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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. That's what I was hoping NATO would be about, but it just adds NATO to Syria.
  2. Thanks for the clarification. I have all the CMSF mods as well as CMA. Was curious as to the reason why the same scenario cannot be played on either game.
  3. You illustrate perfectly the quandary that BFC is in when they have others clamoring for release of CM:N "regardless of liddle cute bugs"... Depending on the bug it can take many man-days/weeks to fix. No game ever gets released without bugs getting discovered. There has to be some other older scenario or campaign that you haven't played to take your mind off this till it's fixed.
  4. I am good for Blue or Red vs AI if you want more testers.
  5. This is GREAT chick pick up material! Thanks... (heh)
  6. A brief discussion of the different doctrines of the different nationalities would also be great. I keep asking "why do these guy have this sort of load-out or numbers?" There must be a logical reason for the squad sizes and weapons, and why when certain vehicles dismount, they leave a driver but noone to man the HMG... It makes no logical (common)sense. But, some great military committee must have had a reason.
  7. I want to play Forging Steel so bad. But, now I have CMA and NATO... Have to get BFC to sloooow down their releases. 2012 for CM:N?
  8. If you know where the enemy is that's great. But, a bit gamey...
  9. Wonderful work. Looking forward to more from you.
  10. "CMA is only a standalone game. Scenarios are only done for it and it alone, with its CM A Editor. CMSF Base Game, MARINES, UK and NATO (with Patch V 1.30) loaded, scenarios can be played with either one." To clarify: You are saying that CMA scenarios cannot be played using CMSF. However, CMSF scenarios CAN be played using CMA?
  11. (From WeBOB) http://hipsterhitler.com/2010/08/ironic-invasion/
  12. "the linked ammo bar correspond to 7.62x39 AND 7.62x54R ammo" That is useful to know. But, are you sure this is correct?
  13. While it's true that so much happens in the modern era depicted by CM2 that one minute is too long - or long enuff to get into serious trouble, and CM2 is very unforgiving... However, I realised that I have instinctively started to play as if my guys only had maybe 30-40 secs of action with the rest of the time spent resting and observing. The fact is that we still have waaaay too much god-like knowledge of the battlefield compared to RL, and that is because this is a game, and not RL. In RL, men would be waaay more cautious and slower, stopping to think etc.
  14. presumably this scenario will NOT work in CMA?? (Do any of the CMSF and CMA scenarios work in the other game?)
  15. I may be out of sate re the state of the art, but a year ago I was advised to get single core if the machine was to be used for primarily one purpose (that is not multitasking several programs simultaneously) as that would be faster, or at least no slower than the more expensive multicore machines. If you are NOT multitasking what is the advantage of multicore?
  16. What I find the trickiest issue is figuring out if all one needs to do is copy the entire mod folder into the Z folder, or if one has to extract individual subfolders out of the mod folder. Some mods are simply .bmp files. But, when I copy the .bmp files to the Z folder am not sure I see those .bmp images in the game. Does one have to copy the folder that contains the .bmp images???
  17. Is this in the repository? If not it would be great if you could upload. Looks great!
  18. Didn't get it (seriously)... Hugo Boss was around during the 30's?
  19. Re costing money for casualties etc. to provide realism... You could divide the real cost by (say) 1000, or 10,000 - whatever is reasonable. So, a WIA would cost (say) $1, KIA $2, with a tank damage costing (say) $10 and KIA $100. The multimillionaires here can of course up those costs till they hurt.
  20. Have played Red side extensively in Campaigns. Maybe I naturally keep my HQ's close or something, but haven't noticed any particular difference. It's not that there are no C2 effects, of course I understand there are. It's that the C2 effects are probably too subtle for a GAME, (rather than a HIFI simulation - which I think we all agree that CM2 is not). Having said that it is a terrific game, and I am certainly not implying it's unplayable, or that this is a big deal. It's just a shame that so much programming work has gone into features that are hardly noticeable, whereas other more impactful features may have been eliminated due to (an understandable) lack of time resources etc.
  21. Let us know WHERE the mod is available. There are now so many places to search. Thanks.
  22. I got it to work properly, but unfortunately that part of my message seemed to not get saved here. Apparently, one can't edit the file while the game is running and then exit and restart the game wi the new resolution - it reverts. For some reason, you have to exit the game, then edit, then restart. (Apologies if that was obvious to you.)
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