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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Maybe at this rate CMSF will become attractive. http://ricks.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/06/19/the_collapse_of_ndu_a_view_from_inside http://www.defensenews.com/article/20120613/TSJ01/306130001/Budget-Cuts-Force-U-S-Army-Use-8216-Low-Overhead-8217-Alternatives?odyssey=tab
  2. Have always found this method works great. However, one does have to accept the gamey aspect of using the set-up turn to target unseen locations.
  3. Thanks akd. That will save a lot of aggravation with setting covered arcs for the sole reason of increasing spotting probabilities... If one orders a FACE however, does that means everyone is looking in the desired direction? ie: What is the difference in spotting probabilities between a covered arc and a FACE order. Or is there no difference?
  4. Rather an important issue, so hope we see clarification from someone who knows for sure.
  5. Hmm... Given how much time it takes to put together a really good modded CM2 game it's a bit of a reality check to think one may have to redo/recheck everything for every game family or update etc. I already think I spend too much/more time getting the mod combos just the way I like em in my Z folder than actually playing.
  6. Can we have the games ship out from the ports that the troops historically shipped out from?
  7. Sorry, brain expired about half way through that explanation...
  8. Need to add in a few "oat" and "aboat" phrases... Here's the real problem... how do you tell Australians from New Zealanders? (Even my own Kiwi pal couldn't explain it clearly to me.)
  9. Am assuming you know that it can take several minutes for a gun to undeploy and load up.
  10. I haven't timed it out, but I think that targeting something in LOS, then moving up the FO and ADJUSTING FIRE to the next location in LOS may provide faster arty where you want it once the FO has eyes on the prize.
  11. Yes, I very much appreciated the improved set-up situation and the addition of the Germans adds much flavor. On the right flank, I found that the RHS village fairly easy to take (altho' a lot of fun) as I massed the Strykers' fire against it using the legit excuse that enemy technicals were clearly seen and I wanted to avoid using arty. I believe I lost my Stryker due to a fluke as it was killed over 150m range when it advanced past the village on the right map edge and turned left towards the village - I guess it got just a little too close to the Taliban hiding in the rear trench. My overconfidence was the fault. Fortunately, the crew survived. Probably lost 4-6 US casualties taking the village, altho' it's unclear if one or two may have been friendly fire as I was mostly using the 50 cals and MGLs. I only had one 50 cal Stryker on the initial OP hill in support while all else was at ground level supporting the troops. I used one 105mm armed one to breach the entry into a building, but any other damage was from the 50 cals. I resisted using the Javelins at first as realisticaly I thought they are too expensive to use on pick-ups and the enemy HMG on the map edge. But, I did use em eventually on those units. (What is the protocol on using such expensive weapons?) Meanwhile, I used the German recon HQ dismounted to recon up the road supported by the other German units. (The immobilized Marder crew took the Fennek for fast rides up and down the road - going a little further towards the bridge every time - trying to draw fire.) I had snipers and everyone else with binocs in the hills spotting enemies and was successful in neutralizing the next hill and enemy HMG fairly quickly (altho it killed two of the 3-man ANA spotter team). Spotted and killed one IED guy and used one ANA platoon to advance up the left of the road and one on the right with the Marders plus the loaned armored truck in support. Used arty to help win the firefight with the enemy in the irrigation ditches(?) to the left of the road with about 4 ANA casualties - from Taliban arty primarily. The ANA recon troops arrived and supported crossing of the bridge. But, the Fennek reconned ahead a little too far past the first "crossroads" and got blown up by massive IED killing the crew. But, not sure how I coulda avoided that. Spotted the 2nd IED guy and neutralized him with Marder fire. The ANA recon supported by the BTR's reconned up to the hill followed by the ANA platoons. The Germans and other US assets staying behind to provide supporting fire. Took the hill without much problem other than Taliban arty again. But, lost a BTR - again unluckily to a long range rocket. (With WEGO you can see the shooters getting the range, but the vehicles don't react the way one could in RT. But, that is what makes WEGO more realistic imo.) Once I took the hill and building (lost two ANA doing that) was able to bring fire down to the rear of the RHS village and aid the US in capturing it - somewhere around the one hour mark. Was also finally able to kill the HQ and HMG that was lingering on the extreme right map edge. Te German Recon HQ kept going on the left of the road followed by an ANA platoon and cleared out the technical and small groups located behind the hills supported by Marder, BTR and even armed truck fire from the newly captured hill with the loss of maybe 4 more ANA. Around then spotted the Taliban FO and the vehicles poured fire on him to suppress and I think killed him. On the left flank I merely left MG teams and snipers to observe any action in the left village. Saw an HQ I just could not kill for most of the hour. Eventually used arty and he seems to have gone. So at 1 hour 10 minutes into the mission the ANA recon are advancing up the the road. (I think one just got hit by our own arty aiming for a pick-up and inf in the ditches in from of the next village/farmhouse objective.) So, still two ANA recon teams, but one team only has one guy and the other has four. No casualties amongst the Germans other than the Fennek and its immobilized Marder crew. No threat at all vs the beleaguered ANA platoon at the dam so far. I think something should have been attacking them giving me reason for urgency. Its HMG is down to just over 100 rounds but has caused a lot of hurt to the Taliban vehicles and crews. (Wouldn't a garrison like that have a lot more ammo?) I did occasionally Cease Fire to check on my effectiveness re casualties (no looking at the map of course) and I have about 30 KIA and WIA plus the Stryker, the Fennek and a BTR vs about 120 Taliban and a dozen or more pick ups. But I already have a Tactical Victory which seems a bit premature and too easy. Personally, I think I have taken too many casualties and should be punished for that with a Minor Loss so far. CMSF should be about rewarding for winning with minimal casualties. A couple US/Germans and 4-5 ANA casualties may be ok, but more than that should cost me dear. Vehicle losses are more acceptable. Also, I read the LHS village is a victory location(?) but there seems to be no real point in attacking/taking it. Other than the above suggestions/feedback, having a wonderful time... Thanks so much! Stay safe and hope you get to design more beauties like HELLUVA ROAD OPENING!
  12. Russia, as any power with accolytes has to show they are loyal to their "friends". Logically, yes, they should dump Assad and show support for... whomever. But, logically, the US should have gotten out of Vietnam a lot earlier; should have dumped Karzai and his band of corrupt thieves year ago etc etc. It's interesting to think what would WE do if Syria were one of our client states that we had invested in for decades (anyone here consider Israel?).
  13. Issue well stated by gunnersman. The current system of creating arcs takes time away from the actual fun stuff - esp if you like to view the wonderful graphics down low and personal.
  14. I'm not holding my breath or anything, but it would help immersion and make the game more "widely popular" if there was a Silent Hunter like system whereby one could award medals and promotions etc.
  15. Sounds like Poland '39 all over again lol...
  16. For that size maybe burn to a CD? I would pay for the convenience. Not sure I have ever d/l'd 800MB. (It's just a question of how much $...)
  17. what is your card? (I find my nVidia seems to give good results.)
  18. Ooops. Sorry Snake Eye... I love your "A HELLUVA ROAD OPENING" scenario. Hope you still lurk over at CMSF forums.
  19. Assuming you have a decent graphics card, you may want to get into the 3D controls and reset parameters to "higher quality" etc.
  20. Thanks... That was actually quite interesting. Never heard of that little "sideshow of a sideshow of a sideshow..."
  21. I want to spend as much time on tactics (plotting moves) as I can, not fighting the game interface and wasting time on non-tactical stuff that used to be easy. What is wrong with that?
  22. I liked the auto combined arms option as well (as in CM1 I guess).
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