use 7.62 NATO: the US Army M110, the USMC M40, the Canadian C3A1 and the Brit L96." These you can resupply with 7.62.
  9. There have been so many discussions of the relative uselessness of snipers since CMSF came out. It's just one of a million issues with the game that makes CMSF a game, and not a DoD simulation. DoD spends literally tens of millions to develop "realistic" games. They are not as much fun as CMSF, so thank goodness CMSF is a fun GAME. C'mon guys, this issue has been discussed to death several times already. In summary: "Snipers suck in CMSF."
  10. Just completed 2nd mission and I thought I had been very lucky and had done really well considering no arty or air support, but was disappointed to get a Sov Tactical Defeat. Am wondering who has done better than I could and what might I be doing wrong? My result: Tribal Militia: 25 OK 57 KIA 35 WIA Soviets: 20 OK 2 KIA 5 WIA 2 AFV KIA (the two disabled ones) The game went in 3 or 4 turns overtime, and the Militia was doing a final suicidal attack into the guns of my Soviets along the side of the river. Had the game gone on another couple turns, I think the Militia would have been completely wiped out. But, the game abruptly ended and I failed Enemy Condition; Friendly Casualties; Friendly Condition. Am nervous about mission 3 which is going to be kinda the same thing - cutting off "fleeing" militia from safe routes out of the canyon.
  11. Couldn't one also say the same re the arty? Given the time lag to FFE, other task forces would be severely hamstrung if they had to wait for other fire missions to complete. Methinks we're reading too much into this GAME. It seems like the designer's intention was simply to make us economize our fire support (plz correct me if I am wrong PT). All I ask for is that it's made clear in the briefing as to which support will be resupplied and which won't. If one knew there was no reason to be economical in scenario 1 with the air support it would make a difference. (I like to use "light" ordinance on the areas that provide points for no damage as it at least clears away units on rooftops.) Otherwise the 1st scenario was lots of fun. And I was happy to continue with the bugs in place. But, since PT recommends that we wait for the patch before playing either the Dutch or Canadian campaigns I am twiddling thumbs here. I suppose I could play the German Campaign. That is bug free, yes?
  12. They really need to get rid of those whirly things on top. They want everyone to see them coming 5 miles away? heh
  13. Uploaded last night and it seems to be working well now. Lovely. Thank you. PS: Is there any difference between the day and night versions? (I couldn't tell.)
  14. "However, the air assets got fully supplied between missions regardless of the parameters I set in the campaign script." No problemo. But, plz make this clear in the briefings as it's rather important.
  15. Not sure if there is a problem with this mod or its interaction with some other mod that I have, but while I can hear Russian voices ok, the rest of the BG sound is like a tape being wound fast - sounds like angry bees/flies.
  16. Okiedokie PT, esp since you're one of my favorite designers. What's the ETA? Also, I suggest that it's made clear in the briefing that air will be resupplied - currently it reads that neither will be resupplied. I was unnecessarily economical with my use of air - trying to save it (as I did my arty) for Company D's effort. Probably cost me a couple casualties that pushed me over the 10% limit and reduced my win to "Minor."
  17. Have won the first Canadian mission despite the engineers having no satchel charges. Have to decide whether to go on or wait for a fix. Is there a subsequent scenario in the campaign that definitely needs satchel charges, or does the bug simply make the rest of the Campaign a bit more challenging but playable. Also, the briefing states that arty and air assets are shared with company D which appears in the 2nd scenario. I did see that my arty ammo was appropriately depleted after the first mission. But the helicopter ammo seems to have been completely resupplied. Is this also a bug, or is air ammo resupplied between missions? Ditto, re the Dutch Campaign. Is it playable as is, or should one wait for a fix?
  18. I also noticed that at the start of the 2nd mission that while my arty has the same (depleted) ammo as at the end of mission one, the Apaches appear to be fully resupplied. The briefing warns that the arty and air assets are shared between the first two missions, so I was expecting much less Apache ammo. Is that also a bug, or intentional?
  19. For what it's worth, I completed the first mission in the Canadian campaign with a win accomplishing all objectives except that the 4 KIA and 10 WIA Canucks knocked me down to a Minor Victory. Much as I enjoy the boom of a sachel charge blasting thru a wall, I don't think their absence made any significant difference. However, I now have a dilemma... Carry on the campaign or wait for the patch. So... Is there a later mission that simply cannot be accomplished without sachel charges etc? If it's just an issue of making the scenarios more challenging, I'll just carry on with the campaign as is. The added challenge is what makes it fun.
  20. Agree with Mord... There's been lot of discussion and some frustration re snipers and recon troops. You would think they would have special skills, but the game doesn't reflect this. A sensible suggestion I read here a long time ago was that designers should make recon and sniper units at least one level more experienced than the rest of the troops in the scenario, (plus probably give em a +2 HQ).
  21. Well if you read the thread 1.31 PATCH, apparently they don't lol!
  22. And remember it's just a friggin' GAME... No reason for people to get their knickers in a twist.
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