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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Scipio: Just to clarify... when I d/l one of your mods that seems to be a later version (as in "101a,b..." etc) can I safely delete the previous version(s) or is there some benefit to keeping them?
  2. All three of my CM1 games are heavily modded and for their purpose, (larger scale than CM2) I think look great. I think of CM2 as a different game from the CM1 games, but sharing a similar interface.
  3. Thank you... useful info... and great research site.
  4. One explanation is that the Chinese are casting covetous eyes over the ocean all the way to Indonesia, to include the strategic Mallaca Staits. I predict there is oil under them thar waters... And that is something they may be growing short of considering their massive increase in automotive ownership. (What are Chinese oil reserves/production - anyone know?)
  5. Thanks for the patch, guys! I take it that the Canadian and Dutch campaigns now work as designed - satchel charges and C2 functioning as advertised? If I already completed a mission in these, can I continue with 1.31, or is it advised that I start over the first mission?
  6. what's also amazing is that it was released. I always wonder about the reasons for presumably classified info appearing on U-Tube.
  7. This sounds like a job for a dynamic UN fact-finding commission!
  8. For what it's worth, in CM1 I got tired of playing vs the AI within a few months and have played CM1 vs humans ever since. However, after 2-3(?) years of CM2, I still get a great game vs the AI and I prefer the speed of play rather than waiting for a PBEM file. So, congratulations on the improvement! Perhaps if you included a tutorial info re how to best "program" an AI oppo to do the things you say it can do that people are requesting, they wouldn't be harassing you. Now get outa here and have a few days off, for cryin' out loud! We'll still all be here bitchin' and whinin' when you get back next Monday.
  9. Is the ammo sharing feature for all ammo, or only support weapons? If the latter, are there any support weapons that for some reason do NOT share - not sure if the exotic sniper ammo would qualify??.
  10. "...I got some looks from the girl across the street who hates the man and is impressed by this show of force." And there you have it... Pretty girl China maybe?
  11. Re cardboard wargames, I remember when computer games got interesting about 20 years ago, how I changed from a wargame player to a collector. I still have over a hundred brand new unpunched games from those days. Stopped religiously buying em maybe 10 years ago. But, every year or so I still check out www.boardgamegeek.com and then buy the very best top-rated wargames. (Which are still sitting around here unpunched someplace.)
  12. "Now, we have had the odd call here and there for cows, goats, sheep, and ox (strangely, yaks have been forgotten) to be modelled in CM..." Don't forget the Leather Bondage Brigade mod.
  13. I noticed the player seems to hardly ever use covered arcs, or use HUNT (just QUICK from the looks of it). Is that a RT play thing? (In WEGO I use covered arcs ALL the time and spend time changing them almost every turn depending on where I want my guys to be looking. And whenever I am close to the enemy I use HUNT and HIDE nearly all the time.)
  14. The other thing I noticed in this and the German Campaign video series, is that the players seem to hardly ever use covered arcs, or use HUNT (just QUICK from the looks of it). Is that a RT play thing? (In WEGO I use covered arcs ALL the time and spend time changing them almost every turn depending on where I want my guys to be looking. And whenever I am close to the enemy I use HUNT and HIDE nearly all the time.)
  15. Here ya go... Been eating turkey since Monday. Why wait till thursday... <burp>
  16. Hear, hear... ditto what frankser said! Happy Thanksgiving to all! (And let's stop harassing the poor sods at BFC so they can have a few days peace.)
  17. In good ol' CM1 a heavier vehicle could push a lighter vehicle out of the way. You saying that you can't do that in CM2???
  18. Did you ever play CMAK? I still think CM1 is a better "game" system than CM2.
  19. I never looked at replays b4 and it's interesting to see what another player does - altho' after the first couple times playing CMSF when it came out, I never play in RT. (I just don't see how you can control a largish numer of units in different areas of the BF in RT. And if you keep pausing all the time, what is the point of RT?) I only watched the Brit scenario all the way thru as I remember playing that one. It made me smile a bit to see how dismayed the player becomes when he realizes that the enemy aren't going to cut and run "like they did when playing the US" hehe. Well, we did all agree that the original game seemed quite biased in that respect. That's what makes the Brits and now the NATO forces so much more challenging and fun. I don't know if it's a factor playing RT, but his keeping all this inf and AFV's close together most iof the time I found alien. (I always try to keep my AFV's as far back as possible while giving covering fire.) For that reason it was also odd that at the very end of the scenario when the inf really did need covering fire (and were taking most of the casualties) he had allowed the AFV's to get out of position to provide any help. Also for what it's worth, I sent the first inf recon teams deep on either side of the road to flush out flank ambushes. I don't recall seeing any mines and sent some AFV's to follow these scouts with no ill-effect. Thanks for doing all the work to post these voiced playthru's. They have persuaded me to check out the new ones available for the German Campaign in NATO.
  20. CM:Zombie... Wow! I am amazed to realize that I would actually buy that! It sounds like it could be a LOT of fun. It's the sort of wacked out idea that could work brilliantly. So, weird and bizarre that it would put the developer on the map with national press coverage.
  21. Very useful comments above jnt. Thanks. (And in the CM1 thread, presumably you were ScoutPL?) So, the widely differing sizes of squads is due to the smaller squads being initially intended to be only a peacetime core? That means that ANY casualties essentially puts that squad OOA? And when one considers that that core has been driving the carrying capacity/size of AFV's, it makes me think that the entire mil structure of all NATO forces is one huge fu. Re tuturials: Since we already have the marverllous assets of another player posting his videos of each battle in the German(?) Campaign, would it be possible/a good idea to have you critique what that player did, and when you think a different course of action would have been more appropriate..?
  22. jnt62006: Thanks... I am not sure how to phrase this, but I am puzzled/confused at the profound differences between nationalities, even between UA Army and Marine doctrines, and the way their formations are designed differently from platoon level and above. For example: Since all the countries are basically fighting a similar war, how come some vehicles are designed for only 6 troops, others for more than 13? Why do the Brits have so much less HE ammo supply in their AFV's than other nationalities? Etc. In other words, what is the thinking behind how the nationalities have built their forces? One would have thought that in this day and age, all the NATO countries at least would have very similar TO&E's. But, they are quite different, as if prepping for completely different wars rather than being designed to be interchangeable for cooperative NATO ventures.
  23. Except that the Allies probably wouldn't get out of bed if they didn't have air superiority, so...
  24. And they better get the correct volume of blood drained from the victim or I will never buy another BFC game again!!!
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