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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I still have Campaign for N. Africa and a bunch of other monsters, and at least several hundred other cardboard wargames boxed up in various garages and mostly unplayed as their complexity and time requirements became unmanageable. Increasing "realism/complexity" was the big fashion back then. But, the average players gave up and the grognards were too few to support the biz, so it imploded and virtually collapsed. Even some really great companies, like Victory Games, West End Games etc in addition to SPI. Most us kept buying for a few years as collectors, looking lovingly at the components but never having the time and focus to study the massive rulebooks let alone play...
  2. Ah ok... My cousin is in Finland (Lahti) married to a retired major. Nice country. A bit of a lack of things to do other than winter sports however.
  3. In CM1, units were able to shoot less on LOW AMMO as it simulated them becoming very economical with (small arms) ammo, but they never would completely run out. In CM2, units can and do run out of ammo 100% and be unable to shoot anything.
  4. Looks great. Have downloaded it. Do we need to translate the accompanying Russian "description" file to play? Or is that the translation at the top of this thread?
  5. Don't when I'll have time to install and play. But, just d/l'd all the files. Thanks Streety!
  6. Ahem... I wouldn't call it "implying" at all... BTW JH: Am curious, what you think McCartney could have done better?
  7. I liked the ending with the butterflies, the torch stuff and "Hey Jude". But, I thought the start was abysmal - looked like a cheesy BA ad for attracting tourists, combined with some UK ads I saw while there a few months ago. If it wasn't for the commentary, I wouldn't have had much idea what on earth was going on, so heaven knows what people from other cultures interpreted it all as. Without commentator explanation (always a bad sign when you need that to explain visuals) here's how it could have appeared to a nonplussed observer: "There was once a happy people living in a green and pleasant land who sang and danced and were happy. Then an evil presence came over the land with evil dark-suited tyrants who turned the land into a black polluted wasteland populated by dirty, miserable extras who had escaped from an open casting call for "Les Miserables". Soon, a large number of these poor peoples' children were disabled in some way, and even though they bravely struggled to continue singing, it was clear that their sad little voices had to be dubbed with professional voices. Somehow in all this, a golden ring was forged that would rule over the other four rings, and under the tyranny of the five rings, the poor children were sent away to factories where they lived in dormitory accommodations. Despite being tended to by well-meaning nurses, the children had nightmares of the horrors that had overtaken their land. Soon, nearly all the white people had disappeared to be replaced by people from other nations who took over this land and with the help of the www began to sing and dance as the evil white anglos were eliminated from the land and it became some sort of a Jamaican-African paradise." Now I know all this is nonsense... It was clear that the Queen, Royal Family, Prime Minister Cameron and the rest of the establishment were all laughing and jumping up and down joining in the joyous celebrations... (not). That's right, they looked like they were all at a funeral. Also, the last time I was in London is was clear it was the Russians and Islamists had taken over, and Burkas were everywhere lol. While the ending was better, Danny Boyle was not a good choice for director for the whole event.
  8. Am puzzled why the cntrl left click method of getting to a desired location doesn't work as well as in CM1. One used to be able to do that and go to level one and exactly where one wanted to be. In CM2, I almost always find myself somewhere I don't want to be. Hope that can get fixed one day.
  9. "Ideally, I'd like to see reinforcements linked to losses, then they would only be released if they were required." Yes, that was in CM1. I recall designing a Campaign and having the option to have Battalion, Regimental and IIRC Divisional reserves... each would be released based on a % of friendly casualties suffered. (I had no idea that this feature as well as % probabilities of reserves arriving were not in CM2. What a shame...)
  10. In terms of the likeliest next RL war I'd vote for China vs India. They both have regional interests that overlap big time. One of the few good decisions made by "W" was to share nuke technology with India so as to create a counter-balance in China's backyard.
  11. "quickly find useful information about the various AFVs, weichles, weapons and formations..." Just buy the CM1 series. The manuals and in-game screens were invaluable. For some reason CM2 manuals and in-game info are almost designed to be relatively useless in terms of info that would be helpful in playing the game.
  12. I sure hope Aris is OK and maybe got hired on the QT by BF. The worry is that he had a meltdown when CMFI was announced and doesn't want anything more to do with modding for us.
  13. "the number 1 is replaced by a blank space" In case that sounds like one needs 2 spaces, one does not. Simply do not have a number 1 at all. NB: As the exception... There IS a requirement for an extra space for certain STUG models (IIIg skirt and StuH42 early skirt IIRC) - it's some BF error that is hard-wired, so Aris couldn't do anything about it.
  14. LLF: You can get the helmetless bareheaded look (at least in CMBN) by (IIRC) using one of the paratroop mods when there are no paras. I got that effect by accident (not sure exactly how), but it was very interesting-looking. So, should be possible in CMFI.
  15. Hey Streety, can you do the one that Kettler links to at the start of this thread as well plz?
  16. How about option boxes that one could select during the game that the game auto pauses when 1) enemy sighted; 2) man WIA/KIA; 3) some other event etc. Useful in WEGO and also RT vs AI games...
  17. Um, actually you brought up the Italians and Beda Fomm for some unfathomable reason. (Dementia creeping up, hehe?) I think of Jock columns as akin to the creation of SOE to "set Europe on fire". A desperate stopgap measure with a tenous relationship to "A". But, if that's how you interprete it, I can at least better understand your thinking process. I had a similar argument with someone at a party who insisted that WW2 started in the Balkans, "cos that's in East Europe, just like Poland." This person also passionately argued with my wife that Latvia was in "mid-Europe". It was quite funny once one got over the shock of such ignorance being defended to the death.
  18. Yes, I have seen footage of jav's used to take out snipers. I just find it (horrifyingly) hard to believe that is SOP due to the cost. Half a million to kill one guy? Man, are we losing bigtime or what?
  19. Asking for a pause in RT is a disgrace. Players should be seated on the toilet at all times.
  20. Exactly. Outmoded tatics only worked against the even more outmoded Italians. Really not a good example of use of "A" on the Italians part and in any case the article was about the GERMANS so Beda Fomm is irrelevant lol. And Jock colums etc were desperate measures improvised cos the Brits didn't have a clue at the time and the (few weeks?) training wasn't competitive with the years of combined arms training the Germans had including rehearsals etc in Spain.
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