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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Yes thanks, Marco... I love the range + cal version. (Any chance for your version of the support button for CMBN as well as CMSF and CMA???)
  2. I wish saving one's wounded were scored even a little - heaven knows most of the CMBN effects are so subtle it's hard to tell (eg: effectiveness of snipers, squads without C2, leader bonus effects...). So, you'd think there should be an incentive rather than grabbing weapons and ammo.
  3. It sounds silly, but I inadvertently found that that FAST moving an AT team so they run at full tilt past some point that is within range of a tank (preferably buttoned up and with its flank to the team), the guy with the shrek/zook, will stop, aim and kill the tank and then continue his FAST move to wherever safe place you originally designated. I have killed more tanks doing this (by mistake!) than by any other method. Just one way in which playing "the system" works.
  4. I have found the night missions to be impossible to play - cant figure out how there were even designed unless the designers' video card settings were maxed out. That's what I do, turn up my videocard settings so it's almost like day and play that way. I ask... what's the point...?
  5. If you have Win 7 and installed to the default directory, you have to look under admin-appdata-virtualstore-programfiles (x86)-Battlefront-gamefiles-saved games Why we have to delete saved games this way is a good question. I eventually reinstalled to a C:/SIMS directory to make life easier.
  6. The HD seems to be a touch better than Vein's I think.
  7. Good briefing, and the summary of what needs to done up front is helpful.
  8. Looking forward to another Brit Campaign. They are the most fun imo.
  9. I think it's great that folks are still producing some terrific mods for CM1 games. I still d/l quite a few new ones from CMMODS,
  10. I noted this a couple times in the past. It seems to happen when one has a larger squad that can be split into three teams. If you first split into ASSAULT teams, and then split again you get an AT team with inf symbol while the other larger support team with the LMG's gets the AT symbol.
  11. I always appreciate and use all decals, even when the effect is not realistic as it adds to the variety on the battlefield. And anyway, all those uniform and helmet mods with the neat decals and camo versions are almost certainly not seen on battlefields that much either, and THEY all look cool as well.
  12. I REALLY hope that you optimistic guys are right and that this won't affect BFC's plans for the future of the hardcore CM2 wargame series. I am not bitching, it's just been my unfortunate life experience that when real money is suddenly on the table, all best intentions fly out the window. And the BF guys certainly deserve to make their fortunes after the 12+ years of pleasure they have provided us. However, look at the genre and type of games that are available for Apple products. They want mass market stuff. Wargaming at the realistic level of CM2 is and will almost certainly be a tiny niche market for the foreseeable future.
  13. Normally I do 2, sburke. But, I don't bother with H2H scenarios as I don't think I will ever have the patience/time to play CM2 that way.
  14. Look really good. Have you checked if they will work with CMSF and/or CMA?
  15. What is the difference between the zmb-vehicle.brz and the "rg" version?
  16. Ooooh... maybe one of those Sony games where you can dance around and wave your arms and the troops on screen do the same - like in the new STARWARS game??!!
  17. +1 to the cursor always showing impassible terrain. Very frustrating to make a long move that you have carefully checked out, only to find your vehicle or whatever has to turn around at some point and go another (usually really dumb) route. Sometimes this even happens after blasting a gap in bocage. It seems that it is possible to blast a gap that looks wide enuff for vehicles, but is less wide than a tank requires.
  18. Yes, the fewer men in the scout unit, the less they will be spotted. (But, the downside is will they see as much??) Also, scouts should have (minimum length) 180 degree arcs facing the direction of expected enemy. My experience after playing CMBN a lot, is that if you hunt or run a scout and end movement without a HIDE command, there is a pretty good probability one at least will be sniped - eventually - and without seeing the shooter. Same deal with a HUNT. I find you HAVE to stop these guys every 10-20 meters for 20+ seconds just so they look around, or again they will simply walk into getting shot (without spotting the shooter). They also need to rest a lot when on HUNT - and this makes for slower progress than the RUN and HIDE tactic. This is a problem in short time-limit scenarios. I am now experimenting with a RUN and HIDE scout team, while a 2nd scout team watches. Next WEGO turn, UNHIDE the first scout and RUN and HIDE the 2nd scout ahead of the now watching first scout. And repeat... The short time-limit games kinda force one to do this. But, at least when one almost inevitably loses the lead scout(s), the 2nd one should be able to give some idea of where the shooter is. My theory is that this makes for faster progress in the crucial first 15 minutes when one is trying to figure out where the enemy's picket line is without wasting precious time in short time limit games. In a longer time-limit game, HUNT is probably the best movement mode for scouts all the time. What I have found does NOT work, although it is very tempting, is to follow the 2-man scout with the rest of the squad about 10-20 meters or so behind. I have found that by the time you find an enemy, you may have inadvertently committed your squad. I now think it's best to send the scouts (in pairs of scout units) way ahead and alone, and keep everyone else far back. It's best to find out where there are NO enemy and advance that way, rather than find the enemy and then attempt to advance via that route.
  19. Multiply that by all the scenarios that people create and if it takes one to d/l and load up just to find out one doesn't want to play (say) H2H) that's a LOT of time wasted. It's way easier for a designer to simply state whether it's H2H and/or vs AI etc in the promo you post here.
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