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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Good to know. If that's the case, I agree with your suggestion ss.
  2. I read that visibility from a buttoned WW2 tank was very limited. Add in poor visibility factors such as night, smoke, woods, and being in a firefight, it does seem that a buttoned tank in CM2 has an uncanny ability to see inf that are either in ambush or sneaking up on it as if the AFV had thermal or night vision capability. The "companion" issue (that am unclear if it was ever addressed) is/was that moving tanks seem able to better spot other tanks that are stationary and waiting in ambush.
  3. I was thinking it would be great to have a list of what players consider their favorite scenarios and campaigns and even the battles within a campaign. I don't claim to have played every campaign or scenario. But, I have played most, maybe all of the German campaigns etc. I hope most of us would like to know which are the "must play" games and why. I may well have forgotten some of the games from the early days of CMBN. But, for what it's worth these are the ones I do remember and would consider replaying: BEST STANDALONE GERMAN SCENARIO: KG HIMMELFARHT A large battalion-level Axis attack vs a US town with a great mix of interesting units, and plenty of time to plan and do it right. Ammo resupply/logistics is an issue in this long game. Lots of decisions and choices to be made, and quite replayable if you choose a different attack strategy. BEST GERMAN CAMPAIGN: KG ENGEL A series of very interesting battles, each new battle posing significantly different challenges from the previous ones. Logistics/ammo and men/equipment conservation is required. But, one feels that if one uses good tactics one is rewarded. BEST BATTLE IN A CAMPAIGN: FINAL BATTLE IN COURAGE AND FORTITUDE A huge US battalion-level attack on a German-held town with a company or so of tanks and a plethora of other supporting AFV's, arty and everything CMBN offers (except aircraft IIRC). Lots of interesting decisions and choices to be made and plenty of time to do it right. Replayability quite high. Hope this is available as a standalone scenario as I suspect many players won't "survive" the arduous campaign to get to this xnt final battle. BEST GRADUATE TRAINING SCENARIO: SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS IN COURAGE AND FORTITUDE CAMPAIGN If you can master this one, you should count yourself an experienced player. The above obviously leaves several categories including, but not limited to: BEST STANDALONE ALLIED SCENARIO BEST ALLIED CAMPAIGN etc. (I haven't played enough from the Allied side to compare...) Hope you will add your own categories and favorite scenarios and campaigns and WHY they are.
  4. I just completed Battle 7 of the 8 in this campaign and can say you guys are in for a treat in the later battles. What impresses me about KG Engel is that each battle is significantly different from the others, so you don't get that feeling that you're replaying the same sort of battle over and over again. Note that it is three "acts" and the result you achieve in each of the first two "acts" will affect the enemy forces in the 2nd and 3rd "acts". So, you have motivation to do well in the early battles. Am looking forward to Battle 8. And am tempted to afterwards replay from the start as this campaign has been xnt. Kudos to the designer. Hope you do many more, mate.
  5. You would be best asking for a sponsor at WeBoB.
  6. I agree that is the ideal. Its shaping up to be a terrific scenario, so I hope a couple of folks step in. Do people actually play CM2 any more, or do they just read the fun AAR's, and/or argue endlessly over some minute details of historical accuracy?
  7. I hope you have found some people, Dennis. (Am shocked at the lack of response here.) I can give it another whirl if you like. But, am tied up till next week.
  8. "Why is it that its almost exclusively Aris that mods for CMx2 when it comes to vehicles?" CM2 is a LOT more complex to mod than CM1 whether it be maps, scenarios or mods. I enjoyed trying my hand at tourney scenarios in CM1. CM2 is totally intimidating in terms of the time and skills it requires.
  9. Of course one has to understand that there isn't a lot else to do in rural Russia except get drunk and build full-size tank models lol. Hell, there isn't much to do where I am in rural godforsakenland.
  10. +1 for bringing back MOVE TO CONTACT. HUNT is too tiring, and MOVE can only be used when there is complete safety in the move. (Why on earth were so many useful CM1 commands and features removed and now we're fighting to have them back at glacial speed?)
  11. Yes, an improved ACQUIRE feature has been asked for over and over again.
  12. "As a player I would like to have more detailed information from the game..." Unlikely since there is a possibility that items have been abstracted and fudged and that would mitigate against CM2 being an "accurate" simulation.
  13. Also, it did have a chance of success which would have shortened the war and saved tens of thousands of lives if not more. They had to take the chance. But, once intel started coming in that showed the higher risks, they probably should have cancelled or changed the plan.
  14. I think one has to accept a level of abstraction. Pretty soon we'll want to simulate the guy's hayfever and whether he sneezes before his comrade can get him a tissue.
  15. As a good soldier I am sure you do everything "by the numbers".
  16. Truly astonishing. However, I can't figure out if he's insane, as I cannot understand someone going to all the trouble of doing this... Mind you when I read the arcane details folks go into on these forums...
  17. What surprises me about many camo pics is that it's hard to imagine that as good camo for dense forests in winter. I suspect reference books get their pics from museums where everything is tarted up.
  18. Now that is interesting. I never realized that if there is a break in the consecutive numbers then ALL the subsequent numbered mods will not appear and one will get see only the default from that number onwards.
  19. My settings have been 2048x1536 literally for years - actually since I got a computer with card that could power my hi res 30" monitor which was almost 4 years ago. I never worried about stretching the CM1 games horizontally. But, I am playing with the correct proportions (R and L bars) now, and that's fine too.
  20. A related question... Can one have different versions of the same sound active in the same way as we have random uniforms or vehicle images by numbering them 1, 2, 3 etc?
  21. They need to fire their marketing consultants re product placement.
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