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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. While it's true that so much happens in the modern era depicted by CM2 that one minute is too long - or long enuff to get into serious trouble, and CM2 is very unforgiving... However, I realised that I have instinctively started to play as if my guys only had maybe 30-40 secs of action with the rest of the time spent resting and observing. The fact is that we still have waaaay too much god-like knowledge of the battlefield compared to RL, and that is because this is a game, and not RL. In RL, men would be waaay more cautious and slower, stopping to think etc.
  2. presumably this scenario will NOT work in CMA?? (Do any of the CMSF and CMA scenarios work in the other game?)
  3. I may be out of sate re the state of the art, but a year ago I was advised to get single core if the machine was to be used for primarily one purpose (that is not multitasking several programs simultaneously) as that would be faster, or at least no slower than the more expensive multicore machines. If you are NOT multitasking what is the advantage of multicore?
  4. What I find the trickiest issue is figuring out if all one needs to do is copy the entire mod folder into the Z folder, or if one has to extract individual subfolders out of the mod folder. Some mods are simply .bmp files. But, when I copy the .bmp files to the Z folder am not sure I see those .bmp images in the game. Does one have to copy the folder that contains the .bmp images???
  5. Is this in the repository? If not it would be great if you could upload. Looks great!
  6. Didn't get it (seriously)... Hugo Boss was around during the 30's?
  7. Re costing money for casualties etc. to provide realism... You could divide the real cost by (say) 1000, or 10,000 - whatever is reasonable. So, a WIA would cost (say) $1, KIA $2, with a tank damage costing (say) $10 and KIA $100. The multimillionaires here can of course up those costs till they hurt.
  8. Have played Red side extensively in Campaigns. Maybe I naturally keep my HQ's close or something, but haven't noticed any particular difference. It's not that there are no C2 effects, of course I understand there are. It's that the C2 effects are probably too subtle for a GAME, (rather than a HIFI simulation - which I think we all agree that CM2 is not). Having said that it is a terrific game, and I am certainly not implying it's unplayable, or that this is a big deal. It's just a shame that so much programming work has gone into features that are hardly noticeable, whereas other more impactful features may have been eliminated due to (an understandable) lack of time resources etc.
  9. Let us know WHERE the mod is available. There are now so many places to search. Thanks.
  10. I got it to work properly, but unfortunately that part of my message seemed to not get saved here. Apparently, one can't edit the file while the game is running and then exit and restart the game wi the new resolution - it reverts. For some reason, you have to exit the game, then edit, then restart. (Apologies if that was obvious to you.)
  11. I also really like the Silent Hunter sub series and the way you can promote as well as award medals. We'll never see it in CM2, but it is a great way to help you id with your pixeltruppen.
  12. I have tried the 9v battery idea, but it's not strong enuff imo. Working on getting my car battery into the house... I think sending $ to a developer or a charity is a good idea. That would change the way people play the game immediately!
  13. "Now, it is true we don't have flashing lights and big "BZZZZZT" sounds when you click on Support and can't connect. There's no laughing face icon instead of a "?" when the unit you select would be able to target it if C2 were there. We don't have Squads yell out "Oh for the love of God! If only the LT was here we'd keep on fighting!" Actually, I would find all of the above very helpful. Thanks...
  14. "I play with a checkbook at my side. Every time I launch a Javelin, I send $40,000 to Lockheed Martin." LOL... my attitude towards attempts at "realism" precisely.
  15. Federico: No I meant NOT real time. RT is tough if you are learning.
  16. Thanks for the note... My 'display size.txt' file says 1920 1200 60, but I do NOT see that resolution in the OPTIONS menu. Aha, I thought. Check that accursed virtual BS store nonsense folder! And yes, there is another 'display size.txt' file there saying 0 0 0. Re-edited to 1920 1200 60, saved and reloaded the game. happily... But, no luck, I still do NOT see that resolution in the OPTIONS menu. Rechecked the Admin folder version of 'display size.txt', and it had REVERTED to 0 0 0. So, it seems like restarting the game somehow resets to default 0 0 0.
  17. Always loved the Where Eagles Dare music by Ron Goodwin. One of the first movies I saw, I recall vast screen of a Leicester Sq theatre front row. Loud. Great movie too. So, how can one get that to run in CMSF?
  18. To learn the game it may be best to NOT start at the hardest level and in real time. Suggest you pick an interesting scenario and play it vs AI in wego. Save often. When something goes wrong, restart the saved game and try different things. Do that a bunch of times and you will start to acquire an intuitive sense of how the game system works. When you are good at it, only then try the higher difficulty levels.
  19. It would be great to have just one page explaining the doctrinal differences between nationalities. The make up of some of the units is strange. Like a couple NATO vehicles have no one to man the HMG when dismounted, leaving only a driver. Makes no sense since you'd thing they would want the support from the HMG. But, presumably there must be some logical thinking behind this. But, the CM manuals don't explain anything.
  20. I think it's a real problem for newbies who are not military folks for them to understand doctrine, tactics etc. CMSF is very unforgiving of errors that it must be very frustrating for the average gamer. So much rather useless detail in the manuals, but nothing on HOW to play, tactics etc.
  21. I guess now I will have to actually PLAY the scenario and figure out what is reasonable lol.
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